God talked to me in a burning bush


Registered Senior Member
and he wrote on this rock I found on top of a MT ST Helens. He wrote "thou shall not kill" but it's ok if I say so since he talked to me in a burning bush. I also can cause plagues with my cane . I even split the Pacific ocean this morning just to test it. Listen to me and make me the ruler of the earth or I will cause evil.

Shrugs of course none of you believe me..But The Jewish, Christian, and Catholic faiths all believed Moses.
What you need ...

<b>justagirl</b>, I will follow you!

But you need a spokesperson, someone that is good with the locals and can let them know in their own tongue what is required of the Lord's Prophet.

When there are wars going on between the righteous and the wicked, I will be there to uphold your arms so that the tide of war will go against the evil ones!

I will even try to dissuade you from thinking that you're above the Lord and stay your hand as you stretch it forth to bring water from stone!

I will cover up the fact that you killed an Egyptian and buried him six feet under!

Together we will spawn a religion that will become the scourge of the planet. We will drown out the unbelievers and force the wicked to be cut down as stubble. We will expound religious dogmatic teachings based heavily on patriarchal formulae unto our fellow man. Curse them that do not adhere to the words of the Lord, which shall proceed out of your mouth, and be transliterated out of mine!

Hmm. On second thought. I think I'll preach a philosophy of acceptance for others' opinions so long as they do not infringe (too much) on their neighbors.

Yeah, that Moses, what a character. If he wasn't so <i>hell</i>bent on declaring the words of the Lord, he would've made one hell of a storyteller. Imagine the requests he probably had back then! "Hey, tell us about the time that bush which was not consumed by fire spoke to you."

"Well," he'd begin, "that was a dooser, let me tell you. It all started when I stubbed my toe ..."


He spoke to me thusly too

" OOOOOWWWWW! somebody piss on the bush PISS ON THE BUSH!!!"

And it came to pass george dubya was wetted.

Go in piss
I know the feeling

Shrugs of course none of you believe me..But The Jewish, Christian, and Catholic faiths all believed Moses.
I know the feeling, Justagirl. One of the reasons I'm not Christian is that I've had a face-to-face with both Jesus and Satan (on separate occasions).

• I rejected Satan's offer of a destroyed world to rule over on the grounds that it wasn't our style. Satan agreed; he doesn't really know why anyone's fighting, but it seemed to be the role people wanted him to play, so ....

• I met Jesus in an other-world reconstruction of St Aloysius chapel at my high school. He was tired, sad. Nobody should be fighting, he said. There was no reason. We talked about what to do, then, because I felt that Christian faith perpetuated the problem. Jesus agreed. It was, he said, a disgrace to kowtow and fear, and an insult to think that such hateful supremacy as he knew I was seeing in Christendom was carried out in his name. In the end, we struck a deal. I was to pursue goodness and evil and learn their nature; formal kowtowing and worship was beyond unnecessary--it embarrassed the humble Jesus.

Oh, well ... it's never had much effect to relate these things to Christians. It seems that if Jesus came down and told them they were wrong, they would vocally disagree. (I'm still searching for that Horsey cartoon; I am not cutting up my Pulitzer-edition of his book just to scan that one, but when I find it ... it's classic; Pacific Northwest Christian conservatives telling Christ that he's too liberal ....)

Tiassa :cool:

Oh, well ... it's never had much effect to relate these things to Christians. It seems that if Jesus came down and told them they were wrong, they would vocally disagree
Jesus did tell them himself and they just explain away those versus. They elevated men to God stutus and they did the same with the Bible. The Bible is the cause of many of the worlds problems. Some direct (the holy wars) and some indirect as so many churches teach discrimination no matter how they try to sugar coat it. That causes anger and hate.

Luke 24 25,26

"How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken. Did not Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?"

Mark 7 6,7

"Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites as it is written:

These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain, their teachings are but rules taught by men,"

Jesus is the word of God and all other men are just men that make mistakes which includes the men in the Bible.

Jeremiah 23 9-16 prophets of the Bible

"My heart is broken within me:

all my bones trmeble.

I am like a drunken man,

Like a man overcome by wine,

because of the Lord

and his Holy words.

The land is full of adulterers,

because of the curse the

Land lies parched

and the pastures in the desert are withered.

The Prophets follow an evil course

and use their power unjustly.

Both prophet and priest are Godless,

Even in my temple I find their wickedness. declares the Lord"

"Therefore their path will become slippery,

they will be banished to darkness

and there they will fall.

I will bring disaster on them

in the year they are punished, declares the Lord"

"Among the prophets of Samaria

I saw this repulsive thing:

They prophesied bt Baal

and led my peope Isreal astray.

And among the prophets of Jerusalem

I have seen something horrible.

