God is Redundant


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
A Living God is Redundant

Is there any reason for God to exist other than to check out things he already knows if only to prove to himself that he knew it would be true.

No matter how He arrived I can't see any reason for God's lifespan to be more than an instant. You appear from nowhere and know everything that will ever be. What's the point in continuing? Everything can be wrapped up in a millisecond or less. He shouldn't need anytime to think or create. Perhaps he just wanted to die...the one thing he appears incapable of.

Why do we need a living God? A dead one seems more reasonable. What can a living omniscient God possibly learn by staying alive? or watching us?
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If we don't accept the existence of God we can't understand why/how things behave like they do. I know that my hands write this because I want to... and that's the reason things behave like they do... it is the will of God...

An apple falls on the ground because it wants to...
because "God" wants to...
Christ said that he is life...
an apple is life... a human is life...
so everything is God...

Psychotic_Episode said:
What can a living omniscient God possibly learn by staying alive? or watching us?

If God is perfect, then he doesn't need to learn anything.

God watches us so that we would learn.
c7ityi_ said:
God watches us so that we would learn.

That's fine but why? There is no logical reason for Him to do so. He knows what we learn before we learn it.

It makes more sense for God to be dead. He may have existed once but He is totally not required to watch us. God doesn't need to be eternal either. An all omni god needs only a moment to exist. If you never had to learn it then you really don't even need to decide a course of action either. It just happens in an instant, a religious big bang of sorts.
I don't remember the details of it, but there is a theory called the Big Wow theory. It's supposed to be a moment when the entire universe was conscious. Of course, this has to do with Penrose's theory of objective reduction being the seat of consciousness. Someone more familiar with the subject would have to weigh in.
your hatred of GOD, is based on faulty human perspectives about GOD.

you have no idea, or evidense that any of the religious mumbo jumbo you based all your beliefs and arguements against a belief, are in any way valid.

i.e... the entire basis of your arguement about GOD, maybe based on complete nonsense, regardless of whether you are pro GOD or not.

GOD, iF one does exist, is far and beyond our ability to understand, visualise or attempt to relate to....... its a waste of time.

the only thing we can say....is... GOD may exist, and we have no way of knowing.

if he does exist, then it becomes a question of what he wants from us, if anything.

again... no one really knows.

so to base your hatred of GOD, on the stupid ramblings of other humans, would be a very big mistake.

PsychoticEpisode said:
Is there any reason for God to exist other than to check out things he already knows if only to prove to himself that he knew it would be true.

No matter how He arrived I can't see any reason for God's lifespan to be more than an instant. You appear from nowhere and know everything that will ever be. What's the point in continuing? Everything can be wrapped up in a millisecond or less. He shouldn't need anytime to think or create. Perhaps he just wanted to die...the one thing he appears incapable of.

Why do we need a living God? A dead one seems more reasonable. What can a living omniscient God possibly learn by staying alive? or watching us?

You think Gods motivation is to learn something. There is no basis to come to this conclusion. Other than you look upon God as you would look upon another person. God is not just an advanced person. God is God.

You assume that God has been waiting for thousands of years; God is independent of universal time, who is to say that all universal time is but a moment in time to God. God is not bound by time as we experience it. To God a 1000 years are as a day and a day as a 1000 years. Therefore our time is irrelevant to God. So maybe to God everything has been wrapped up in a millisecond LOL As the Bible says He already knew the end at the beginning.

See how futile are the vain attempts of men to figure God out using created centric ways of thinking.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
PsychoticEpisode said:
That's fine but why? There is no logical reason for Him to do so. He knows what we learn before we learn it.

It makes more sense for God to be dead. He may have existed once but He is totally not required to watch us. God doesn't need to be eternal either. An all omni god needs only a moment to exist. If you never had to learn it then you really don't even need to decide a course of action either. It just happens in an instant, a religious big bang of sorts.

You seem to think that Gods purpose revolves around us human beings. That we are his only reason for being. What makes you think this? More creation centric thinking? We could in fact be a side issue for God, The universe could have been created for a purpose centred on something not within the universe at all.

Like a man who fashions a tool. The man does not make a tool for the sake of the tool he makes the tool to use it to serve a greater purpose.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well what if the title of president and the concommitant administrative authority suddenly disappeared from america - just look what happened in new orleans when a little bit of water broke the administration for a few days - there was rebellion and chaos - the reason god is not redundant is that we haver no experience of fine tuned material arrangements to manage themselves
Why do we need a living God? A dead one seems more reasonable. What can a living omniscient God possibly learn by staying alive? or watching us?
Maybe he has no choice in the matter.
PsychoticEpisode said:
Is there any reason for God to exist other than to check out things he already knows if only to prove to himself that he knew it would be true.

No matter how He arrived I can't see any reason for God's lifespan to be more than an instant. You appear from nowhere and know everything that will ever be. What's the point in continuing? Everything can be wrapped up in a millisecond or less. He shouldn't need anytime to think or create. Perhaps he just wanted to die...the one thing he appears incapable of.

