God's existence?



So the multiplicity of separate conscious entities are
all aspects of a uniform substrate, otherwise there would
be distinctly separate entities with no medium of

Thus the conclusion is that there exists only ONE true
consciousness and all of the ostensibly separate
conscious entities are actually permutations and
combinations of the multiplicity of all possible realities.

Stratification provides the answer to the problem of
problems. The wavefunction os at right angles to physical
reality, of course...

If a thing exists it can be perceived, and consequently, a
thing must have a necessary and sufficient description -
with no syntactic-systematic ambiguities and no meaningless

The grammatical structure must reflect its logical
structure, such, that its logical properties can be
interpreted from its syntactic structure. In effect,
existence must be syntactically reflective of its own
global consistency, yet also be allowed the freedom to
evolve its own grammatical transformations within its own
manifold boundaries of perception.

Information states are embodied by conscious experience.
For example, patterns of color patches in a visual field of
perception are analogous to pixels on a computer display
screen. Interestingly, similar information states are
embodied by the experience of consciousness AND in the
underlying physical processes IN the brain. Thus it appears
that "qualia" becomes a fundamental property of physical
reality, much like the attributes of spin and charge in the
QM formalism. The three-dimensional encoding of color
spaces, for example, suggests that the information state in
a particular color experience, corresponds directly to an
information state in the brain. The two states may even be
regarded as two distinct aspects of a single information
state, which is simultaneously embodied in both physical
processing and ...consciousness.

Because light travels at a finite velocity everything we
see happening is actually in the past, and not the true

Conceptually speaking, from a purely materialistic
standpoint, "objective reality" seems true enough, that we
should not question it; but in truth, our objective
realities are merely virtual reality creations of the mind
and are actually subjective reflections, or shadows, of an
ostensible *absolute world* beyond our senses. The only
verification of this absolute reality is via consensus with
other minds. Hence, the objective reality becomes an
assumption, which relies on the confirmations of other
observers. That means that in accordance with the
scientific method, our objective reality, cannot be proved
to be an independent absolute - only inferred to be an
absolute, as possibly playing a particular role, in
accordance with the statistical status quo.

We then come to the reductive realization that our
ostensible - concensible objectification, assumes there
exists a separation between object and subject, -
"perceived and perceiver", but in truth, there isn't any
separation. The only reality that we can ever know is the
reality of perception, which is the reality of mind. Of
course you may stub your toe, pronouncing to yourself that
"it is satisfactorily refuted thus!"
But pain is also a perception of mind.

All objects of perception require a uniform logically
consistent substrate OF perception, meaning that all
objects of perception require a uniform[consciously aware]
mental template of subjectification. Thus if the objective
world stability is perceived as it truly is then the
stability of the subjective is the same as the stability of
the objective. Ergo, the objective and subjective reality
forms a duality, reflecting the two sides of the same coin
called awareness or consciousness. Raw awareness and
consciousness forms the most basic aspect of reality. Pure
existence becomes pure thought/consciousness.