They commit adultry and live a lie.

They strenghthen the hands of evildoers,

so that no one turns from his wickedness.

They are like Sodom to me:

The people of Jerusalem are like Gomorrah.

I will make them eat bitter food

and drink poisoned water,

because from the prophets of Jerusalem

ungodliness has spread throughout the land"
LOL I read that link thanks but I waved my cane and the Pacific ocean split. A couple of Ships from other countries were wiped out when I let the ocean go back but I erased the memories of their families so nobody would remember it and not be recorded in history...lol
mind if I drop in?

Hear me, thou - lost soul whoom I shall burn in a bush. AVATAR IS TIME AND HISTORY. LORD OF THE PAST AND FUTURE CONTROLLER OF THE 4TH DIMMENSION! HE/SHE/IT/THEY CAN NOT BE ERASED OR EDITED OR ALTERED IN ANY OTHER WAY Thou canst not escape, bush is already lit.

When thou thought thoust heard a bush speak, thou heard thine mind and fate for it was long before foretold by ME!

Say your prares to the BUSH :D

(wonder what really happened with Moses:confused: )
I have a theory that makes more sense than the Bible but I am not sayng it happened but just a better explanation of the facts. By Moses's own admission he killed a guy and had to go hide from the Pharaoh. While he was off hiding he become bored and started writing the Bible. Along the way he bumped into people and they joined his clan as after all he spoke to God. Egypt has detailed records of history and they show no record of the Exodus which would be a huge fact to omit from their history book. But I can beleive they didn't list a common fugitive in their history book. Along the way His followers become larger and larger and he was blindly leading them in circles in the Bible. He finally found some decent land and ordered an attack because God said so and then he finished his "holy text"
Re: What you need ...

*Originally posted by pragmathen
I will cover up the fact that you killed an Egyptian and buried him six feet under!

Perhaps that one statement will reveal how completely backward your thinking is.

That "coverup" is published in a book that is the ultimate best-seller of all time, published longer, in more languages and in more places than any other book.

Can you feel the irony?

Some coverup!
But then again, there are other things which you have as completely reversed as this one.

*Originally posted by tiassa
Satan agreed; he doesn't really know why anyone's fighting, but it seemed to be the role people wanted him to play

Wow, tiassa.
Thanks for the little revelation there.
I think of God as being all-knowing, but until I read that, I had never thought of Satan as being the exact opposite, i.e. Satan, the not-having-a-clue.

Thanks, tiassa.

*I was to pursue goodness and evil and learn their nature; formal kowtowing and worship was beyond unnecessary--it embarrassed the humble Jesus. *

I can't help noticing that you seem to have focused primarily on pursuing evil and really concentrating on the nature of evil.

*Pacific Northwest Christian conservatives telling Christ that he's too liberal ....*

It's a cartoon.
The reality is that the PNWCCs are too liberal.
That's why the cartoon is funny.
Hahahaaaaa bad news for you Tony; Lord of the Rings is sepping on bible and for the last decade or so it has been sold more thn bible. And why do you think tht a nice cover-up story can not be sold so many times. If it is good written everything can become a super bestseller. LotR is one of thm. And I hope tht "Brief History of Time" shall follow:) btw, vedas are a lot more interesting, just a little bit harder to read, but with ,ore truth and more facts, nt speaking of tht they were written before Moses(who gathered bible from different legends and egyptian texts [the great flood is from Shumer(sp) myths) Bible is only unique with tht tht so many people fell for it:mad:

LOL at Lord of the Rings passing the Bible..That's good when you consider there is soooooooo many variations of the Bible as each religion makes it's own version in their so called search for the truth
this is from The Forbes
On the Internet, the trailer for The Lord Of The Rings film has already been downloaded more times than the trailer for the overhyped Star Wars: Phantom Menace. The $100 million movie, based on J.R.R.Tolkien's book, is shaping up to be a smash.Too bad The Hobbit's author sold the movie rights for the trilogy to United Artists in 1969. He was, however, lucky enough to strike a deal with the publisher of the popular Rings series to split the profits of the sales 50-50, instead of taking an advance and the standard 10% to 15% royalties. Since then, Tolkien and his heirs have reaped a dragon's hoarde of royalties, with the books still going strong on the best-sellers lists. In fact, recent U.K. reader polls have actually ranked Lord of the Rings above the Bible in popularity.

*Pacific Northwest Christian conservatives telling Christ that he's too liberal ....*

It's a cartoon.
The reality is that the PNWCCs are too liberal.
That's why the cartoon is funny.
Really? You've seen it? Cool. Any idea where we can get an online copy of it?

I'll even give you a topic starter, if you would like to undertake a demonstration of your opinion: How are PNW Xn Conservatives too liberal?

