God's Name - What does it mean to you?


Shiny Heart of a Shiny Child
Registered Senior Member
God has revealed many of His names to us either by way of personal revelation or through endless texts.

The one name that stands above all others in my own mind is ...


What does God's name say about Him in your eyes?


I believe you mean "I AM WHO AM," (Exodus 3:14) and "HE WHO IS."

I am who am, in the Latin Vulgate: Ego Sum Qui Sum.
He who is: Qui Est.

I have thoughts, but I thought I'd first adress the name itself, for clarification's sake.
Fair enough although I think we are talking the same thing :)

I would be very interested to hear your thoughts and interpretations of the name please beyondtimeandspace.


We ARE not what we DO. We are what we are. It is not enough that I think that "I am a good person", it is not enough that I know and feel that "I am a good person", I must Be a good person - Then I am what I am. I can think about water, and I can feel it in my consciousness, and I can be it.
Alrighty, I kinda wish Godless were here, because he'd appreciate my thoughts here (due to a large amount of discussion we undertook). As I see it, the formal name of God, had by the Jews, the "I AM," is a declaration of the three axioms which Ayn Rand delineates. That is, Existence, Identity, and Consciousness. In stating "I AM," there is a declaration of existence. In stating "i am," there is a declaration of identity, since there is an "I" to point to. Lastly, in stating "I am," there is an indication of consciousness, since the speaker shows that it is consciously aware of itself in naming itself "I." Furthermore, in declaring these three axioms, by saying "I AM," I believe it is also a declaration of the Trinity, as such. The Father (Origin, Creator, Will) would have correlation with the first axiom, "Existence." The Son (Knowledge, Word, Intellect) would have correlation with the second axiom, "Identity." The Holy Spirit (Life, Love, Inspirer) would have correlation with the third axiom, "Consciousness." (There is definitely room for debate concerning the correlations, this is simply my take on it).

In naming Himself, "I AM WHO AM," God is declaring Himself as the source of all, since all that exists necessarily partakes of the axioms (presumably).

Christians, and Jews (I think Muslims as well) would say that we have the Image of God, as humans. Hindus would say we have Divinity. That is to say, we have intellect and will, and therefore, as a result, conscious emotion, since emotion is a result of an interraction between the intellect and will. Likewise, it is said, in the description of the Trinity, that the Holy Spirit, whom has been called Love, the Flame, Inspirer, is a result of the interraction between the Father and the Son. The Father, who has been named Creator, correlates then with will, while the Son, who has been called word, and is described as being the perfect knowledge of the Father, may be correlated to the Intellect. Ergo, the Image of God, or Divinity, is actually the reflection of the nature of God, as Trinity, in the self-aware entity. Furthermore, it may only be in the self-aware entity that this relfection can take place, since an entity that is not self-aware can have no will, no intellect, and likewise, no emotion. I think that this truth is reflected in the statement of God as the "I AM," since God is obviously self-aware in saying such a thing.

Yet I wonder, which is it that comes first? Will or Intellect. According to the correlative notion of the Trinity God, Will comes first (rationally, but not actually, since God is eternal, and therefore there is no "first"), Intellect second, and Emotion last. Yet, this seems intuitively wrong, since it seems to me that in order to will, you must first be aware, or conscious, and therefore have intellect. Unless, according to complexity, will is most complex, and intellect and emotion less. Therefore, in the movement from simplicity, or basicality, into the complex, will comes last, and emotion first. However, this also seems intuitively false. This is because emotion is expression, and expressions are conscious activities. I think the final answer may lie in the distinguishment between free will and non-free will. Humans are said to have free wills, this in reflection of the divinity of God, the Image of God. Perhaps, prior to intellect and free will, there is a more primal force that moves us, a non-free will, that can only choose to perform that which it was designed. An example of this non-free will inherent in animated creatures would be the will to survive. Another example would be the non-free will to procreate. Perhaps this is what is referred to when speaking of instinct. If this is the case, then it is true that will, in whatever form, preceeds intellect. Perhaps this is as far as the correlation goes.

I say this because it cannot go further, since, in the description of the Trinity, the Father is aware of Himself perfectly, and as a result there is the Son. This awareness, then, would destruct the notion that God's will is not free, since any self-aware entity has intellect. The correlation then is simply with the description of each person of the Trinity, and the roles they play. This is because each person of the Trinity is identical, and therefore, all axioms are contained within each one (and are actually each one), and not separately.