Why do we need a living God? A dead one seems more reasonable. What can a living omniscient God possibly learn by staying alive? or watching us?

God can still watch and laugh at our feeble attempts in asking why why why. Even if you know the outcome, it can still be funny. :D
c7ityi_ said:
If we don't accept the existence of God we can't understand why/how things behave like they do.
If we don't accept the existence of God then we can start to understand how things behave like they do. This is what SCIENCE tries to do.

The question of WHY is irrelevant unless dealing with the emergent properties of the HOW - emergent properties such as thought and motive, etc.

lightgigantic said:
Well what if the title of president and the concommitant administrative authority suddenly disappeared from america - just look what happened in new orleans when a little bit of water broke the administration for a few days - there was rebellion and chaos...
How does the "breaking" of an administration by a flood relate in any way to God's redundancy or otherwise?
An "administration" is an attempt by Man to manage its ever increasing and diverse population. This can be done with or without reference to the concept of God.

lightgigantic said:
- the reason god is not redundant is that we haver no experience of fine tuned material arrangements to manage themselves
Isn't this merely a learning process?
How is God involved in that?
The US administration struggled in the face of a crisis - and hopefully has now learnt from that.
Where does God fit in to the picture?
How does the concept of GOD help the understanding in ANY WAY?

Does the administration turn to the priests of all the denominations and seek help in finding a solution to the crisis?
Or does it turn to the academics, the scientists, to find a way of predicting floods, of building better flood defences, of creating better resource-management systems?

God is redundant if people are willing to accept that:
(a) We do not have all the answers - no one does!
(b) "GOD did it" is not a helpful answer in the search of those answers.
(c) It is okay not to know the answers, and to never know the answers.
(d) Until we have evidence to the contrary: when we die - we die. That's it.

It is only people's unwillingness to accept one, some or all of the above that make the concept of God, for them, not redundant - in that GOD can offer answers and support that their non-acceptance requires.
c7ityi_ said:
If we don't accept the existence of God we can't understand why/how things behave like they do. I know that my hands write this because I want to... and that's the reason things behave like they do... it is the will of God...

An apple falls on the ground because it wants to...
because "God" wants to...
Christ said that he is life...
an apple is life... a human is life...
so everything is God...

If God is perfect, then he doesn't need to learn anything.

God watches us so that we would learn.

An apple doesn't fall to the ground because it wants to it falls because it either ripe,beyond ripe, or someone smacked it playing apple baseball

God watches us so we learn...makes no sense to me,don't get how watching us do something changes the way we do it or helps us learn

Ohhh and believing that things act the way they do because they want to or because god makes them that way is pretty simple and primitive
PsychoticEpisode said:
That's fine but why? There is no logical reason for Him to do so. He knows what we learn before we learn it.

He knows everything, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want us to learn, does it?

Jaster Mereel said:
It's supposed to be a moment when the entire universe was conscious.

Everything is conscious, not as conscious as humans though.


adstar said:
See how futile are the vain attempts of men to figure God out using created centric ways of thinking.

lol you think you're god

thomas said:
An apple doesn't fall to the ground because it wants to it falls because it either ripe,beyond ripe, or someone smacked it playing apple baseball

that doesn't explain the cause, cuz you have to explain why it is "ripe" and why a baseball bat can affect an apple, etc etc, until u find it's god! =O

God watches us so we learn...makes no sense to me,don't get how watching us do something changes the way we do it or helps us learn

he sees everything... he knows when we lie... and do bad things... and we know that "HE" (THE TRUTH) watches us... so subconsciously, we punish us, to learn.

Ohhh and believing that things act the way they do because they want to or because god makes them that way is pretty simple and primitive

people usually want to complicate things rather than understand the simple truth. it's a natural fear, if people accepted the truth, they wouldn't exist anymore.

love and fear are the same thing. people believe in god because they fear/love the truth, and people are atheists because they fear/love the truth.

piece be upon u.
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Adstar said:
You think Gods motivation is to learn something. There is no basis to come to this conclusion.

That was not my conclusion Adstar....That was c7ityi's... I was merely commenting on it.

I don't think God can possibly learn anything. That's what the thread's all about. Why watch us learn? Hanging around is redundant for a being that knows everything. God has absolutely no reason to be here except for the fact that he is mysterious and ooky, altogether spooky...conveniently existing where we can't find him in a place we can't imagine and in a time that defies all known science.
PsychoticEpisode said:
Why watch us learn?

if he doesn't watch us, we don't learn anything,
and if we don't learn anything, we die and go to hell.
if we go to hell, god becomes sad,
and if god becomes sad, nothing is possible.

... not sure if i understand what you're trying to say...

Hanging around is redundant for a being that knows everything.

he can't do anything but hang around because he is eternal, he exists forever.

God has absolutely no reason to be here except for the fact that he is mysterious and ooky, altogether spooky...conveniently existing where we can't find him in a place we can't imagine and in a time that defies all known science.

you find god inside yourself.
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