M*W: The 12 apostles weren't real people.
Yorda: They REPRESENT the 12 signs of the "Zodiak" (also called the "12" faces of God, or if we divide them into 2, they can be called "Yin and Yang", or if we divide them into 4, they can be called fire, air, water and earth) But what evidence do you have that they didn't exist as people ALSO?
M*W: Each sign of the zodiac takes 26,000 years to complete.
Yorda: You probably mean that each sign takes about 2160 years.
M*W: After all, Jesus was not only the sun of god, he was the sun in four stages or seasons of the year.
Yorda: Explain what you mean by "Sun of God". As far as I know, it is the same as "God's sun" and it makes no sense.
M*W: The myth goes that when Jesus allegedly said "it is finished," the story either meant that the season was finished or the Age of Pisces was finished.
Yorda: It could also mean that "everything" was finished. It's quite clear that humans still have to go through this wheel (Zodiak) for countless times.
M*W: Technically, we are still living in the Age of Pisces.
Yorda: No. The new world month doesn't come just like that. I don't know the "fucking" word. But it's like with colors... you can divide them into 3 main colors, red, green, blue... there are different shades of all colors... and there are also "more colors" between these 3... like orange and lila... you could divide them into 12 if you wanted, or 360... but we know that there are infinite colors. This is the way with the Zodiak also.
We are BETWEEN the age of Aquarius and Pisces. We are in both of them. That's why we fight like this. People try to hold on to the old ideas, but the new ideas will come. We have already invented many machines which use waves, which means that we are entering into the age of Aquarius. This transcendental entity pours waving water on the ground, which symbolizes that everything is made of waves.
M*W: Jesus didn't borrow Paul as his mouthpiece. Paul was epileptic and delusional. Epileptics often have visions of bright lights when they seize. This is what happened to Paul when he fell off his horse. He had an epileptic seizure.
Yorda: You can't just look at the effects. Geniuses can also seem like wackos, and wackos can seem like geniuses. Besides, Paul lived so long ago that you can't know much about him, and if you know something, you can't be sure it's true... and even if he would have been epileptic, it still doesn't MATTER.