god's propaganda?


Registered Member
SO God says that in the end he will come back and defeat the antichrist and then eventualy the world will be back to normal again. Well this is quite interesting because if the future is predetermined like that then what is the point of the antichrist existing? There isn't a point. Is it possible that somoene who's powerful enough to be a threat to God like the antichrist is illiterate? haha maybe he's just not up to date on the new times?
But in all seriousness I wonder sometimes, if "satan" exists then there is obviously a point to his existence, and you cannot exist without being capable of feeling the opposite of emotions, because all things are balanced and have an equal in the universe. So it makes me wonder, back when "satan" supposedly rebelled against God maybe he had a good reason, maybe "satan" realized that God's ideas were not right. After all, we've only heard the story from one point of view.. God's. God has a book, The Bible. "Satan" does not. Maybe it's just a bunch of God's propaganda. Back to my first point, God's statement about defeating the antichrist seems to leave many questions to me. Also it's often said that "fear of the lord" is very important. What God doesn't want you to know is that if you don't fear him, he can't control you, and you are your own God. In your subconscious when you dream it's a world that you create, and often issues from reality are brought into your dreams. I believe this is what the afterlife is like, if you don't deal with these issues here hten you will deal with them later. But if you don't fear God if you believe in yourself and not God, then your own world will reflect that and you will be happy forever. Many of you might not understand what I mean but I'd be happy to elaborate.
*Originally posted by revolutionman
Well this is quite interesting because if the future is predetermined like that then what is the point of the antichrist existing?

For you to decide who you are going to follow.
Interestingly, you have highlighted the key element in the existence of antichrist, namely the pointlessness, yet millions choose to follow antichrist.

*Is it possible that somoene who's powerful enough to be a threat to God like the antichrist is illiterate? haha maybe he's just not up to date on the new times?*

1. He's not actually that powerful. He's no threat to God; he's a threat to you.
2. Nobody said he was smart.
3. He isn't illiterate, but he has a job to do.

*But in all seriousness I wonder sometimes, if "satan" exists then there is obviously a point to his existence, and you cannot exist without being capable of feeling the opposite of emotions, because all things are balanced and have an equal in the universe.*

God is wise, satan is foolish.
God wins, satan loses.

*So it makes me wonder, back when "satan" supposedly rebelled against God maybe he had a good reason, maybe "satan" realized that God's ideas were not right.*

No, he was just wrong, which is the opposite of right.

*After all, we've only heard the story from one point of view.. God's. God has a book, The Bible. "Satan" does not.*

He's got lots of books.
He also has a lot of people posting on his behalf.

*What God doesn't want you to know is that if you don't fear him, he can't control you, and you are your own God.*

Of course, that's what satan thought, too. Ooops.

*But if you don't fear God if you believe in yourself and not God, then your own world will reflect that and you will be happy forever.*

That's sounds like fun, however, most people who try that find themselves slowly, or quickly, turning into basket cases, and see that their lives are disaster from one end to the other.
Then, some of them think there must be a better way.

*Many of you might not understand what I mean but I'd be happy to elaborate. *

I'm sure you would, but you haven't lived until forever yet, so your promise is still theoretical.
Once again I point to the Devil's Advocate (an incredible movie acting wise) when the point about Satin being destined to lose, Satin says look at the source and comments that they'll write their own book. Maybe Satin did have a right to rebel, actually the movie Dogma (sorry to point to another movie) though being funny brings up some interesting points. Once again I feel that Satin's existance is contradictory. Allright let us suppose that God as Jung would say ignored his ifinite wisdom and created Satin to be his prosecutor even though he should know that he would one day be sick and tired of just dripping poisin in God's ear and rebel. Shouldn't God have immediately destroyed him? Well maybe he needs him to find who is good and who is evil, God is all powerfull, shouldn't he be able to do this? Seriously the whole revelations bit when Satin is destroyed is as contradictory as God himself, Satin should exist if God doesn't want him, and God shouldn't need him.

Also it's often said that "fear of the lord" is very important. What God doesn't want you to know is that if you don't fear him, he can't control you, and you are your own God.

I actually suggest reading Marilyn Manson's biography: The Long hard road out of hell. In it he explains his idea of the Anti-christ is the one that destroys the idea of God and leaves people their own masters of thier own fate, like you said.
thanx cactus

thanx cactus for your support of my ideas. Tony obviously missed my points and made blind comments like God is good satan is bad.
I wasn't saying that satan's existence is pointless, what god says makes it seem pointless, which means what God says can't be entirely true. You say that satan made the same mistake that I am, but how do you know satan is not happy right now?
Astroturfing for Satan, Tony?

STOP laughing and START repenting, you athiestic slut!!!!!

SATAN IS EVIL!! He is the Prince of Lies and Lord of the Flies and all that decays!
FoxMulder, calling somebody a slut will make you burn in hell, didn't you know?

SATAN IS EVIL!! He is the Prince of Lies and Lord of the Flies and all that decays!
Yeah right. The Satan myth is the second biggest joke in the history of mankind, right behind the JC myth.

So why not grow up and stop believing the nasty fairy stories told to you when you were a child. These are just scare stories created centuries ago as a political ruse that kept the ignorant in their place.

These are fantasies you idiot.

The stars come out to shine

Aaah, Christianity.

