God Wants New Orleans to be Black City


Nagin Says God Wants New Orleans to be Black City
January 17, 2006 09:22 AM EST

By Sher Zieve – Dispelling any and all rumors that all races are welcome in New Orleans, on MLK Day N.O. Mayor Ray Nagin said that it must be a “chocolate” city. Nagin also advised that after New Orleans is rebuilt African-Americans must maintain the majority population.

In his Martin Luther King day speech, Nagin commented: "I don't care what people are saying Uptown or wherever they are. This city will be chocolate at the end of the day. This city will be a majority African-American city. It's the way God wants it to be. You can't have New Orleans no other way."

Since Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, it is reported that Mayor Nagin has met with Louis Farrakhan (head of the Nation of Islam) on numerous occasions.
Good!! Maybe the nation will finally begin to see that voluntary segragation isn't such a bad deal afterall. Maybe we can also have some other cities become Mexican, some Vietnamese, some Italian, some Slavic, some Russian, .....oh, and yeah, even some white cities, too.

Baron Max
What a Fashist Bastard.
I see he used a double negative though
You can't have New Orleans no other way."
This implies that New Orleans has to be different to what he said {what a wanker}
It's an intriguing thought, to have ethnic areas maybe encompassing quite a few cities not just one. Then, each could follow it's own traditions, religions and cultures. It would be like a world in miniature and surely make America a more interesting place to visit. The only criteria, is that relocation would have to be voluntary.

Of course, it could never happen.
and if it did, it would only create a more divided world, why are there so many stupid people( and I dont mean you personally tablariddim) on this planet, we should be mixing more not the other way around. how are we ever going eradicate the mind disease, or to end wars and hatred, if we keep living, and keeping in our own little sections.
wow extremely stupid people.
The character and more importantly, the politics of New Orleans are distinctly african-american. This isn't discrimination, it's the way it was. Rebuilding N.O. while ignoring this fact would be a big mistake for America. However, what may happen is that private property will get condemned to make way for affluent development projects, and the native New Orleanians will be forced to leave. I think this is just what the Republicans want, since N.O. has been a democratic oasis in a desert of conservatism.

Here is the same article from BBC, adds a little more to the story.

"Surely God is mad at America. He sent us hurricane after hurricane after hurricane, and it's destroyed and put stress on this country,"

Feel free, it actually made us more aware of how well we can assist eachother in disaster. And what humans are capable of acheiving in the face of opposition.

At least leaders are actually saying what they want... giving us a little more insight into who they really are like ...

Wait a minute, I didn't say 'assassination.' I said our special forces should 'take him out,' and 'take him out' can be a number of things, including kidnapping." –Pat Robertson, clarifying his call to assassinate Hugo Chavez

And then President: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran...

"Months into his presidency, a furore erupted over Mr Ahmadinejad's comment at a conference that Israel should be "wiped off the map"
People just saying whatever they want! Beautiful world!
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Baron Max said:
Good!! Maybe the nation will finally begin to see that voluntary segragation isn't such a bad deal afterall. Maybe we can also have some other cities become Mexican, some Vietnamese, some Italian, some Slavic, some Russian, .....oh, and yeah, even some white cities, too.

Baron Max

M*W: Next thing you know, they'll be teaching Ebonics instead of English in Naw'lins schools. Oh, they're already doing that. Have any of you ever conversed with a white person from Naw'lins? They speak Ebonics, too!

However, Nagin is somewhat right when he says Naw'lins will be a Black city. There's already a lot of bi-, tri-, and quad-racial mixtures over there. A lot of Chocolates are white, and a lot of Whites are mocha. It's real interesting to see some Caucasians there with bulging eyes, big broad noses, and bubble lips. (No offense to botox users).
thats hilarious....

the only way its going to happen is if they pay people to come back.

otherwise.. id never move back to those low land areas... no chance.

Looks like New Orleans is well on it's way to being a "chocolate city" again:

Jan 15, 2006 11:54 pm US/Central

Shots Ring Out During New Orleans Parade

(AP) NEW ORLEANS A parade intended to show unity and support for the city's rebuilding was instead marred by violence Sunday when shots rang out, wounding three people as the event drew to a close.

Not long after the parade wrapped up, police officers patrolling the route heard gunfire. They then found a 34-year-old man with multiple wounds, police spokesman Gary Flot said.

Minutes later, after more shots rang out, officers discovered an 18-year-old woman wounded in the leg. A man, 20, also was shot in the leg, in the same area.

All three were admitted to local hospitals, where the 34-year-old was listed in guarded condition; the 20-year-old was in fair condition, and the 18-year-old in good condition Sunday night, Flot said. Their names were not immediately available.

"This is not what I came back here to see," said Delanda Garner, who has been staying in Houston.

Then outlaw guns, fool. Here, we will treat you like shit, keep you poor, and make 14 shooter semi-automatic weapons available to everyone, what the fuck did we think was going to happen?
spidergoat said:
Then outlaw guns, fool. Here, we will treat you like shit, keep you poor, and make 14 shooter semi-automatic weapons available to everyone, what the fuck did we think was going to happen?
So then your saying blacks should have never been givin the resposiblity of humans?
I'm saying that people like you invented the fantasy of superiority in order to maintain a monopoly on wealth. Everyone wants wealth, because the opposite leads to a miserable life and early death. If you don't allow blacks the equality that all humans should share, then they, like anyone else, will take wealth by whatever means necessary. Unfortunately, this often means illegal business and violence. All humans can be violent if pushed to desperation.
spidergoat said:
If you don't allow blacks the equality that all humans should share,
Just the fact that you believe somehow it's up to me to "allow blacks the equality that all humans should share", shows you are one who believes in white "superiority".
You started it with slavery. I don't believe slaveholders are inherently superior, simply because they were allowed to claim land.
Ok! so why is this in Religion forum? It sounds more political then anything else.
I'll say this perhaps in a language New Orleanians should understand:

Yo buss dis. Ok! I think dat nigguh be full uh shit, I ain't think N.O. should be a black city, hell it's goin to be rebuilt by Mexicans anyway, Our City be a traditionally a touris city, an shit. Makin statements likes dis jackass has, it's goin to ruin our economy evun worst, de sonofabitch jus ought to shut de fuck up, an' realize dat de duckets to rebuild our fair city be comin from de man, not fuckin Farrkhan. So opinions be likes assholes, an' dis jackass jus made himself look likes one. Furthermore, dis sob be jus tryin to git de majority vote, if he had been so fuckin worried 'boutour black ass dere wouldn't be as many victims as dey wuz, an' aid would had come sooner. See what I'm sayin? Dis sonofabitch be full uh shit, an' he should be replaced likes de mayor uh California wuz, vote dis asshoe out uh office!. Sheeit!
