God vs Satan



Why is it that the battle between God and Satan is so dramatic. God could snap his fingers and instintly destroy the armies of hell because God can do anything. In revelations the Dragon, aka Satan, has an army fighting the angels of God. Would it be much of a battle because couldn't God create an impenitrable shield around His armies?

O I was also wondering if anyone had some cool facts on St. Michael the Archangel. And is St.Michael the only Saint who wasn't a human? It clearly says Archangel and humans cant become angels because angels were created in the very begining of creation.
Conspiracy: Why is it that the battle between God and Satan is so dramatic. God could snap his fingers and instintly destroy the armies of hell because God can do anything. In revelations the Dragon, aka Satan, has an army fighting the angels of God. Would it be much of a battle because couldn't God create an impenitrable shield around His armies?

O I was also wondering if anyone had some cool facts on St. Michael the Archangel. And is St.Michael the only Saint who wasn't a human? It clearly says Archangel and humans cant become angels because angels were created in the very begining of creation.
M*W: If there were to be a battle between "God" and "Satan," it wouldn't be as dramatic as you imply. Sure, your "God of the Universe" could snap his fingers and instantly destroy the armies of hell, but it just wouldn't happen, because it's not destined to happen! It matters not if St. Michael was an Archangel or not. Nor does it matter if he was human. Angels were nothing but stars. Archangels were nothing but superstars or novas.

Satan, himself, was nothing more than a group of stars who fell from grace in the sky.

Why is it that Christians believe what the stars spell? Why is it that Christians believe there to be a redeemer? Christianity is nothing but the movements of the constellations. There is no redeemer except the truth found in astrology.
I respect your opinion, but why are you in a religion forum if all your going to do is badmouth Christianity?
Actually look at the old testament and you will see that there isn't much of a battle at all.

Satan translates roughly as 'prosecutor'. He tries to prove the evil/inherent unworthyness/ etc of his quarry. With gods permission, he tests and tempts people. Supposedly there are an assload of devils, each with its own function.

Of course, I don't buy into this stuff. Thank god for my being agnostic... as much as that sentance makes sense.
Conspiracy said:
Why is it that the battle between God and Satan is so dramatic
when you've played games before, dont you think they can get a little dramatic,sometimes.
I can only tell you, it would be like to two girl scratching and pulling hair.
they seem to be best mates, god being the more evil of the two.( as it shows in the bible)
if they existed at all, they could only have wanted humans as playthings.
they would be just two things playing wargames, for FUN.
Why is it that the battle between God and Satan is so dramatic. God could snap his fingers and instintly destroy the armies of hell because God can do anything. In revelations the Dragon, aka Satan, has an army fighting the angels of God. Would it be much of a battle because couldn't God create an impenitrable shield around His armies?

What if God in His wisdom wanted to demonstrate to the Heavenly host that He is justified to be the One and Only God of All Existence. Not just by His ultimate power( by force). But by demonstrating His Wisdom and Love? And by allowing satan to demonstrate his lack of both?

God does not need to create an impenetrable shield when He can bring back into eternal existence anything or anyone who has died.

O I was also wondering if anyone had some cool facts on St. Michael the Archangel. And is St.Michael the only Saint who wasn't a human? It clearly says Archangel and humans cant become angels because angels were created in the very begining of creation.

Never heard of a man angel??? sounds like something derived from catholic tradition???

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Conspiracy said:
I respect your opinion, but why are you in a religion forum if all your going to do is badmouth Christianity?

Hey its called free will, you being a religious person might not understand this.
Conspiracy said:
Why is it that the battle between God and Satan is so dramatic. God could snap his fingers and instintly destroy the armies of hell because God can do anything. In revelations the Dragon, aka Satan, has an army fighting the angels of God. Would it be much of a battle because couldn't God create an impenitrable shield around His armies?

