
Black Jack

Gen. "Black Jack" Pershing
Registered Senior Member
I am Atheist. Much like George Carlin, I was raised Catholic, and then moved on to just being myself. I found that the Bible, while it is certainly a collection of some of the most interesting stories ever written, and certainly a valuable insight to human nature, is no more the word of God than the daily newspapers. There is more truth in Science, and Science doesn't even concern itself with "truth" as it is an institution of facts. When you look through a microscope all day, and are meticulously studying something so tiny that it can hardly be said to exist, and then step back and look at the bigger picture... it's hardly describable the feeling that washes over you. Knowing that as insignificant that tiny particle seemed to be, it's no more significant in the grand scheme of things than the person who was observing it.

It's the fact that no matter what happens, no matter what we humans do to one another, or the planet, life goes on. It just simply persists and continues to go on doing what it does best. What's more than that, is that no matter how advanced we humans become, there is no escaping inevitability. In time, every one of us will die, and in a much longer scale of time, the Universe will die. Nothing we have ever, or will ever do matters... it really is astounding that we have the arrogance to believe that we are somehow superior to any other organism on this planet. Our very existence is largely dependent upon theirs.

Yet despite that, our instincts tell us to continually push forward and outward. To expand, and reach for the stars. We boldly defy inevitability, defy death. We are capable of such great and terrible things... love, art, hatred, war... our potential is nearly limitless when we apply ourselves.

If there is a God, and I'm wrong in my lack of belief; then certainly, in its infinite power and wisdom it couldn't possibly care about a person's sexual orientation, or their preferred way of worshiping it, should they worship at all. In my opinion, it would value the ability to reason over blindfolded faith through fear. In fact, why should it be interested in us at all? There's an entire Cosmos full of beauty and wonder... we aren't even a spec of dust by comparison to the vastness. It baffles me to think that there are people who honestly believe that humans are not only superior to other creatures, but humans who follow a specific set of beliefs are superior to other humans.

Which is probably why I hate religion, and (fanatically) religious people... especially those who belong to religions which seek to, or have destroyed others in their conquest to be the dominant faith.

(Don't know what brought all that on... just started typing and that's what came out)
Well said, BJ. Having said that however, there will be theists who will pray to save your soul from everlasting damnation. They will then shout with glee as their gods toss you in a lake of fire and laugh hysterically as you sizzle like a corn dog.

"I love you, Jesus... I love you!" ...they will shout.
I imagine Jesus wearin a tuxedo tshirt, like He wants to be formal but He's here to party.
Interesting. Everything you said in your opening post is how I feel too, except that all those things cause me to believe that there IS a God.

Regarding religion, I have my own personal religion and absolutely do not follow any organised one. So called 'agents' or spokespeople of most standard religions really do turn people away from their beliefs rather than bring them to them with their narrow mindedness.
Well said, BJ. Having said that however, there will be theists who will pray to save your soul from everlasting damnation. They will then shout with glee as their gods toss you in a lake of fire and laugh hysterically as you sizzle like a corn dog.

"I love you, Jesus... I love you!" ...they will shout.

Meaningless, smug self satisfaction. That's all it is. As long as they don't try to behead me for being an infidel, and leave my body to be devoured by crows and maggots, it doesn't bother me.

The worst thing you can do is argue with one of them... you can't argue with them... it's just impossible. Reason and logic have no place in an arena of emotion and blind faith.
Interesting. Everything you said in your opening post is how I feel too, except that all those things cause me to believe that there IS a God.

You mean that the more one denies the existence of something through logic and reason, the more you believe it actually exists. Curious.

Do your farts blow inward, too?
The OP's observations of life rather than his claims of denying are what interest me, Q.

I thought the OP's observation that science concerns itself with facts rather than truth very nicely put...I think that is correct. So, the way I see it, science is the how of things and God and Creation are the why of things.
So, the way I see it, science is the how of things and God and Creation are the why of things.

Where did you come up with that? Why can't the why of things be the result of a sneeze from a giant lizard? Or, the mold off a piece of stale bread? How did you come to decide on that particular "why of things"?
So, the way I see it, science is the how of things and God and Creation are the why of things.

Interesting seeing these two contradictory ideals have somehow found common grounds with you. Typically these two viewpoints are mutually exclusive.