Some NW Xn topics of politics:

• Homosexuals should not be allowed civil rights (Oregon)
• Books which Christians disagree with should be banned; they constituted a civil rights infringement against Christians. (Washington, Oregon, &c.)
• To investigate seemingly-legitimate evidence of whether or not a minister exposed himself to children at Disneyworld and had law-enforcement participation in a coverup is apparently character assassination and a conspiracy by the liberal press.

Here, we can start with Ellen Craswell:
"Christians should be outraged at the secularization of government," she told a reporter this summer. "A lot of people say religion and politics don't mix. Well, they better start mixing." ....

.... as she talked, a campaign volunteer down the hall filled a table with Craswell campaign fliers and a placard with her portrait. Underneath the photo it said, "God's plan for Washington State: Smaller government, low taxes, and laws based on Biblical morality."
Read through that article and tell me what you think; Craswell was one of Horsey's central targets with the cartoon, as you well know having seen it.
Craswell is quick to point out - as she said the founding fathers did - that this doesn't mean other faiths should be excluded or discriminated against.

Some of her stands stake out clear moral turf. She opposes abortion and gay-rights legislation. As a state senator, she pushed for passage of laws to end no-fault divorce and to castrate sex offenders
Or maybe this?
Craswell would try to remove many state rules over schools. She has expressed skepticism about compulsory-education laws. She wants to abolish the state's Child Protective Services agency and give local police the authority to investigate complaints of child abuse and neglect.

As a legislator, she opposed subsidized school-breakfast programs and wanted to change child-abuse laws. These programs, she says, often intrude on the rights of parents to educate and discipline their children as they see fit.
Or ...
In a fund-raising letter last year, Craswell wrote that government "tells us there is no room for God in our laws and schools. It's no wonder we are seeing rampant immorality, disease, economic problems, violence, crime, divorce, corrupt leaders - all the consequences promised to a nation that turns from the Lord and from His ways."

Faith permeates the campaign structure. Top campaign posts, Craswell says, are filled with committed Christians. Prayer teams operate in every legislative district.
On the one hand, it's discriminatory; to the other, I don't think anyone but conservative (commited?) Christians would fill those posts without issues of conscience.
"When I follow God's plan I am greatly blessed and when I don't, nothing goes right," Craswell said.

Like Inauguration Day 1993, when a major windstorm swept through the state.

"It was the stormy wind that cut off power, man's power, closed down the Legislature," Craswell wrote in her newsletter. "We believe it was a significant sign that our all powerful Father, who raiseth the stormy wind, did so on Inauguration Day. . . . Oh, but that we might reach our wit's end and cry unto the Lord, that he might bring us out of this darkness."
Add to that Lon Mabon and Scott Lively (the latter currently pushing God-ballots in northern California) and the large numbers of people who support them in faith and politics and you've got a fairly conservative nest of vipers up here. As the Horsey cartoon (a Google image search still won't cough it up) indicates, these Christians who are too liberal finds Jesus to be too liberal. Now, if that's the joke to you, what does it mean that they're too liberal when Jesus is viewed as even more liberal than they?

Like I said, it would make an excellent topic. You ought to start it and show that your presence here is worth more than the occasional, malicious attempt at wit.
Wow, tiassa.
Thanks for the little revelation there.
I think of God as being all-knowing, but until I read that, I had never thought of Satan as being the exact opposite, i.e. Satan, the not-having-a-clue.

Thanks, tiassa.
You're most welcome, Tony1. I'm always happy to offer you some new perspective. Such concepts, though, aren't new to the world by any means; we all understand that you rarely give issues of God any thought--your ego is too important.

Always happy to help.
I can't help noticing that you seem to have focused primarily on pursuing evil and really concentrating on the nature of evil.
Well, what would Jesus have accomplished merely reinforcing the good and ignoring the evil? Goodness is a standard, Tony1. Evil is a deviation, as demonstrated by many, many Christians, yourself included.

Anyway, let us know where to find the online copy of that cartoon.

--Tiassa :cool:
*Originally posted by Avatar
Hahahaaaaa bad news for you Tony; Lord of the Rings is sepping on bible and for the last decade or so it has been sold more thn bible.

I think it'll have to sell a few more copies to catch up on the 5 or 6 billion Bibles that have been printed so far.

*And why do you think tht a nice cover-up story can not be sold so many times.*

Pragmathen thought that the death of the Egyptian was "covered up," by describing it in a book that was to be printed billions of times.

*If it is good written everything can become a super bestseller.*

That means the Bible is the best, since it is the all-time super-extra-best-seller.

*LotR is one of thm.*

Dream on.

*And I hope tht "Brief History of Time" shall follow:) btw, vedas are a lot more interesting, just a little bit harder to read, but with ,ore truth and more facts,*

More dreaming.

