God(Man) Is Dead...!


Propelling The Farce!!
Valued Senior Member

Or is he...?


GOD-MAN: The Superhero With Omnipotent Powers

That's just..... so perfect! It explains everything, all logical and illogical arguments about him! Thanks :D
that is fome funny s***.
I love the part where God and Neitszche smoke a cigarette together and discuss it.

Although there is no "flawless" argument against God's existence, as supposed in the comic, Neitzsche was a genius and I think everyone (especially christians) should read him for his comments on society and the human condition, and whatever the hell else he was talking about.

"virtue to them is that which makes modest and tame: with that they have turned the wolf into a dog and man himself into man's best domestic animal."
-Neitzsche from zarathustra

...and now we have Neitzsche's call to spirituality *as Neitzsche rolls around in his grave in response to me saying that* -
"to you, drunk with riddles, glad of the twilight, whose souls flutes lure astray to every whirlpool, because you do not want to grope along a thread with cowardly hand; and where you can guess, you hate to deduce - to you alone I tell the riddle that I saw..."

But then again who the hell does he think he is, Prince or something? Why can't publishers put his first name on anything?
cole grey said:
that is fome funny s***.
I love the part where God and Neitszche smoke a cigarette together and discuss it.

I think it's a pair of joints. In any case, if I was god, I would smoke the herb instead of cigs.
Joints would explain the run-on sentences in Frederick's writing...

top mosker said:
In any case, if I was god, I would smoke the herb instead of cigs.

Somehow I always pictured God to be "immune" to the effect of intoxicants.
Then again, Jesus knew enough to whip up some more wine for that wedding.


If you were God, and could do anything...

Couldn't you just "will" yourself to be high...?

cole grey said:
Although there is no "flawless" argument against God's existence

I recall something from a footnote or commentary which stated Nietzsche supposedly complained that someone else had written what he called the best pun about God -
God's only excuse is that he does not exist.

Probably his sister's idea to start using just Nietzsche
Sounds more like a name brand.
People generally don't smoke joints at a coffee house in my country (although we would probably participate in fewer wars if people did), so that must be why I assumed they were cigarettes.
I think we should just get all the run-on sentence writers together and shoot... hey! what are you people doing here, let me go! I didn't mean me too!
Noooo... BANG!
Well it was funny, hahaha!!. They do look like joints, perhaps tis be the reason god wasn't listening!. LOL...

Reuben Bolling did another one more recently that was very funny, involving God Man's inability to bypass the Uncertainty Principle, but I'm afraid I don't know if that's available on line any more.