Might it be because you don't believe in God in the conventional way; a sentient, omnipotent, omnipresent being of infinite wisdom; rather you're the kind of person that simply sees God in the details of every day life? Nothing extravagant, or terribly complex... simply "there". One of those things that you'll miss out on if you never stop to smell the roses, simply look up at the clouds, or the stars on a clear night.
Interesting seeing these two contradictory ideals have somehow found common grounds with you. Typically these two viewpoints are mutually exclusive.

Might it be because you don't believe in God in the conventional way; a sentient, omnipotent, omnipresent being of infinite wisdom; rather you're the kind of person that simply sees God in the details of every day life? Nothing extravagant, or terribly complex... simply "there". One of those things that you'll miss out on if you never stop to smell the roses, simply look up at the clouds, or the stars on a clear night.

Exactly. However, at the same time, God and Creation are also exactly that - Creation. Which is a powerful thing in itself. But isn't something that is held over us.
God and Creation are also exactly that - Creation. Which is a powerful thing in itself. But isn't something that is held over us.

But, you haven't answered the question as to how you came up with the decision that "God and Creation" are the "Why of things"

Are you not able to answer this question or does it conflict with reality?
The evidence seems to point in that direction, Q.

Why would it conflict with reality? God and Creation ARE reality. Hardly a conflict.
The evidence seems to point in that direction, Q.

Where did you even get the notion of "God and Creation" - what evidence specifically states that "God and Creation" is the "Why of things"???

You haven't answered that question yet?

God and Creation ARE reality.

Where is this "God and Creation" that you keep talking about? Where did you get that notion? Who told you that?

Please answer these questions as you are simply tossing out some strange idea without any explanation?
I don't see why I should have to respond to your questions at all. I don't see any point in doing so as I am pretty sure you aren't actually interested in what I have to say other than to try to score points against what I might type here. You don't come across as someone who is searching for anything, just as someone who is wanting to have an argument. I don't argue about God and Creation. I don't need to.
I don't see why I should have to respond to your questions at all. I don't see any point in doing so as I am pretty sure you aren't actually interested in what I have to say other than to try to score points against what I might type here. You don't come across as someone who is searching for anything, just as someone who is wanting to have an argument. I don't argue about God and Creation. I don't need to.

All you had to say was that you can't answer the question because it conflicts with reality.

You are here on a discussion forum, yes? A forum in which people will ask you questions and you will do the same, yes?

So, if you see no point in responding to peoples questions, why are you here?
All you had to say was that you can't answer the question because it conflicts with reality.

But then I would be lying.

You are here on a discussion forum, yes? A forum in which people will ask you questions and you will do the same, yes?

Yes and yes.

So, if you see no point in responding to peoples questions, why are you here?

For the reasons I have already pointed out. You don't appear to be interested in either your own questions or the response I might give. You want an argument, not a discussion, which is fine, but I prefer not to argue about God and Creation.
...God...couldn't possibly care about a person's sexual orientation...why should it be interested in us at all?...better than others
God calls homosexuality an abomination. He says those who partake will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. I don't personally care what anyone does. He is interested in us because we are His kids. We Born-Again Christians don't think we're better than anyone; we just know exactly where we're going when we die. This lets us life free from fear. God tells us to be fishers of men, to bring the lost back to Him. Those of us who obey have the most amazing, awesome lives.
For the reasons I have already pointed out. You don't appear to be interested in either your own questions or the response I might give. You want an argument, not a discussion, which is fine, but I prefer not to argue about God and Creation.

Yeah, sure. :rolleyes:

You're in the Religion section of a Science Forum and you prefer not to argue about God and Creation.

Of course, you still haven't told us where you got this notion of God and Creation.

Let me help you with that, you got if from a bible, just like everyone else.

And no, it has nothing to do with reality. It is simply a declaration of faith on your part.

Thanks for refusing to have a discussion on an internet forum, again I wonder why you are even here?

To preach would be the only other alternative answer, yes?
...life free from fear.

Those of us who obey...

The qualifiers of your post are quite telling. If you obey, you live free from fear, although it is the fear that demands you obey.

Round and round we go...
Let me help you with that, you got if from a bible, just like everyone else.

What makes you think I have read the bible? I have to say, I find it really very hard to read and so although I have tried, I actually put it down after a couple of words.

I don't think I have been preaching, maybe you could show me where I have done so.