God the almighty balance(er)


Registered Senior Member
It is something which I have only started thinking about, but it is the idea that god (of any denomination) cannot be good or great or any other such describing word along that vein. If god is omniscient he knows everything. He knows sin and he knows the opposite of sin. He knows love and he also knows hate. People also describe god as perfect. He is also supposed to have perfect judgement therefore he must be 'balance' (scales of justice kinda thing).

So if god has a perfect knowledge of things, he must be in equilibrium or balance if you will. Things are perfect when they are in balance. So I go on further to start thinking that if god is god then he is also the devil as he is balance.

But what does that mean for life or humans? I don't really know. I don't think of death as life's opposite and assume balance for humans if living harmoniously with 'nature'. This is me thinking without any belief in an institution god, my brain doesn't support that software.

It also seems to me that the devil is not vogue in religions any more, so less is said about him. I don't know much about him in the first place but I don't understand depictions of him all ulgy when I hear he is vain. It's like jesus being portryed as this fair-haired white guy. Complete nonsense but whatever.

As well, is it christian belief that god commanded adam and eve not to eat the fruit from the tree? Because from what I've read he advises them not to. Not that I believe adam and eve ever had a chance anyway. As people say to me the first pain was eve having adams baby and that helped separate them from god but god told adam to go have his way with eve in the first place. Patriarchal paradigm anyone?

First thread in a while. Hope it's not utter crap that people have already disscused.