Godless Religion


Daughter Of House Ravenhearte
Registered Senior Member
I have this view that ceromony and ritual is a great way to get your mind focused on certain things in your life, I always thought it was unfair that these things basically came prepackaged with beliefs and there weren't any for people like me. Non-believers, athiests & agnostics. I've spent the last year adapting different religious rituals into my own godless religion. It's heavily wiccan influenced with a touch of catholic superstition and pagentry. What do you guys think, is a godless religion a good idea? My friend and I have been thinking up names for it, right now we're leaning towards exotheism.
There are plenty of non-religious rituals out there. They're called "traditions".

There are heaps of non-theistic religions around. Many involve nature spirits and such, some involve ideals of pefected humanity (such as buddhism), and so on.
I have this view that ceromony and ritual is a great way to get your mind focused on certain things in your life, I always thought it was unfair that these things basically came prepackaged with beliefs and there weren't any for people like me. Non-believers, athiests & agnostics.
An interesting perspective. Might I counter with the suggestion that the reason for the appearance of prepackaging is that the religion is the package?

What better reasons do people have for patriotism than believing in God?

At any rate, another word for "godless religion" is "discipline".

First things to come to mind.

Tiassa :cool:
What do you guys think, is a godless religion a good idea?

How about no religion at all. It allows one to focus more on life and reality, which should take up most if not all of your time already.
I like this...

A religion based on my Sci-Pen name!!.


However I would have to agree with (Q), why call it a religion at all?.

Basically if you are an atheist, you are godless!!. why create traditional dogma of atheism?. The whole point of atheism is to seek reason & logic, why would you want to incorporate rituals of irrational theism?.

Of course rituals shoudl be important, in atheism. Rituals make up our daily habbits, from putting our pants on the same way each time, to generally taking the same route to work. Humans thrive on rituals and the comfort they bring.

Rituals are by no means a idea founded by religous leaders. They have always been apart of life. Even the natural world has such rituals. Animals behave in certain ways, and do the same thing the same way, over and over again. It is what is known to work. Of course, not all make logic sense. But, if a ritual provides a positive response, be it in feelings, or in material gain, what would be logically about getting rid of it?

Rituals also bind people together. Making them feel as though they are a part of a larger force. Humans are not loners, we are pack animals. We need that feeling of togetherness, and rituals provide a great way of getting that feeling.
Re: rituals

Originally posted by grimjester
Rituals also bind people together. Making them feel as though they are a part of a larger force. Humans are not loners, we are pack animals. We need that feeling of togetherness, and rituals provide a great way of getting that feeling.

That's what I feel we athiests are missing out on. The sense of community you get from a Sunday mass or the Samhain feast. Those are the kind of things I think we need, not clouded with mythology and folklore but just a pure expression of similiar goals among a group of like minded individuals.
just a pure expression of similiar goals among a group of like minded individuals.
What do you thik=nk we have sciforums for :D
Humans are not loners, we are pack animals.
Actually i try to keep as far away from other humans as possible. but then im pretty weird and not a very good example ;)
Text is nice and all but we do have physical bodies with the ability of speach for a reason. Otherwise why ever leave a computer?
There are plenty of examples of people getting together through tradition and not religion... examples (not great ones) are going to the pub on a Friday night (depending on the group a huge variety of issues could be discussed while in this guise)... Sunday lunch with the family (can be religious or communal)...... even dare I say it ... conventions (I dont go myself) but again mutual ideas are expressed here....

There is no need for religious traditions for a feeling of belonging... that is up to the society and the individual to become as involved or removed as they choose.
I don't get it...

Adam wrote:
There are heaps of non-theistic religions around. Many involve nature spirits and such, some involve ideals of pefected humanity (such as buddhism), and so on.

"pefected humanity"?

Funny... atheists don't criticize Buddhists for the "rape of Nanking", "Pearl Harbor" and "Kamikazes". What a double standard. "pefected humanity" my ass.
As I recall those would be Japanese crimes and the Japanese are mostly Shinto, not Buddhist.

Funny... atheists don't criticize Buddhists for the "rape of Nanking", "Pearl Harbor" and "Kamikazes". What a double standard. "pefected humanity" my ass.

Shinto, not strictly Buddhist.

And I'm on record criticizing Buddhism for this. Neener neener neener, I rule.

"pefected humanity" my ass.

Contradiction in terms, innit?

Otherwise why ever leave a computer?

People leave their computers? Weirdos.
Yeah, and then they have to go draggin me to clubs and stuff. They're all freaks I tell you. Can't let a poor man communicate with his intangible friends using miles of cable and 1's and 0's. They say it's "anti-social." I call it "neo-social."

Clubs? Interacting with other humans in clubs? As opposed to online?

That's fucking perverse!
Yeah it is. Especially all those scantily clad young females who online will never even send you a pic of them...hmm, saturday is a good clubbing night right?