God's justice on Earth started, with the Passion of THERESA MARIA SCHINDLER


<p class="textBodyBlack">NBC News MEET THE PRESS<br>
Sunday, March 20, 2005<br>
Rev. Robert Drinan, S.J., Professor of Law, Georgetown Law, Former
Congressman from Massachusetts (1970-1980);</p>

<p>MR. RUSSERT:&nbsp; Father Drinan, do you think it was appropriate for
Congress to be involved in this matter?</p>

<p>REV. ROBERT DRINAN:&nbsp; No, I don't.&nbsp; I think it's rather well settled at the state level, and it's rather well settled also in Catholic theology.&nbsp;
I would recommend that the viewers look at the Web site of the Catholic Hospital Association.&nbsp; For years, they have been developing a coherent philosophy on this matter and the Holy See in the last year seem to have been a bit more conservative, which is understandable. &nbsp;<b>It's a terrible, terrible, <font color="#FF0000">agonizing</font>
thing</b>.&nbsp; But I think that <b>all the judges that heard it, 20, 25
judges, we have the <font color="#FF0000"> most</font> certainty that we can have in this difficult situation</b>.</p>
<p><i>&quot;Rev.&quot; Drinan, &quot;Cardinal&quot; Law and the &quot;Pope&quot; that put him in place. The <b><a href="http://engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php3?threadid=81986">first Pope
in History to declare openly apostasy</a></b>, in October 1996.<br>
Normal times are behind us. These are the times where God's justice has
already started on Earth.<br>
Be aware, all of you that organised, cheered or watched in silent consent THE
<p> March 27 - Vatican TV also caught one of the most poignant moments of the
recent papacy, when it beamed images of John Paul trying but failing to speak on Easter Sunday. The pope had come to his studio window at the end of Easter Mass to bless the tens of thousands of people in St. Peter's Square below. Aides readied a microphone, and he tapped it as if preparing to speak. <b>But after <font color="#FF0000">uttering
a few unintelligible sounds a look of frustration on his face</font> </b>he made the sign of the cross with his hand <b>and the microphone was taken away</b>.<br>
<i>Similar to the sounds Terri is reported to have made and as they are getting away with murdering her.</i><a href="http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=623306"><br>

Two days after the Passion, three days after <b>HAVING</b> to be fed with a tube,&nbsp;</p>

<p><b><font size="4"><a href="http://engforum.pravda.ru/attachment.php3?postid=1313012"><img src="http://engforum.pravda.ru/attachment.php3?postid=1341657"></a></font></b>


<p>The truth, <b>verifiable</b> through the sun&nbsp; (unlike with Einstein's illumination, pardon, eclipse, 1919, the most devastating hoax ever, after Darwin, 60 years earlier).

<p>Seven days before food and water was denied to Terri. Symbolised by having her feeding tube removed, although she didn't need to <b>HAVE</b> one to be fed.

<p><b><font size="4"><a href="http://engforum.pravda.ru/attachment.php3?postid=1313012"><img src="http://engforum.pravda.ru/attachment.php3?postid=1313012"></a></font></b></p>

<p><a href="http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/javagif/gifs_small/20050310_0706_eit_284.gif">http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/javagif/gifs_small/20050310_0706_eit_284.gif</a>
Is that it? I thought he was comparing the sun to an abortion.

That's it. I'm going pull up Meddle and give it a listen.

Jupiter and beyond the infinite, baby ....

• • •​

Late Note: You know, there's an old Robin Williams joke about babies coming out looking like W.C. Fields slathered in forty-weight. I noticed that as we get old, some of us start looking like babies again. Look at that picture of the Pope!
Whenever I worry about poor posting quality at Sciforums, all I need to do is hop on over to Pravda. Matt does have a more receptive audience over there. (See 1, 2.)

Turns out he's actually sparing us. He gets even more incoherent than this.
I get it, it's a Zen Buddhist koan,
"What did the Pope say on Easter Sunday, 2005?".
You are expected to produce an expression of your true nature, preferably without using intelligible words.
I think it's an unfortunate mess that could only happen in America over the poor Schiavo woman.

If this were a hundred years ago, perhaps even less, this situation would not exist, Terri would have died. Because we have the technology to keep someone alive in such a state as Mrs. Schiavo, does not mean we have the right. What is worse is the parents terrible selfishness in keeping her alive this long. It can't be an easy thing to do to let ones child (even though in this case the child is 41) die, but after 15 (15!!!) years how can anyone believe that any improvement will occur.

If it was up to me I would let there be an MRI done, although the evidence from that would hardly shut the fanatics up. Who honestly would want to live in such a state, or let someone they love live in such a state. I wonder if the parents were put in a similar situation they'd want to continue 'living', if it can indeed be classed as living.

To me life is the point at which you are actively aware of your consciousness. The reports the parents are giving as 'proof' of Terri's consciousness are the ultimate signs of self deception. Include in that the violent threats this has brought against Mr Schiavo and I think they the parents are terribly irresponsible people. Instead of going about there personal business, they have brought it fully to the attention of the American and world public. I have no respect for the Schindlers and only feel sympathy towards Mr Schiavo for being put in such a situation.
