God's Meddling in Sports and War


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
"I accept the lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior". Amazing how that line is now a sports cliche. Can't watch an interview without hearing it. The NFL is particularly funny, giant behemoths holding hands in little prayer meetings prior to, during and after trying to knock each other's head off. Are they trying to have God influence the outcome? Does God play favorites in the sports arena?

What about war? Each warring faction believes God is on their side but I have news for them, God's side wins, eventually. When Adolph was romping through Europe his soldiers were positive God was supporting them. Why would God support one side over the other? It doesn't matter who wins because God is there backing the winner. For what reason? Kiss your rosary, say a little prayer, stand up and get shot in the head. Survivors thank God they were spared. Whew! ... religion is weird.
Well a lot of people like to think that the power of God is behind them in their endeavours. Be that something frivolous as sport or serious as war. As for God influencing what happens in a sports arena i doubt it but it is possible. As for war i believe God has influenced the outcomes of wars for many different reasons.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days