God,please may I have a code?

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You already have the most sophisticated computing device yet constructed in your own head. It is the accumulation of billions of years of biological accomplishment. Why not use it?
God is dumb. The forces that created us only had to be slightly more intelligent than complete randomness for that intelligence to accumulate. Simple evolutionary computer programs can do the same thing.
Little_Birdie said:
b/c god knows everything whist we still have a few things to learn
Then God knows how to create a World with freewill where everything will happen just as it will now, ONLY without one thing – innocent Children are not mutilated in war, raped by their fathers, and killed by starvation (actually that's a misnomer, no one dies of starvation, actually after their body digests enough flesh to collapse their lungs they die of suffocation, probably one of the most painful and horrible means to and end).

So what can we conclude? God has the knowledge to make a World without such death yet has decided not to? What a cruel mother f*cking jackarse.

Provita said:
Unless its impossible without taking free will...
Impossible? For GOD ALMIGHTY CREATOR OF THE COSMOS? Gimme a break. Either accept the UNLIMITED AND UNCONSTRAINED POWER OF GOD or find a more sensible way to understand the universe. Sheesh.
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