God Lacks Communication Skills


Registered Senior Member
If god, assuming he exists, is all that he is cracked up to be why cannot he communoicate clearly with his earthly creatures ?

As things stand, there is a vast industry devoted to telling us about god's qualities , what he expects of us and so on. God is the job-creator par excellence. Why is this so ? Why the need for interpreters of scripures, holy books, etc.

When one stands back and looks at the numerous religions we have, each claiming to know better than all the others, surely it is obvious that the whole religion industry is a lot of nonsense. Why do people not see this ?
If god, assuming he exists, is all that he is cracked up to be why cannot he communoicate clearly with his earthly creatures ?

whole religion industry is a lot of nonsense. Why do people not see this ?

There's nothing to left to say.
Every religion boils down to the same thing which is to put others before yourself.

Has there ever been a time when men were able to do this on their own will?
With or without the notion of a god?

Would you PM someone that you knew had you on their ignore list?
There's nothing to left to say.
Every religion boils down to the same thing which is to put others before yourself.

Has there ever been a time when men were able to do this on their own will?
With or without the notion of a god?

Would you PM someone that you knew had you on ignore?

Tell the first bit to the Pope, the Muslim leaders, inter alia.

So you believe we need god before we can behave well ?

Anyway, the question is why an almight god cannot make his message clear and prevent all this squabbling. I'm not asking that anyone make a case for religion per say. It's about god's lack of communication skills. Is this the significance of the Tower of Babel ? God speaks with forked tongue !
Tell the first bit to the Pope, the Muslim leaders, inter alia.

So you believe we need god before we can behave well ?

Anyway, the question is why an almight god cannot make his message clear and prevent all this squabbling. I'm not asking that anyone make a case for religion per say. It's about god's lack of communication skills. Is this the significance of the Tower of Babel ? God speaks with forked tongue !

You're putting limitations on an entity that you believe to be nonexistant? What's the sense?

Anyway, my point is that you keep saying he can't do it when maybe it's a choice not to.
Your putting limitations on an entity that you believe to be nonexistant? What's the sense?

Anyway, my point is that you keep saying he can't do it when maybe it's a choice not to.

You are still not addressing the question.It's about god's lack of communication skills as evidenced by all the different religions and associated squabbling. If it's his choice not to communicate clearly, why do you think this is and whom should we believe ?
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No, it's about your lack of faith. Myles, I believe god has communication skills. Every classroom is full of good and bad listeners, not to mention those who can follow directions and those who can not regardless of what they've been told.

In order to believe ,it seems you want god to come down, sit on a throne and command his people.
You and I have a lot in common.
No, it's about your lack of faith. Myles, I believe god has communication skills. Every classroom is full of good and bad listeners, not to mention those who can follow directions and those who can not regardless of what they've been told.

In order to believe ,it seems you want god to come down, sit on a throne and command his people.
You and I have a lot in common.

The Jews say one thing, the Muslims another, the Pope something else again, not to mention the Hindus and countless splinter groups. Which of these disparate groups has the correct understanding ? They can't all be right. So, those who believe in god, must surely accept that he is a very poor communicator.
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I think most have elements of truth in them. If you were to condense what they all have in common, it would be.
1. Don't enchroach on others.
2. Do all you agree to do.
Odly (or not so,) these two rules are the basis of old (British) common law that made trade possible between all of these different groups.

Perhaps you're not giving god enough credit for his ability to communicate.
I think most have elements of truth in them. If you were to condense what they all have in common, it would be.
1. Don't enchroach on others.
2. Do all you agree to do.
Odly (or not so,) these two rules are the basis of old (British) common law that made trade possible between all of these different groups.

Perhaps you're not giving god enough credit for his ability to communicate.

What on earth has that got to do with god and his copmmunication skills. What you describe is true of atheists as well as believers.

You know very well that Muslims regard non-Muslims as infidels, that born-again Christians believe Muslims are doomed because the do not accept Jesus as their saviour. The list is endless
If you have children, you know that you can give them a task and tell each of them the very same thing.
Soon they begin to inject their own wants into their interpretations of what you told them to do and bicker with eachother about how it should be done.
Then they're angry at eachother and they point fingers back and forth each pleading a case for themselves to you.
They all heard the same thing, but they didn't stop there.

Soon you simply say to them, "You all heard what I said. Now figure the rest out on your own"
If god, assuming he exists, is all that he is cracked up to be why cannot he communoicate clearly with his earthly creatures ?

As things stand, there is a vast industry devoted to telling us about god's qualities , what he expects of us and so on. God is the job-creator par excellence. Why is this so ? Why the need for interpreters of scripures, holy books, etc.

When one stands back and looks at the numerous religions we have, each claiming to know better than all the others, surely it is obvious that the whole religion industry is a lot of nonsense. Why do people not see this ?

If you believe in God, think of the purpose of creation and the absence of
direct communication (with God). Have you ever heard about the phrase
'character is showing when no one is looking'? Imagine the impact of
direct communication with God: creation will have no purpose.
If god, assuming he exists, is all that he is cracked up to be why cannot he communoicate clearly with his earthly creatures ?

As things stand, there is a vast industry devoted to telling us about god's qualities , what he expects of us and so on. God is the job-creator par excellence. Why is this so ? Why the need for interpreters of scripures, holy books, etc.

When one stands back and looks at the numerous religions we have, each claiming to know better than all the others, surely it is obvious that the whole religion industry is a lot of nonsense. Why do people not see this ?

Who said god wishes to communicate with us in the first place.
