God of Good and of Evil?

Alan McDougall

Alan McDougall
Registered Senior Member
Life is sustained by death (evil god)

The main piece of evidence here is biological matter and the food chain. All life dies biological life decays, erodes, fades, and becomes diseased and ill if it does not sustain itself.

To sustain itself nearly all life, except the least living elements of life, kills and eats other life. If not this, then it consumes biological matter at the expense of other living beings; the fight for food is also a case of living beings being required to outdo each other merely to survive.

If life were created, and not simply the result of undirected unconscious evolution, then this is surely the worst possible way to have created life. It appears very much that life cannot survive without causing suffering for other life.

A god could not have created a more vicious cycle if it tried: tying the very existence of life with the necessary killing of other life is the work of an evil genius, not of an all-powerful and all-loving god, that could choose if it wanted to sustain all life immediately and forever with manna from heaven. However, it seems such an all-powerful good god does not exist

Alternatively, god created evil for a purpose we cannot comprehend.

Evil comes from creation of an imperfect being like humans, and not the creator.

Are there two fundamental gods. One Evil dark hating vengeful unforgiving, the author of death, and an alternate god of light purity and love



This looks a lot like preaching, please don't do that.

What points do you want to propose and discuss?

This looks a lot like preaching, please don't do that.

What points do you want to propose and discuss?


What I was thinking about in my opening comments was it possible for two god to exists, side by side in the cosmos. A similar idea to that of the Zoroastrian religion, no preaching intended

Where there are two forces the good and wise lord Ahura Mazdah and his evil counter part the evil lord

What I was thinking about in my opening comments was it possible for two god to exists, side by side in the cosmos. A similar idea to that of the Zoroastrian religion, no preaching intended

Where there are two forces the good and wise lord Ahura Mazdah and his evil counter part the evil lord
It's not possible for one god, so it's most certainly not possible for two.
But I'll play along, by posing a question/s what makes you think that your god isn't the one and only? why does there have to be an evil counterpart? Why can't your god be the alpha omega?
And yes I did read the OP, but it doesn't ask a question, it merely preaches.
Since the idea of a god is a fantasy concept (i.e. having no basis in fact) then whether there can be one, two, or an infinite number of gods is dependent entirely on whatever fantasy we wish to construct.

Good and bad are always relative to the object and cannot be absolute. For example a poisonous plant is bad for a human (will cause death) but good for the plant (great defense). Similarly for any example you care to name.

In Christian mythology God is portrayed as good and Satan is evil. But God intends to destroy everyone that doesn't accept his son; this is can be considered evil from the innocent people who will be destroyed, i.e. God is evil in this respect. On the other hand Satan is meant to spend his time tempting people to do evil things, but many are able to resist such temptations and become stronger from the experience: In this sense the work of Satan can result in good outcomes.
Alternatively, god created evil for a purpose we cannot comprehend.

Usually, when one does not comprehend something, they don't immediately attach their confusion to a god and leave it at that, simply because they are confused.

Evil comes from creation of an imperfect being like humans, and not the creator.

Are there two fundamental gods. One Evil dark hating vengeful unforgiving, the author of death, and an alternate god of light purity and love

So, rather than even entertaining the notion that no gods exist, you need to come up with yet more irrational beliefs to form fit your current set of irrational beliefs into reality.
Just another variation on "His ways are mysterious" and unfathomable. In fact, they cannot be distinguished from the disinterested cause and effect of reality. If it were a scientific theory, it wouldn't even warrant a rejection letter.
You guys are so boring... like those toys with the strings in their backs......

It is an interesting observation that in order to live, another must die. It's so dualistic, like yin and yang. Death breeds life and life breeds death. There is no life without death... and no death without life... I sound like the tao te ching hehe.
Huh. A Zoroastrian. Interesting; haven't seen one here before. Nice change of pace from all the "monotheist vs. atheist" crap that usually fills this forum to the brim.

I personally agree with the principle that there can be no new life without death. Creativity and entropy are two sides of the same coin. But I disagree that entropy is automatically evil or implies an evil force; the gods, and by extension the cosmos, are beyond good and evil.