O I was also wondering if anyone had some cool facts on St. Michael the Archangel. And is St.Michael the only Saint who wasn't a human? It clearly says Archangel and humans cant become angels because angels were created in the very begining of creation.
Interesting questions, first of all, God could destroy evil directly if He wanted to, but now He hasn't and it has a cause.

Jesus let them take Him, so that the scriptures would come true. He said that He could ask His Father to send a legion of angels to help Him if He wanted to, but then how could the scriptures come true?

Now, it isn't easy to understand why things are the way they are, but they are for a reason.

A part of the reason may be that we have to have faith. We have to trust eachother and God. Everything falls apart otherwise. What is there to hope for if it is allready seen? God in His wisdom hid things for us. If God were to just cut off all evil, then some might die which weren't supposed to, before they were saved. You see? These might not be all fulfilling answers, but just to show that there are reasons that are satisfying to me at least.
Why is it that the battle between God and Satan is so dramatic. God could snap his fingers and instintly destroy the armies of hell because God can do anything. In revelations the Dragon, aka Satan, has an army fighting the angels of God. Would it be much of a battle because couldn't God create an impenitrable shield around His armies?
Revelation depicts a battle, true, but I don't see any reason for it to be a physical battle rather than a spiritual one.

O I was also wondering if anyone had some cool facts on St. Michael the Archangel. And is St.Michael the only Saint who wasn't a human?
Saints are pretty much anyone in heaven.

It clearly says Archangel and humans cant become angels because angels were created in the very begining of creation.
Archangles are angels.
Conspiracy said:
Why is it that the battle between God and Satan is so dramatic.
it aint,
god and Satan are just some imaginary figures in the book full of lies and contradictions
they arent real!
God could snap his fingers and instintly destroy the armies of hell because God can do anything.
so why dont He?
either He doesnt exist or he is just plain Evil as He allows Satan to do bad shyt.

google the ridle of Epicurus sometime ;)
Conspiracy: I respect your opinion, but why are you in a religion forum if all your going to do is badmouth Christianity?
M*W: Why am I in a religion forum? Because it's a religion forum and not a christian forum. I could ask you the same question. Why are you in a religion forum if all you're going to do is preach christianity?
Medicine Woman said:
Conspiracy: Why is it that the battle between God and Satan is so dramatic. God could snap his fingers and instintly destroy the armies of hell because God can do anything. In revelations the Dragon, aka Satan, has an army fighting the angels of God. Would it be much of a battle because couldn't God create an impenitrable shield around His armies?

O I was also wondering if anyone had some cool facts on St. Michael the Archangel. And is St.Michael the only Saint who wasn't a human? It clearly says Archangel and humans cant become angels because angels were created in the very begining of creation.
M*W: If there were to be a battle between "God" and "Satan," it wouldn't be as dramatic as you imply. Sure, your "God of the Universe" could snap his fingers and instantly destroy the armies of hell, but it just wouldn't happen, because it's not destined to happen! It matters not if St. Michael was an Archangel or not. Nor does it matter if he was human. Angels were nothing but stars. Archangels were nothing but superstars or novas.

Satan, himself, was nothing more than a group of stars who fell from grace in the sky.
I can't help but laugh at your foolishness, Medicine Woman. You take scripture and make your own truth out of it, then proclaim it as fact. And you ignore most of the Bible, and take bits out of context to make a fantasy world that contradicts the Bible's word. You make it nice and easy into your own little box that you can see, touch, and feel so you can feel better about your surroundings. We foolish humans can't stand not knowing the truth, so Adam took the apple, so he could know. Sadly, it bit him back.

Medicine Woman said:
Why is it that Christians believe what the stars spell? Why is it that Christians believe there to be a redeemer? Christianity is nothing but the movements of the constellations. There is no redeemer except the truth found in astrology.
What? If any Christian believes in astrology, I pity them.