I proposed to Godless a fourth axiom, "Nature." By nature, I refer to the structure of any given thing. I believe Nature to be an axiom, since there is nothing existing that has no nature. God has a nature, but His is a Supreme Nature. That is, it is the most perfect, or most complete, most non-lacking. Spirits are said to have supernatures, that is, more advanced natures. I believe this axiom to be present, not in the name "I AM," but in the statement, "I AM WHO AM." The Supreme Nature presented in this statement is then, simply, "that which simply exists." People may confuse this axiom with identity, since the two are very closely related. The identity of a thing is that which distinguishes it from everything else as a thing. However, the nature of a thing is its structure, what makes it what it is. Each special structure (that is, the structure of the specie) is the nature of a thing, while the structure of the individual is its identity. The Identity of God, however, is actual infinity, since God can be the only existing actual infinite. God's Nature, however, cannot be defined, of itself. The Nature of God is identical with Existence, Identity and Consciousness. By this I mean that the structure of God IS existence, IS identity (or actual infinity), IS consciousness. Therefore, the fourth axiom can only be defined within the limits of existing things, and cannot be applicated to God, the infinite, non-limited. UNLESS (and this just hit me now), the structure of the infinite is liminocentric. Then, it may be said that the Nature of God is Liminocentricity, that is, indenticality of extremities. This seems to be the case with the the description "I AM WHO AM."
c20H25N3o: God has revealed many of His names to us either by way of personal revelation or through endless texts.

The one name that stands above all others in my own mind is ...

What does God's name say about Him in your eyes?
M*W: Of course, "I AM WHAT AM" is English. I seriously doubt iif God spoke the Queen's English. The language Moses understood was a form of the Egyptian language or ancient Arabic. Some linguists disagree on the exact version of the "I AM WHAT AM" and say it could have been "I AM WHO I AM," or "I SHALL BE WHAT I SHALL BE" in the language Moses understood.

Now, let's digress a bit, shall we? Many archeologists believe Moses to be of a royal family of Egyptian pharaohs. Many have attributed Moses to have brought the idea of monotheism to the world. Therefore, the monotheistic God Moses believed in was Aten, or the Sun. So let's assume for one moment that when Moses was up on Mount Sinai, sometime around the year 1400 BCE, he heard the Sun call down to him ordering him to free the Egyptian tribe of 'ebrai' or the 'Habiru' from pharaoh's land.

Moses turned and asked God (Aten, the Sun) what he should say to the Habiru; what he should say is God's name. God (Aten, the Sun) answered Moses (as if the Sun could speak) to call him YHWH. The YHWH is four letters that were translated into the later ancient Arabic form of 'Hebrew' meaning four words meaning "he who brings into existence whatever exists." Of course we now know that nothing would have existed without the warmth of the sun. Perhaps Moses spent too much time on those mountain tops and may have been experiencing heat stroke delusions. Simply put, what Moses believed he heard the sun saying was that the Aten, the Sun is the all-encompassing presence (omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience) within all creation. The YHWH put into words is pronounced something like a breathy "eeiohwha."

Now one must remember that Moses never made it over to the Promised Land. He never spoke Hebrew. He wasn't a Jew. He died in Egypt, some believe suspiciously, and was buried there.

