God vs Aliens

Which do you believe?

  • God and aliens

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • God, but not aliens

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aliens, but not god

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters
God - probably not
Aliens in general - undecided.
Aliens visiting Earth now - definitely not.
Dude, aliens would kick god's ass. They have like acid for blood and those teeth that shoot out and everything!

OH... sorry.... ;)

I mean to say, "Neither".

Originally posted by James R
Aliens visiting Earth now - definitely not.

I don't understand that. You must mean "almost surely not" right?


God - vacuous word.

Aliens in general - almost surely there is other life out there.
Slightly less sure about intelligent life.

Aliens visiting Earth now - probably not.
Well..... if you take into consideration martian rock samples containing bacteria, one can say aliens do exist. No they don't have to be able to phone home or undertake anal probes, but people really can't deny there is some form of life out there.

As for god... I have never heard such tripe in all my life. The fact that anyone gives it any credence whatsoever is astounding. Then again, at one stage, you all thought a big fat guy came down your chimney every December. Lol, some people.
As for god... I have never heard such tripe in all my life.
Science and God don't have to be mutually exclusive. I definitely don't believe in the God of the Bible, but ... I believe humans trying to understand God is like the bacteria in our digestive systems trying to understand us - its simply way beyond our powers of comprehension. The best we can do is try and analyse the contents of the stomach.
Same can be said of santa and the tooth fairy. Doesn't make them real. Sure we can debate about it but the fact remains there's nothing of any credibility to give rise to its consideration.
But basically what I'm saying is that there is no way you can disprove it either, it all comes down to a matter of one's personal beliefs. You happen to believe there is no God. Others happen to believe in a God. It doesn't make one right and one wrong.
but the inability to disprove either should tell you something about the nature of the argument to begin with don't you think? people who insist there is a god are simply wrong, but use the fact that you can't prove that they're wrong as justification of their argument. it's freakin sick. (an admitted generalization, pardon)

proof that you cannot prove it either way is powerful evidence that the question should be asked, but one must resist attachment to a specific answer except the answer as just stated, that you should resist a specific answer. don't you think?
But basically what I'm saying is that there is no way you can disprove it either

It is this sentence that show beyond all reasonable doubt why something should not even be given consideration. At least people who put belief in aliens cite evidence, check witness accounts, video footage, photographs etc etc etc, while the religious masses have nothing even remotely credible to suggest reality of a god.

On the one hand they argue god is completely undetectable and as such cannot be proven/disproven but then.....

If god is completely undetectable it shows that these old shepherds MUST have been making mere assumptions and fairy tales based on worldly events.

If on the other hand god is detectable then it'd be on sky news and we wouldn't be sitting here discussing this.

Until such time where there is something, anything to suggest god as being a reality then it will be considered. All the religious side has to offer is their own lack of understanding to science.

It might aswell be the giant 6 headed, guitar playing turnip of mount hoogle boogle you believe in, (cant disprove his existence either), but i know you wouldn't give that any serious thought.. would you?

Now, some like Jenyar would argue that this is down to the 6 headed guitar playing turnip not having any ancient books written about him but my response to that is quite simple:

Since when did old books imply reality? The facts show people thousands of years ago knew a lot less than modern day people. It was simply their version of science. To think that people 2000+ years later believe it is hysterical.

Provide me with something to make the whole 'god' thing have some credibility and i'll consider it. If not, you cant expect me to any more than i'd expect you to believe in the turnip master.