
Antagonist Muslim

Registered Member
Naturally, if God created the Universe then he doesn't exist in a world of physical boundries, and thus occupies diamensions that we can't even begin to comprehend.

I wonder if all the questions of God and existence can be answered by people who don't even understand the mechanics of rainfall, or the sun. Hmmm... I'm willing to wager that's reasonably unlikely. Call me fucking maniac.
Antagonist Muslim said:
Naturally, if God created the Universe then he doesn't exist in a world of physical boundries, and thus occupies diamensions that we can't even begin to comprehend.

I wonder if all the questions of God and existence can be answered by people who don't even understand the mechanics of rainfall, or the sun. Hmmm... I'm willing to wager that's reasonably unlikely. Call me fucking maniac.

This is coming from someone who begins his sentence with "naturally"?

You are a f-u-c-k-i-n-g m-a-n-i-a-c.


Just curious, why do you say "naturally"? You are displaying ignorance and stupidity by using the word "naturally" (not to mention reaching a conclusion about 'God') and then contradicting yourself by mocking those who know God.

How silly and ign'ant... :bugeye:
What the fuck are you talking about? I use the word "naturally" because it would be scientifically impossible to live in a world of physical boundries and 'then' subsequently create those boundries... If it was possible, that itself would be breaking the boundaries of physical laws, and thus would be contradicting itself.
§outh§tar said:
This is coming from someone who begins his sentence with "naturally"?

You are a f-u-c-k-i-n-g m-a-n-i-a-c.


Just curious, why do you say "naturally"? You are displaying ignorance and stupidity by using the word "naturally" (not to mention reaching a conclusion about 'God') and then contradicting yourself by mocking those who know God.

How silly and ign'ant... :bugeye:

<b>nat·u·ral·ly</b> adv.
1. In a natural manner.
2. By nature; inherently.
3. Without a doubt; surely​

I don't see what's so crazy about his opening statement. Just like any religious debator, he has started with a premise, saying: "Surely, if God created the Universe then he doesn't exist in a world of physical boundries, and thus occupies diamensions that we can't even begin to comprehend."

Why is this any crazier than a Christian beginning a sentence with, "Naturally, if the Earth is perfectly suited to our existence, it must have been designed," or "Naturally, if God exists, he must hate the sin of homosexuality," or whatever you guys repeat ad nauseum? This was merely a post expressing doubt that man could ever comprehend a being so obviously beyond his own limited understanding. What's the problem with that?

It's a debate forum, you fonker, so naturally, we start with a premise and debate it.

Naturally, anyone but a retard would understand this.

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Antagonist Muslim said:
What the fuck are you talking about? I use the word "naturally" because it would be scientifically impossible to live in a world of physical boundries and 'then' subsequently create those boundries... If it was possible, that itself would be breaking the boundaries of physical laws, and thus would be contradicting itself.

Are you thus saying God, even by definition, is incapable of doing that?

I don't know why Josh has his panties in a bunch from the pornography thread.. but that was the point I was trying to make.

§outh§tar said:
Are you thus saying God, even by definition, is incapable of doing that?

If he exists in a world of physical boundries, he has to abide by those laws.

If he was to break those laws of 'physical boundries', as he inevitably would have, he would then not be living in a world of physical boundries.
§outh§tar said:
Are you thus saying God, even by definition, is incapable of doing that?

I don't know why Josh has his panties in a bunch from the pornography thread.. but that was the point I was trying to make.


I don't really. I just thought of the retard line and it fit so well I had to use it. :D

Though, admittedly, I do find it funny when a Christian accuses anyone of being too presumptuous. "How dare you presume to know anything about God... now let me tell you why God can <i>only</i> be an anthropomorphic patriarch who likes guys to chop off the tips of their penises for him..."


Antagonist Muslim said:
If he exists in a world of physical boundries, he has to abide by those laws.

If he was to break those laws of 'physical boundries', as he inevitably would have, he would then not be living in a world of physical boundries.

I am only saying, God, in His omniscient and omnipresent triune being, do you say that even He has to abide by the laws of a world with "physical boundaries"?

In that case, in whatever "world" He was in before, wouldn't He have had to obey the laws of that world as well?
Antagonist Muslim said:
If he exists in a world of physical boundries, he has to abide by those laws.

If he was to break those laws of 'physical boundries', as he inevitably would have, he would then not be living in a world of physical boundries.

If there is a God - he wouldn't need to break any laws - because he made them all.
Antagonist Muslim said:
Naturally, if God created the Universe then he doesn't exist in a world of physical boundries, and thus occupies diamensions that we can't even begin to comprehend.

I wonder if all the questions of God and existence can be answered by people who don't even understand the mechanics of rainfall, or the sun. Hmmm... I'm willing to wager that's reasonably unlikely. Call me fucking maniac.
The insights of prophets were delivered through the holy ghost. The Bible can't be understood completly through human understanding since it wasn't made by human understanding. This is also in the Bible.

Also the words in the Bible have several functions like guidence, teachings etc. There are so many levels in the Bible and so many ways the words can be interpreted. Therefor the only way of really understanding the Bible is also through the holy ghost.

If you read the Bible you can also get a understanding about Relativity, where it speaks of a day being a thousand years for God and thousand years like a day for God. This kinda gives the idea of being ABOVE time. And science has just recently with Einstein realized time as a dimension. There are also passages in the Bible that still captures our imagination, Like God being a part of Jesus and still Jesus being a part of God. The bible also sometimes describes ONE thing that both will happen and has happened...weird? maybe seems so, but we must understand that we have limits, we don't know enough to know, maybe we never will unless we are given insight from God or the gift (sp?) to interpret the bible (there are gifts for almost anything, the gift to teach, the gift to see the spiritual reality of a person, the gift to talk in tongues, the gift to understand people that talk in tongues, the gift to discern a good spirit from a bad spirit, the gift to move your finger and so on...).

I'm sorry if this was a bit long, but I've recently experianced a renewed interest in God and the Bible etc.

I'm serious, how do you move your finger? Explain it to me. How do you do?