God still neds no melons!

Mr. Hamtastic

Registered Senior Member
This is a worthy thread. I'll make this thread or a version of it until the cesspool overflows. The statement is fair. What would God need with melons? What use does God have for a universe?:)
As the saying goes, All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players. The audiance watches and the truth is revealed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
What use does God have for a universe?:)
I think it's clear.

God is a sadist. He created a cold and indifferent cosmos and planted our sorry asses on one little rock, and let us go at it. Now all he has to do is sit back and watch the bullshit and suffering unfold and poke at us every few thousand years.

What a riot!
He wanted to see if we would create Dancing With The Stars.

And, unfortunately, we did.

If He didn't already know the outcome, I expect He'd be disappointed.
I think it's clear.

God is a sadist. He created a cold and indifferent cosmos and planted our sorry asses on one little rock, and let us go at it. Now all he has to do is sit back and watch the bullshit and suffering unfold and poke at us every few thousand years.

What a riot!

Thats kind of how I see it, but not so much as a pure destructive manner. There is alot of good in the world. For every negative there is a positive counterpart. i do believe that we re entertainment though but a full range in the spectrum of entertainment, happy, sad, good, evil, destructive, progressive. We give it all in so many variations, we kill we love we give we steal we fight we resolve we break we fix. It's pretty good entertainment in my opinion a mix between a huge experiment and reality TV.

Imagine you hd a Television set tht could tune into any event of any persons life nytime anywhere without restriction. Tht would be a decent show to watch, I would even watch tha reality show and I hate them all.
