God's interaction with the universe


Registered Senior Member
First of all, if this topic has been posted before in this area I apologize. I don't normally read this section of the forums. Just direct me to the location of the thread if that is the case. Now on to the topic at hand.

I would like to hear how other people here think how a God, primarily the Christian God, would go about interacting with the universe on an everyday basis. Christianity claims God has a very active role in everyday life. There is talk of God answering prayers of many different sort, miracles occuring, and much more. So how would God do this?

The biggest way I think God interacts with the universe (assuming he exists and all) is through other people. But to say that means that God is in someway effecting them. Is he just planting a thought in someones head or is he controlling them, and how does the "interfacing" between God and a person work (mind-soul connection)?

What about miracles though? I know many here will just say they don't exist. But I have heard many amazing stories about things such as cancer patients on their death bed being cured of cancer over night with no apparent cause. Sure, you can just deny that these things happen, but it is much more beneficial to consider the implications of such an event occuring. If it is proposed that God actaully caused this healing because of someones faith or prayer, that would mean God was physically changing something, but how? Does he just circumvent the laws of physics, or would he have a way of working through them? (Another explanation may be the effects of belief of the cancer patient. Believing you will be healed can cause physical changes, maybe in some cases enough to heal you of cancer).

That is all i will write for now. Let me know what your opinions are.
I had an aunt that had a dialogue with the virgin Mary almost on a daily basis. She was a strong woman that would surpass any of life's obstacle. She used to say to me, with the virgin May behind her, there was nothing she couldnt do. Even though I'm an agnostic I admire people that can interact with a Deity and gain strength to overcome lifes obstacles.

I think interacting with a deity is like emerging yourself in a movie. You know the movie is make believe and yet you dispence your disbelief in order to enjoy the movie.
It works.