*nt speaking of tht they were written before Moses(who gathered bible from different legends and egyptian texts [the great flood is from Shumer(sp) myths) Bible is only unique with tht tht so many people fell for it*

It's unique in that any other book will have to sell a LOT of copies to catch up, and then sell a LOT more to catch up by that time, since they are printing Bibles every day.

Like you said yourself, a book would have to be good to sell a lot of copies, and no book has sold more than the Bible.

*In fact, recent U.K. reader polls have actually ranked Lord of the Rings above the Bible in popularity.*

All I'd have to do to get a poll like that is talk to the nearest atheist group and ask which book is more popular, the Bible or the phone book.

*Originally posted by tiassa
Really? You've seen it? Cool. Any idea where we can get an online copy of it?

Nope. I've seen the thirty other variations on the same theme, but not online.

*I'll even give you a topic starter, if you would like to undertake a demonstration of your opinion: How are PNW Xn Conservatives too liberal?

Some NW Xn topics of politics:

Hey, some actual interaction with tiassa!
OK, liberal to you appears to mean Christians who let all kinds of sins slide.
Liberal to me means taking liberties with the Bible.

In any case, denying homosexuals rights, is taking liberties.
OTOH, giving them extra rights, which seems to be the current trend, is also taking liberties.

*"God's plan for Washington State: Smaller government, low taxes, and laws based on Biblical morality."*

How horrible!!!!
Low taxes!?!?!
Who can stand for such a thing!?!?!

*as you well know having seen it*

How am I supposed to know the intended target?

*On the one hand, it's discriminatory; to the other, I don't think anyone but conservative (commited?) Christians would fill those posts without issues of conscience.*

I can see how that would turn your crank backwards.
You wouldn't want rampant immorality, disease, economic problems, violence, crime, divorce, corrupt leaders and such to discriminate and affect only non-believers such as yourself.

*what does it mean that they're too liberal when Jesus is viewed as even more liberal than they?*

Just for starters, perhaps you should look up "cartoon," humor," "satire," etc in the dictionary.

*You're most welcome, Tony1. I'm always happy to offer you some new perspective.*

Sure, it explains some of your foibles, given that you are in such close contact with him, thru your "goddess."

*Such concepts, though, aren't new to the world by any means; *

Oh no, that one is quite new to the world since most people willingly submit to Satan in large numbers.

*we all understand that you rarely give issues of God any thought--your ego is too important. *

Sure, whatever you say, tiassa.

*Always happy to help.*

That's good to hear since I don't think you spend much time dealing with issues such as happiness.

*Well, what would Jesus have accomplished merely reinforcing the good and ignoring the evil?*

He did spend a lot of time casting out demons for sure.
Perhaps that is something you should look into yourself, not so much casting them out as getting them cast out.

*Goodness is a standard, Tony1. Evil is a deviation, as demonstrated by many, many Christians, yourself included.*

So even though I demonstrate evil by upholding you as an example of it, you still feel riled by my doing so?
Isn't that a sort of double standard?
It's OK to point out evil, but not in you?
I know it's no use to spoil my time with this, so I'm responding only to one:( with my personal oppinion, because any refferning or facts seem useless to you.
If it is good written everything can become a super bestseller.*That means the Bible is the best, since it is the all-time super-extra-best-seller. ------Like you said yourself, a book would have to be good to sell a lot of copies, and no book has sold more than the Bible.

Tht means only tht people still fall for it. People in general are stupid and narrow minded. But some personalities are not. And I feel only sad and frustrated about this. I'm an optimist and believe tht sometime people will eventually step in the next step of evolution (spiritual mostly with possible genetical interference), but with this rate I see it no time soon. And because of the US it will be even later, because I can not help seeing tht the US and most hard-end muslin countries are the most narrowminded and believe in stuff tht only keeps all the rest of the world back. But because the US has the most influence on all world from them all ,it is the many people of the US* to blame for our setback in evolving into something higher. Maybe we will eventually become gods, but with no help from people like you Tony. And if I continued more time wasting on you, then there would be another set back in my personal and, in the end, all humanity's evolution. So unfortunately I have to put you back in my ignore list. (have a nice time there with Sir Loone)

this was my personal oppinion which was not reffered by any people or books or anything else. Feel freely to do anything you like with it.

*meant- reigious fundamentalists, mostly christians and also fundamental muslins and some part of hindus(sp)

Have a nice time with your "god" Tony

Cheers and good luck everyone!
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this is truth Tony and everyone else who reads

Life is but a momentary glimpse of the wonder of this astonishing universe, and it is so sad to see so many dreaming it away on spiritual fantasy. (Carl Sagan)