So, to answer the question, "What does God's name say about him in my eyes?," it's an ancient Egyptian name for Aten, the Sun.
M.W. Hmmm... You keep quoting this same story about Moses - which is probably true by the way, but it is not the right date to be the Moses of Exodus (several centuries off)... the bible version is about another Moses (as you know there are many in Egyptian history).
David F.: M.W. Hmmm... You keep quoting this same story about Moses - which is probably true by the way, but it is not the right date to be the Moses of Exodus (several centuries off)... the bible version is about another Moses (as you know there are many in Egyptian history).
M*W: Sorry, the references I refer to but did not quote all use the same dates and pharaohs. Yes, Moses, Mosis, Mose are all Egyptian (pharaonic) names. There are some archeologists who say the Exodus never happened.
But do you not see medicine woman that it does not matter with 'what' God reveals His name to us ,whether the symbolism be the sun or the moon or the tiny atom?
It is the act of revelation that binds us to an understanding of His name and in coming to an understanding we are 'taught' with words by something that did not begin with us but was rather revealed to us. The sun can speak no words, nor can the moon so who does the revealing. I say it is The Word!
MAN: does the revealing, Mans intelligence taught him to speak, and use tools and to write, thus passing on his knowledge. he has never needed an idol to worship.
unfortunely he is easerly lead, and therefore subject to brainwashing.
I would rather worship the sun and nature, things I can feel, and see, than a nonexistent sky daddy.
mis-t-highs said:
MAN: does the revealing, Mans intelligence taught him to speak, and use tools and to write, thus passing on his knowledge. he has never needed an idol to worship.
unfortunely he is easerly lead, and therefore subject to brainwashing.
I would rather worship the sun and nature, things I can feel, and see, than a nonexistent sky daddy.

Man's intelligence hmm

Let's look at that ...

If man is the cleverest thing on Earth then he absolutely must answer this question - how do we have light?
If man can answer this question absolutely conclusively negating God I will bow to that man and serve him all my days. If man cannot then I suggest man forgives himself for his self idolatory and worship of lumps of wood and clay and so forth and learns to walk humbly with his God.

c20H25N3o: But do you not see medicine woman that it does not matter with 'what' God reveals His name to us ,whether the symbolism be the sun or the moon or the tiny atom? It is the act of revelation that binds us to an understanding of His name and in coming to an understanding we are 'taught' with words by something that did not begin with us but was rather revealed to us. The sun can speak no words, nor can the moon so who does the revealing. I say it is The Word!
M*W: Yes, it does matter 'what' God revealed that his name was to Moses, because that is what all Christians believe. IF Moses wrote Genesis (there's no proof, by the way), it was Moses who said the 'word' was with God and the 'word' was God, etc., etc. In other words, it wasn't 'God' who said it, it was Moses who said it. How can anyone believe what Moses said to be true? IF Moses wrote Genesis, then it was written while he was a pharaoh in Egypt who believed in the monotheistic god Aten, the sun. The evidence for this can be found well-documented what Moses said. And, remember, Moses never made it to the Promised Land. It was Moses who wrote about his own death and burial on the mountain, because 'God said.' Moses believed in the One Egyptian God, Aten, the sun, and not in the ancient God the Hebrews understand today.
c20H25N3o: Man's intelligence hmm Let's look at that ...

If man is the cleverest thing on Earth then he absolutely must answer this question - how do we have light? If man can answer this question absolutely conclusively negating God I will bow to that man and serve him all my days. If man cannot then I suggest man forgives himself for his self idolatory and worship of lumps of wood and clay and so forth and learns to walk humbly with his God.
M*W: How do we have light? That's easy -- from the sun which warmed the earth, melted the ice caps, created the oceans and all life that came out of the oceans and walked on land erect. The sun is the only natural light that was here before the world began, and the sun created us. You can start kneeling now, there's a long list of things I will need you to do to serve me.
Medicine Woman said:
IF Moses wrote Genesis (there's no proof, by the way), it was Moses who said the 'word' was with God and the 'word' was God, etc., etc. In other words, it wasn't 'God' who said it, it was Moses who said it.
Yeah, but God speaks through faithful humans like Moses, because he is within everything. You know, the "I" within every human... the center...

Medicine Woman said:
IF Moses wrote Genesis, then it was written while he was a pharaoh in Egypt who believed in the monotheistic god Aten, the sun.
Moses believed in the sun? Aten? You mean "Ra", the sun god? People say there are many gods in religions but really these many gods are just symbolic aspects of the one supreme "god".
About the light... the sun gives light to the earth. The light comes from the sun itself? Heat produces it? hm.... I think light is more than just a burning ball in space. Everything is a manifestation of god...........
c20H25N3o: But do you not see medicine woman that it does not matter with 'what' God reveals His name to us ,whether the symbolism be the sun or the moon or the tiny atom? It is the act of revelation that binds us to an understanding of His name and in coming to an understanding we are 'taught' with words by something that did not begin with us but was rather revealed to us. The sun can speak no words, nor can the moon so who does the revealing. I say it is The Word!
M*W: If I wanted to be a Christian and believe in God, I would do so. But -- I don't, so quit preaching to me and save your breath for some stupid idiot who is still looking to find than unknown, undefinable, evil, judgmental god you preach for. Give it a rest.
c20H25N3o said:
God has revealed many of His names to us either by way of personal revelation or through endless texts.

