gods existence is not meant to be proven?


Registered Member
so a little theory of mine here. not meant to be stepping on anyones toes and is being posted here only to be ridiculed and ripped apart for the production of thought, ideas and the end goal of greater understanding.

unfortunately im taking most of this from a movie of which i have forgotten the title

statement: the bible was written as a guide not what to believe but how to believe, for the sake of building controversy and to produce excess thought in human life to bring about the next evolutionary phase of our species

i think there fore i am, the only phrase i can come up with that proves ones own existence. but what you see, feel, touch, smell, taste, aree only based on electrical signals from the input units of the human body that tell your brain that something is there. because of this we automatically assume that this is truth. why?, because thats all we have to go from.

the bible was written about things that apparently happened by the will of a supreme being. people believe this only because a large percent of the populus believes it (you say it enough times it just automatically becomes truth) but when someone questions this with outragious claims of people rising from the dead, turning water into wine, and the existence of tsomething no one will ever see we cant belive its true. we are still forced into beliving something. the things we see only exist because we believe our eye wont submit false data to the brain. we dont belive in god because he exists, he exists because we believe in him


The answer to why there's no evidence to prove God's existence is simple - God isn't real. Just like all the other Gods and Goddesses like Thor, Zeus and Amaterasu.

It really is just that simple.
Michael, that depends on what you mean by God. The concept of a god, that is the concept of "superior intelligence", is not all that ridiculous to me. Are humans the supreme intelligences in the entire universe?, and even other universes?

I think not. And if we are not, then let us take it yet a step further: if there are other intelligences, could they have had something to do with our development? That question incurs much speculation, yet nonetheless the concept in itself - of one intelligent entity(s) influencing another - is not ridiculous, in my opinion.

But of course, "God" in the religious sense is mostly stories.
No one forces you to believe anything. Even if someone says "convert or die!" You can lie. We are not responsible for someone else's conversion. God is the one to thank, not me.
Michael has the right of it.

Why should anyone believe that the Abrahamic religions are different from those that came before? Or the other non-Abrahamic religions around today, for that matter? Why is this particular god, out of the thousands and thousands that have existed (a great many of them whom also claimed to be the One and Only True God) special?

The truth is, it isn't. It's just popular. Christianity got lucky in a few key moments in history (mainly during the Roman empire) that allowed it to grow from a pesky cult to an globe-spanning superreligion. But there's really nothing more to it than that. At the end of the day, it's no different than any other mythology, other than the fact that people believe in it today.

And it would be obvious if you'd take a second to actually think about it. I mean really think about it. There are so many questions that spit in the face of any romantic notion of a god--from cripples and retards, to the complex mechanics of our body and the fact that we have to breathe and eat and make waste. I mean, what is the purpose of pooping? A simple question like that throws the entire idea of a creator right on its head! God has a plan? What's the plan for all the poo?
... because of this we automatically assume that this is truth. why?, because thats all we have to go from.
Speak for yourself.
the bible was written about things that apparently happened by the will of a supreme being. people believe this only because a large percent of the populus believes it
Unlikely. They believe it because there family and immediate social grouping largely (apparently) believe it. That's a quite different matter.
... we are still forced into beliving something.
Really? We are? Who is doing this forcing?
If it wasn't the Jew's Jehoshaphat it most certainly would have been the Persian's Mithra.

I agree that there could be super intelligent creatures that are like Gods out there in a Universe or three...
statement: the bible was written as a guide not what to believe but how to believe,
nonsense..bible was written with one purpose only:
to control the people.
the bible was written about things that apparently happened by the will of a supreme being.
doesnt seem very Supreme to me,more like a psychotic evil human

could it be that god was made up in human image!
we dont belive in god because he exists, he exists because we believe in him
so using your logic,if I believe that aliens exist they will?