My sister-in-law proclaims Christianity, but believes in astrology and crap. And her life bears bitter fruit and her tongue is that of a serpent. Poor, poor, woman. :( I hope she figures it all out sooner than later. All I can do is pray and cry for her.
jayleew: I can't help but laugh at your foolishness, Medicine Woman. You take scripture and make your own truth out of it, then proclaim it as fact.
M*W: And you're saying that you don't do that?
jayleew: And you ignore most of the Bible, and take bits out of context to make a fantasy world that contradicts the Bible's word. You make it nice and easy into your own little box that you can see, touch, and feel so you can feel better about your surroundings. We foolish humans can't stand not knowing the truth, so Adam took the apple, so he could know. Sadly, it bit him back.
M*W: That's exactly what you Christians do!
jayleew: What? If any Christian believes in astrology, I pity them.

My sister-in-law proclaims Christianity, but believes in astrology and crap. And her life bears bitter fruit and her tongue is that of a serpent. Poor, poor, woman. :( I hope she figures it all out sooner than later. All I can do is pray and cry for her.
M*W: Those who proclaim Christianity proclaim astrology as well. There is no such thing as a dying demigod savior. Your sister-in-law is on the right tract. Why would anyonee want to lie about this?
jayleew: I can't help but laugh at your foolishness, Medicine Woman. You take scripture and make your own truth out of it, then proclaim it as fact. And you ignore most of the Bible, and take bits out of context to make a fantasy world that contradicts the Bible's word. You make it nice and easy into your own little box that you can see, touch, and feel so you can feel better about your surroundings. We foolish humans can't stand not knowing the truth, so Adam took the apple, so he could know. Sadly, it bit him back.
M*W: One man's trash is another man's treasure.
jayleew: What? If any Christian believes in astrology, I pity them.
M*W: This only shows your dire stupidity!
jayleew: My sister-in-law proclaims Christianity, but believes in astrology and crap. And her life bears bitter fruit and her tongue is that of a serpent. Poor, poor, woman. :( I hope she figures it all out sooner than later. All I can do is pray and cry for her.
M*W: Why are you praying for her? She's found the truth! All you believe in are lies!
M*W: Why am I in a religion forum? Because it's a religion forum and not a christian forum. I could ask you the same question. Why are you in a religion forum if all you're going to do is preach christianity?[/QUOTE]

Im not preaching, i said why are you badmouthing christianity, how the hell am i preaching by asking you a question.
Conspiracy said:
Im not preaching, i said why are you badmouthing christianity, ....
Im guessing its for the same reason why any atheist does..
xianity,in fact any religion stops the thinking mind!
in xianity questioning is HERESY while in our lives if we are to advance scientificaly,.. questioning is REQUIERED and
debating with theists feels sometimes like talking with brain dead morrons who answer everything with goddidit goddidit goddidit...
and when we ask why you reply back with some nonsense such as
hes beyond our comprehension,etc..

not to mention that your
is so full of ILLOGICAL,contradictory stories no one in their right mind could possibly take it seriously in this modern age...
Medicine Woman: Conspiracy: I respect your opinion, but why are you in a religion forum if all your going to do is badmouth Christianity?
M*W: Why am I in a religion forum? Because it's a religion forum and not a christian forum. I could ask you the same question. Why are you in a religion forum if all you're going to do is preach christianity?
M*W: I'm in a "religion forum" because "religion" is what I research!" "Badmouthing Christianity" is the main focus of my research! To me, Christianity doesn't exist.
medicine woman: you are an idiot.

conspiracy is right, you are doing nothing but badmouthing christianity and if you don't like christianity then don't sit here and be included in the thread you retard. go play with yourself.
mirajin: medicine woman: you are an idiot.

conspiracy is right, you are doing nothing but badmouthing christianity and if you don't like christianity then don't sit here and be included in the thread you retard. go play with yourself.
M*W: Badmouthing christianity is nothing new.Christianity is a lie. You call me an idiot, but you are the one who is an idiot! You need to do some more research on your faith. You are an idiot!