God. Profit from Murder and Genocide? Get serious.

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
God. Profit from Murder and Genocide? Get serious.

When reading the Bible, the facts show God as setting a ransom for forgiving man. That ransom was Jesus. God then sets the conditions to have Jesus murdered. Thus is how all sins, for all of eternal time, are forgiven. God does not do anything half way. After all, He would not want to break his own word and sin again.

Eze 18:20
The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Psa 49:7
None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him.

Father God screwed up and he is having his son Jesus bear the iniquity that he himself created. An insane act.

No sane God would waste a son so needlessly. This is obvious I think to most.

This is the conclusion that one must come to, if we make Jesus part of the Trinity. This is unacceptable, as God would not murder his son.
This kills the Trinity notion.

Otherwise, God Goes straight to hell for murder.

As above, so below. The believers duty is to follow God’s example. The first commandment.

If you would NOT do such, ( murder your own son ), and you are of the Abraham religions, then you are not a true follower. You have placed yourself above God.

Rather a catch 22.

The genocide of Noah’s day would also be an example of God profiting from murder. At a wholesale price. It boils down to God having a reality that he did not like, to a position of God having a reality that he liked better. Strangely, some even say that God does not change.

The God that I know does not work that way.

If your God does, and you follow this God, you should question why you do.

To follow your God, you would have to be willing to kill your own children, as well as use genocide on the rest of mankind, as you follow an unfathomable, impossible to understand, alien God.

How does that make you feel?

Poorly I hope. Does it make you want to trade in your God for a new and improved model?

One who will not ask you to go insane with him. All that just because he found something that he did not create. Iniquity. This, God had to learn as he had not known it was in him.

Eze 18:20
The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Basically stating that each soul, and each man is its own. God will not take credit for your righteousness, but he will not accept the blame for the hate in your heart.

Psa 49:7
None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him.

Not even could I save my brother if he didn't pass judgment, thats what I get from this.

Father God screwed up and he is having his son Jesus bear the iniquity that he himself created. An insane act.

What iniquity?

No sane God would waste a son so needlessly. This is obvious I think to most.

Wasted Jesus? Sorry, you don't know what you are talking about.

This is the conclusion that one must come to, if we make Jesus part of the Trinity. This is unacceptable, as God would not murder his son.
This kills the Trinity notion.

Jesus will walk again. He knew what the deal was when he accepted his assignment from YHWH.

Otherwise, God Goes straight to hell for murder.

Blasphemous. God created existence, he can kill us all and still wouldn't go to hell.

As above, so below. The believers duty is to follow God’s example. The first commandment.


If you would NOT do such, ( murder your own son ), and you are of the Abraham religions, then you are not a true follower. You have placed yourself above God.

Legend says that God sent his two most high angels Michael and Gabrielle to make sure such a gross misunderstanding took place. If "God" told me to sacrifice my son I would say quiet you old serpent you can not deceive me.
Rather a catch 22.

The genocide of Noah’s day would also be an example of God profiting from murder. At a wholesale price. It boils down to God having a reality that he did not like, to a position of God having a reality that he liked better. Strangely, some even say that God does not change.

They lost their way completely, don't worry the likes of Adam, Eve, Seth, etc were not cast to the lake of fire, they kept their immortality. God knows all, he did what he had to.

The God that I know does not work that way.

What does your God say to you?

If your God does, and you follow this God, you should question why you do.

I question God every chance I get.

To follow your God, you would have to be willing to kill your own children, as well as use genocide on the rest of mankind, as you follow an unfathomable, impossible to understand, alien God.

Willing to sacrifice in the name of Gods will.. I know my boy would belong in Heaven but God knows I would not kill my son even in his name. Genocide is inevitable, and necessary. Find your faith or be cast to the fire.

How does that make you feel?

I don't have feelings.

Poorly I hope. Does it make you want to trade in your God for a new and improved model?

The LORD rebuke thee
Thanks for indicating that you are not insane enough to kill for your God and you would break the first commandment instead..

Thanks for indicating that you are not insane enough to kill for your God and you would break the first commandment instead..


If God said to me, you will strike a man today, I would ask why and he would tell me in vivid detail what he will do and why must not fail. I would use my own judgment and see if what I am told must be done. Not a task I welcome, and one i would doubt to be bestowed upon me.
If God said to me, you will strike a man today, I would ask why and he would tell me in vivid detail what he will do and why must not fail. I would use my own judgment and see if what I am told must be done. Not a task I welcome, and one i would doubt to be bestowed upon me.

As I said. I am pleased that your faith is weak and that you would question.

I am also pleased that you recognize that we have improved quite well on whatever the mythical Bible God gave in terms of commandments.
