God on the Seventh Day


Registered Member
I have noticed that in the "biblical anomalies" thread that there is much confusion over why God rested on the seventh day. In fact, I truly believe that the English translation is incorrect with the wording. Really, I believe it is meant that he was done. He "rested" not because he was tired, but because he simply had nothing else to do. The word "rested" quite possibly does not mean that he actually slept or something akin to sleeping. God was done making the world, and was instead observing what he had created. Comments welcome.

X-Ide said:
I have noticed that in the "biblical anomalies" thread that there is much confusion over why God rested on the seventh day. In fact, I truly believe that the English translation is incorrect with the wording. Really, I believe it is meant that he was done. He "rested" not because he was tired, but because he simply had nothing else to do. The word "rested" quite possibly does not mean that he actually slept or something akin to sleeping. God was done making the world, and was instead observing what he had created. Comments welcome.

M*W: My theory is that:
1) "God" is pure positive energy spirit;
2) A spiritual day is not necessarily 24 hours;
3) The seven spiritual days it took to create the world could possibly be billions of years;
4) When the One Spirit of God created mankind as the greatest of all creation, the spiritual energy that is God calmed but did not die;
5) It may appear that God is resting, that's because the One Spirit of God has been breathed into humanity, and now we are busy working by allowing God to continue its work through us;
6) We are still in the seventh day of creation, and God is working through humanity to continue to create us in its image;
7) We're not finished yet, but we're on our way to eliminate all wars, diseases, famines, earthquakes, typhoons and plagues;
8) Death will be eradicated, and we will live forever interconnected to one another without diversity;
9) We are becoming the physical body of our creator; we are a vehicle for the One Spirit of God; we will have eternal life.
If there is any credibility to the bible at all, I feel that we wouldn't have even reached the seventh day yet. This is still the sixth and he is still in the process of making man, if in a somewhat indirect manner.
Clockwood said:
If there is any credibility to the bible at all, I feel that we wouldn't have even reached the seventh day yet. This is still the sixth and he is still in the process of making man, if in a somewhat indirect manner.
That's one possible interpretation. I would expand it further: Jesus "rested" in the grave on the Sabbath day, on the eighth day God created "new" life - He recreated his creation. That's why Christians celebrate the Sunday as the "day of our Lord". The day Christ was resurrected and we were reborn into a relationship with God.