God & Religion: A Schizophrenic Worldview


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I know a few Christians who could easily be described as having "schizophrenic" tendencies. It is impossible to have a discussion with them about religion just like it is impossible to have a discussion with different schizophrenic about the weather. Their minds won't release them from captivity to see a different worldview. It's truly sad. Like any schizophrenic, they focus on certain philosophies or things, and there's no getting around them. My question is: Do people with schizophrenia attracted to Christianity or does Christianity somehow cause schizophrenic symptoms? The Christians I know who show definite signs of schizophrenia were raised as non-fundamental Catholics. They are related. Now they both attend pentecostal and holiness churches, go to bible studies every night of the week, and preach on the street, literally. I know their backgrounds and medical histories, and the religious changes they both have made (but in no way together or at the same time), are off the deep-end. They also had symptoms of schizophrenia for most of their lives. This tells me that becoming a fundamental Christian was a symptom of their condition. It certainly feeds off of their current mental states. Catholicism was much too tame for them, so they sought out a religion that was more dynamic where they could be the center of attention (in different churches).

I've known these people practically all of their lives, and it is impossible to have a discussion with them. Another characteristic they both have is the inability to let another person get a word in edgewise. They are non-stop talkers sometimes having to catch their breath as if they were drowning! I see that they have a fear of someone else trying to talk to them. The other problem with them that I see is their desire to be the hero among their church friends. It isn't good enough to just attend church. They both feel they have to present themselves in a god-like fashion! It's rather easy to compare their behaviors with the stories of Moses, Abraham, Jesus, et al.

Is this some kind of messiah complex? Incidentally, neither of them are able to hold down a job because they spend all their time at church. OTOH, both (men) are very intelligent scientifically and mathematically, but they cannot relate to others with these attributes.

Once I asked the older gentleman to provide some scientific evidence that Jesus was the messiah, and he replied, "the proof is in the pudding." Then I asked him to explain to me scientifically what "pudding" was. He couldn't do it. I wasn't surprised.

Even those individuals who adamantly and fanatically insist there is a God and that Jesus is the messiah still cannot provide any evidence. Is that the case of Moses, Abraham, David, Jesus and Paul? Were they all schizophrenic? Is Christianity the only religion based on schizophrenia? It sure seems like it.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I know a few Christians who could easily be described as having "schizophrenic" tendencies. It is impossible to have a discussion with them about religion just like it is impossible to have a discussion with different schizophrenic about the weather. Their minds won't release them from captivity to see a different worldview. It's truly sad. Like any schizophrenic, they focus on certain philosophies or things, and there's no getting around them. My question is: Do people with schizophrenia attracted to Christianity or does Christianity somehow cause schizophrenic symptoms? The Christians I know who show definite signs of schizophrenia were raised as non-fundamental Catholics. They are related. Now they both attend pentecostal and holiness churches, go to bible studies every night of the week, and preach on the street, literally. I know their backgrounds and medical histories, and the religious changes they both have made (but in no way together or at the same time), are off the deep-end. They also had symptoms of schizophrenia for most of their lives. This tells me that becoming a fundamental Christian was a symptom of their condition. It certainly feeds off of their current mental states. Catholicism was much too tame for them, so they sought out a religion that was more dynamic where they could be the center of attention (in different churches).

I've known these people practically all of their lives, and it is impossible to have a discussion with them. Another characteristic they both have is the inability to let another person get a word in edgewise. They are non-stop talkers sometimes having to catch their breath as if they were drowning! I see that they have a fear of someone else trying to talk to them. The other problem with them that I see is their desire to be the hero among their church friends. It isn't good enough to just attend church. They both feel they have to present themselves in a god-like fashion! It's rather easy to compare their behaviors with the stories of Moses, Abraham, Jesus, et al.

Is this some kind of messiah complex? Incidentally, neither of them are able to hold down a job because they spend all their time at church. OTOH, both (men) are very intelligent scientifically and mathematically, but they cannot relate to others with these attributes.

Once I asked the older gentleman to provide some scientific evidence that Jesus was the messiah, and he replied, "the proof is in the pudding." Then I asked him to explain to me scientifically what "pudding" was. He couldn't do it. I wasn't surprised.

Even those individuals who adamantly and fanatically insist there is a God and that Jesus is the messiah still cannot provide any evidence. Is that the case of Moses, Abraham, David, Jesus and Paul? Were they all schizophrenic? Is Christianity the only religion based on schizophrenia? It sure seems like it.

M*W: I may have answered my own questions. See below:

Schizophrenia is a mental illness in which you lose touch with reality to varying degrees. The vast majority of Christians definitely are not schizophrenic, from a medical standpoint.
People keep forgetting the phenomenon of dichotomous thinking that allows us all to compartmentalize concepts in order to apply different rule sets to them, thus allowing for rationalism and unfounded belief in a cherished idea to coexist in the same, sane brain.
The words of the bible will be around till the end of time. Cant say that about some of these peoples ideas. :rolleyes:
James R said:
Schizophrenia is a mental illness in which you lose touch with reality to varying degrees. The vast majority of Christians definitely are not schizophrenic, from a medical standpoint.
if not, then they come a close second, where do we draw the line.
the next paragraph was taken from here "Prophets hear the voice of God and talk with him. God reveals himself to prophets and they do his work. Lunatics hear voices in their heads. The difference is only good public relations. "God told me to kill my son" has been used as an excuse in courts a few times, but usually the defence lawyers use it as evidence of insanity. What is different about Abraham and Isaac? To me there is no difference. We have been told that Abraham did hear the voice of God, that his claim is legitimate. or Just good public relations."
so you could say that lunatics are not Schizophrenic, for want of good public relations.