God love it.

Tiassa :cool:
*Originally posted by Cactus Jack
Maybe Satin did have a right to rebel, ...

What right to rebel?
He was created to destroy, and as such, isn't rebelling.
His point is to incite those who can be incited, to rebel.
Of course, after that, his job is to destroy them, but that's another point.

*Allright let us suppose that God as Jung would say ignored his ifinite wisdom and created Satin to be his prosecutor even though he should know that he would one day be sick and tired of just dripping poisin in God's ear and rebel.*

Goes to show you you shouldn't trust Jung.
Satan is YOUR prosecutor.
His job is to prosecute you.

*Shouldn't God have immediately destroyed him?*

He was created to destoy, so until he's done destroying, what's the point?

*In it he explains his idea of the Anti-christ is the one that destroys the idea of God and leaves people their own masters of thier own fate, like you said. *

Of course, your fate is destruction, but you would be the master of that fate.
The question is, what's the point of being the master of a fate like that?

*Originally posted by Xev
Astroturfing for Satan, Tony?

Sounds cool, but also meaningless.

I was actually referring to the heavy-duty thinkers who are actually cookie-cutter drones for satan.

*Originally posted by Bebelina
calling somebody a slut will make you burn in hell, didn't you know?

Only if they aren't.

*Originally posted by Cris
Yeah right. The Satan myth is the second biggest joke in the history of mankind, right behind the JC myth.

So why not grow up and stop believing the nasty fairy stories told to you when you were a child. These are just scare stories created centuries ago as a political ruse that kept the ignorant in their place.

These are fantasies you idiot.

That's not what they say.
Mind you, I suspect you are unaware of the class of demons whose job it is to promote atheistic thought.
Oddly, such demons aren't atheists themselves.

They are quite well aware of the existence of God and Jesus Christ.
Of course, they're laughing at you for so successfully pulling the wool over your eyes.
First off your points on the matter of how he was created to destroy and etc. Aren't completley based in any scripture, etc. If you swing on over to one of the many other threads on the subject then you'll find that Satin's Identity and his place are questioned constantly.

Also once again I pose the question why was he placed as God's prosecutor and in the position to destroy? WHy could God not do this himself if he is so powerful?

Of course, your fate is destruction, but you would be the master of that fate.
The question is, what's the point of being the master of a fate like that?

First there is no God or afterlife, therefore we are doomed to destruction, all of us will end. So why wouldn't I want to be in control? Second if there is I'd rather control my life that will ultimately end then spend this short life playing suck-up and never reaping the rewards if I can be so blatant.
*Originally posted by Cactus Jack
First off your points on the matter of how he was created to destroy and etc. Aren't completley based in any scripture, etc.

Sure they are.

Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.
(Isaiah 54:16, KJV).

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
(1 Peter 5:8, KJV).

*If you swing on over to one of the many other threads on the subject then you'll find that Satin's Identity and his place are questioned constantly.*

Only by those who don't know what it is or those who have a vested interest in hiding it.

*Also once again I pose the question why was he placed as God's prosecutor and in the position to destroy? WHy could God not do this himself if he is so powerful?*

He's the judge.
Having the judge and the prosecutor being the same person would tend to make the cases somewhat unfair.

*First there is no God*

You sound fairly certain of that, though with no proof.

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God....
(Psalms 14:1, KJV).

*or afterlife, therefore we are doomed to destruction, all of us will end.*

So far, so good.
But you're forgetting about the resurrection.

*So why wouldn't I want to be in control?*

In control of what?
The kind of ashes you're going to turn into?

*Second if there is I'd rather control my life that will ultimately end then spend this short life playing suck-up and never reaping the rewards if I can be so blatant. *

I'll reap the reward, so why wouldn't you?
He's the judge.
Having the judge and the prosecutor being the same person would tend to make the cases somewhat unfair.

No it wouldn't. This is God, his judgement and his prosecution would be righteuos would it not?

Actualy I have an idea on this (attempting to turn to feminine discussion epistemelogicaly). God after realizing how he was tricked by Satin in the case of Job sent him to earth, while at the same time became human through his son Jesus, afterwards he forgives all sins correct? Well then it would be impossible for him to prosecute his people, so he sent Satin. But just a theory. And yes there are issues with Satin/Lucifer/The Devil's Identity, I feel it is arrogant of you to assume either only you or your religous group understands his true identity/powers.

You sound fairly certain of that, though with no proof.

I don't want to turn this into a debate on God's existance, in the annals of Are those who believe wrong thread I provided all the debate I wished, I will not debate on that subject here.

In control of what?
The kind of ashes you're going to turn into?

We can control our short life, control what is right and wrong for us, be free of dictatorship. No more controler telling us what ideas to follow and his "servants" bytching at us even though they have no way of being certain either. We are all going to die, as an Atheist I know there is no afterlife, so instead of using this life to prepare for the next I see it as the only, a gift in which I make my own decisions.

I'll reap the reward, so why wouldn't you?

Ahh, see that's where we differ, I don't mean immortality or paradise I mean reap the rewards this life has to offer. Happiness, love, trust, beauty, human relationships. I was born into a horrible situation for these to come about for me, no soil for the plants to grow in you could say. Look at the WHY?! thread in either religion or general philosophy.