God's need of the soul

staples disconnected

Registered Senior Member
Though I don't believe in the soul, I find the religious definition of the soul contradictory.

The premise of this idea rests on a literal interpretation of the creation story of adam and eve, so if anyone wants to argue about how it does not necessarily have to be literal then please don't, as I'm aknowledging the fact that this argument rests on a foundation no greater than any other out there which hasn't already been argued to death.

Bascially this ties in with the thread about the 'fall of man' and the current perception of the soul as everlasting immaterial forms of ourselves.

If souls existed when god created adam and eve, what purpose would they serve? I am shelving the notion that god is omniscient momentarily so please bear with. As adam and eve were immortal the actual existence of the soul in any kind of capacity is moot. Why would god create and immortal being with a 'soul' that was also immortal??

Add to this fact that in NIV Genesis 3:17 is is said "but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."

Now to me this leaves no interpretation for life after death- what would life after death mean anyway, god is speaking to two immortals. I'm also not sure if there is anything mentioned about a soul, as given the current perception of the soul the above statement would be incomplete.

Besides that fact if there was a soul, it would be as equally susceptible to this forewarned death as that of the immortal body.

Where does the bible account for the soul? How does the bible account for the soul? To me, if god created immortal humans, why would he also create an immortal soul? Especially if he had no reason to believe that these humans would ever die? Possibly I'm missing something, but to me the soul is a jaded account of humaness that long preceded christianity and can be discounted as ethnocentric self importance. Christianities account of the soul is no less flawed as any other.
Humans (in the crazy 7th Day Adventist type literal translation of the Bible that you are referring to) are only immortal if they eat from The Tree of Life.
Note, that in Genesis, there is no admonishment from eating the fruit of the Tree of Life, and the consequences of eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is banishment form the Garden and the Tree of Life.

Without the fruit of the Tree of Life (which it could be argued that God knew they would both eventually eat from the Tree of Knoweldge of Good and Evil, so knew they would be banned from the fruit of the Tree of Life) humans would not be immortal.
staples d said:
god is speaking to two immortals.

genesis is not explicit as to whether adam and eve were immortal, to say they were immortal is speculation.

Why would god create and immortal being with a 'soul' that was also immortal??
if for argument sake we accept the fact that a + e are immortal their souls need to be immortal too. if their soul died half way through eternity they would be immortal bodies with no souls.( as a bonus thought where would half way through eternity be?)
Genesis does say that they will live forever if they eat from the Tree of Life...

NIV Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."

That effectively makes them immortal.
that is; they will become immortal if they eat from the tree of life.

there is nothing to indicate they are immortal before the eating from the Tree of Good + E vil, not in my KJV any way.
of course not, did it ever matter? i mean, did it reallly ever matter?

that does not mean we should stop.