God - The Universal Manager


I am MalcomR
Valued Senior Member
I've worked under a few good managers, and many more bad ones. Now, I know several xians who are businessmen and women. They appear to be fairly good managers (I don't work for them). If we applied the basic idea of management skills to god, the ultimate manager (of the universe no less) what would we conclude? I know what I would conclude. I have a fairly short list of regarding the behavior that a good manager exhibits. I'd love to hear some good xian managers weigh in on what they think of gods management style.

Or just some good ranting. Whatever.
An autocratic and bureaucratic attitude is counterproductive. My way or the highway coupled with a list of do's and don'ts for people to follow is not managing. Perhaps actually making an appearance to help solve a few problems would help.
Good. My own list includes:

- Interactive on a daily basis
- Supplies resources when needed
- Helps resolves conflicts

to name a few.