God's Domain is bounded by the Sunrise and Sunset


Registered Senior Member
God is localized as he only speaks in the region bounded by sunrise and sunset as noted in Psalm 50:1. If God was not localized, God would know that Sun always shines on some part of Earth.

Originally posted by GodLied
God is localized as he only speaks in the region bounded by sunrise and sunset as noted in Psalm 50:1. If God was not localized, God would know that Sun always shines on some part of Earth.


God's only speaks in the region bounded by sunrise and sunset, also know to be Reality as seen in the light of day.

Re: Re: God's Domain is bounded by the Sunrise and Sunset

Originally posted by wayne_92587
God's only speaks in the region bounded by sunrise and sunset, also know to be Reality as seen in the light of day.


If God only speaks to those in the light of day, all God Lovers who used subterannean worship centers during times of religious persecution were unable to communicate with their god in their underground worship centers.

Originally posted by everneo
Why it is 'Bible'. It should be 'Trible'. God lied.
Although the Holy Bible was written for tribes, it is still called the Holy Bible.

Yeah and nobody left to listen to it, so who cares? :D

But anyway in line with your statement: so much for eternity.
Wait a minute

If you are talking about the pagan god of christianity with three person that Jesus never worshipped, then you're okay and keep going, but the universal god and creator of all according to the Quran is perfect and knowleagble of all.

The Cow
[2.255] Allah is He besides Whom there is no god, the Everliving, the Self-subsisting by Whom all subsist; slumber does not overtake Him nor sleep; whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is His; who is he that can intercede with Him but by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they cannot comprehend anything out of His knowledge except what He pleases, His knowledge extends over the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of them both tires Him not, and He is the Most High, the Great.

This one is in full control, he doesn't even sleep.

God's Domain is bounded by the Sunrise and Sunset.

Nothing wrong with try to debunk something as along
as you understand what you are trying to make fun of.

The Sun is the Light unto the World, the Light of Reality,
the Light of Day, Reality that can be seen, not the Reality
as seen in Mind’s Eye, the Twilight, the false light of Reality,
Reality as seen in the Twilight zone of the imagination,
the darkest corners of the mind.

Some that sees Reality by the Twice, the Twilight Light, by
the light of the Silvery Moon is referred to as a Lunatic.

By the Light of the Silvery Moon; the Second, Trice, Twilight,
the duality of Light, of Reality, Illusion lies, Deception, Reality
as see by someone that is of Two Minds, that is guileful,
duplicitous, that speaks with a forked tongue.

Duality, a lie is the Truth, an Illusion is a Reality.

The One that is Two is Irrational.

Irrationality, Lunacy, the World of Illusion, where thinly veiled
shadowy figures luck, Reality as seen, in the darkest corners
of the Mind, Graven Images of Reality.

Common Sense dictates that our domain, World of Reality
not be a World of Illusion, that Our Domain be bound by
the Light of Day, by Sunrise and Sunset.

The Light of Reality, the light of Day, First Light, the Light of Singularity.

Amen, Amen Ra!!

Hermes Pythagoras Trismegistus.

God the Sun

Originally posted by GodLied
When our sun stops functioning, God ceases to exist.


Quite profound, GodLied! The sun was the first god (the sun of god) of the earliest humans. (Helios, Ra, etc.). So they began to worship this powerful thing in the sky that was so bright they couldn't even look directly at the face of this god or they would be blinded. They created god, and they believed in the afterlife. When they died they believed certain people would return to this god (helios) who gave them life. Therefore, they created 'hell.' Religion is easy. There is only one sun and one god, creator of heaven and earth. The rest is fiction.
Re: God the Sun

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
So they began to worship this powerful thing in the sky that was so bright they couldn't even look directly at the face of this god or they would be blinded.

The Light, the light of day, the light of Reality.
The Rational Mind sees Reality in the light of Day.
The Irrational Mind sees Reality in the Dark of Night.

If you were to look directly into the face of God it would be as
though you were made blind because you would see nothing.

God has no Face to look at, God is not a Material Reality,
if you were to see the Face of God you would be looking at
a Graven Image, a Facade.

Here is a picture Frame that allows you to see the faceless,
God of Reality, the Holy Grail, the Vessel that holds the Spiritual
Reality of First Cause the Nameless, the No Name, cause of
Heaven and Earth------>O

The Reality of Absolute Truth is the Light unto the World.

The Absolute Truth is the Truth of a Reality as seen in Broad Daylight, from Sunrise to Sunset.
Re: Re: God the Sun

Originally posted by wayne_92587
[BIf you were to look directly into the face of God it would be as
though you were made blind because you would see nothing.

That's true and consider this. In darkness, the eye circumference can expand and observe what is around it, but in bright light, the eye circumference diminishes.

God places a veil between himself and people because in god's presence we can't see anything, but behind a veil, we may see certain things.
When Moses was with God and came back to the Israelites his face shined so bright that he put a veil over his face. The real veil between God and his people is not God's work. It is our sin.
Re: Wait a minute

Originally posted by Flores
If you are talking about the pagan god of christianity with three person that Jesus never worshipped, then you're okay and keep going, but the universal god and creator of all according to the Quran is perfect and knowleagble of all.

The Cow
[2.255] Allah is He besides Whom there is no god, the Everliving, the Self-subsisting by Whom all subsist; slumber does not overtake Him nor sleep; whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is His; who is he that can intercede with Him but by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they cannot comprehend anything out of His knowledge except what He pleases, His knowledge extends over the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of them both tires Him not, and He is the Most High, the Great.

This one is in full control, he doesn't even sleep.
I only slam the god named God in the Holy Bible unless specifically referencing some other god from some other religion.

If the cow is such a great animal representing Allah, protest McDonalds.

Re: Wait a minute

Originally posted by Flores
If you are talking about the pagan god of christianity with three person that Jesus never worshipped, then you're okay and keep going, but the universal god and creator of all according to the Quran is perfect and knowleagble of all.
Wow Flores, you're right. Your fantasy is better:rolleyes:
Re: Re: God's Domain is bounded by the Sunrise and Sunset

Originally posted by Miguelio
You are obviously an atheist. This means that you believe that God doesn't exist. So, how can you say that God lied...:cool:

Although written by different people in different locations and times, the entire Holy Bible is considered the word of God. Therefore, the writers of the Holy Bible could not lie, only God could lie through them. Therefore, any falacies in the Holy Bible are God's falacies. Any lies in the Holy Bible are God's lies. Since God lied in Genesis, he lied about existing. Therefore, God as represented in the Holy Bible does not exist.