The one name that stands above all others in my own mind is ...


What does God's name say about Him in your eyes?



:) The truth is God does not have a name. He has been given many titles though.

Think about it. Why do we need names? We have names to give each individual a tag, something to distinguish them from another. We know that there is only one God, The God Of Abraham (a title) So he does not need a name to distinguish Him from other Gods because there are no other Gods.

Exodus 3
13Then Moses said to God, "Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, "The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they say to me, "What is His name?' what shall I say to them?"
14And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, "I AM has sent me to you."'

All praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar: The truth is God does not have a name. He has been given many titles though.

Think about it. Why do we need names? We have names to give each individual a tag, something to distinguish them from another. We know that there is only one God, The God Of Abraham (a title) So he does not need a name to distinguish Him from other Gods because there are no other Gods.
M*W: Names sometimes refer to definitions of what we are seeking. What was the God of Abraham? Remember, Abram was married to his half-sister, Sarai, and both were descended from the pharoahs in Egypt. It was customary for brothers to marry sisters and beget children from a purer line. Sometimes 'names' don't explicitly spell out the actual definition of people or their 'jobs' or positions. Sarah was born of an Egyptian pharaoh and married Abram. Then "God" told them to change their Egyptian names. Was this really God or a hallucination? What is the godly importance for them to change their names? Does it really matter? I don't know, but all the Egyptian gods were reduced to the monotheistic God of Moses. But, was Moses correct in this belief? After all, Abraham is the father of the religion of Islam, too. Where do the false gods of the Egyptians end and the monotheistic god of the Hebrews begin? Probably nowhere. And, who, really, who knows what Moses' monotheistic god was like? Moses believed his god to be the Sun and the sun was worshipped as if it were a god. Christianity followed Judaism, the Hebrews, and the Egyptians. Who can verifyabily say that Moses was right or wrong? All this belief is a ramification of normal evolution. In evolution, humans really need to believe in no god. Humans have the intelligence and the opportunity to believe in themselves, for survival, and not bow down to some artificial god. If god is to believed, then god would be evolutionarily consistent. But this doesn't occur in real life. So, my belief is that God doesn't exist as some people believe. The human being is the closest creation to becoming God. That's where it begins -- and that's where it ends. There is no god but humanity.
c20H25N3o said:
If man is the cleverest thing on Earth then he absolutely must answer this question - how do we have light?
this answer is from vslayer I quote "by excited particles moving to the valence and giving off energy",( I 'm not that scientific,) and that just in laymans terms.
for a more indepth answer you could go here,
or here http://www.thinkquest.org/library/site_sum.html?tname=28160&url=28160/english

I hope that answers your querie.

you yourself are god, be happy with it.
dont be a sheep.
mis-t-highs said:
this answer is from vslayer I quote "by excited particles moving to the valence and giving off energy",( I 'm not that scientific,) and that just in laymans terms.
for a more indepth answer you could go here,
or here http://www.thinkquest.org/library/site_sum.html?tname=28160&url=28160/english

I hope that answers your querie.

you yourself are god, be happy with it.
dont be a sheep.

Ok now you are touching on something I can work with!
You say "you yourself are God"
I say "I am His son" but ...

I am a son because He adopted me, I was not begotten unlike Jesus who was begotten of God.
Should I enter the House of God therefore with humility or arrogance given that I am there because the begotten Son chose me from the orphanage to be His friend?
You see I find the begotten Son to be like a lamb and I know this pleases our Father so should I behave as a wolf in this house that once I could not call 'My Own' or should I behave as I see the true child of God behaving in His Father's House which He has always called 'His Own'?
I am a guest in this house and I am there by almighty grace for I have been redeemed from an orphanage. Ever seen Annie?
behave as you wish, because if he loves you, it wont matter, as he already knows what you will do before you do it, so he cant condemn you for it can he, else he'd stop it.

just remember there is no other god but man, and you are man.