God - is Me - Is You

Red Devil

Born Again Athiest
Registered Senior Member
If you go down to the sub atomic level, quantum level, inside dna and you have the movement of electrons and protons. DNA is a protein machine. Genes are turned on, or off, by the movement of electrons and protons. Sub atomic particles exist in a quantum state of potential. Two possibilities alive at the same time! It is the local environment that causes these potentialities to be, or not. If a gene has the potential to be in two places at once, it is in both places at once. And the gene is both on and off at the same tme until "something" measures it.

It is the environment that measures it and the environment of a gene is the DNA molecule itself! Therefore constant cellular measurement is the engine of evolution. Evolution is not a slow process either, it can be almost instantaneous.

If you place a variant of e.coli that can not digest lactose in a lactose rich environment 98% will die - BUT 2% will, sub atomically, switch on a lactose digesting enzyme and will, consequently, survive then grow.

We are our own Gods!!
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Who reads this stuff? ;-) Seriously though, I know someone who'd find it interesting. Of course he knows about it too well. Anyway the truth is that we may be our own "Gods" but we certainly aren't capable of understanding how.

The nature of it is bewildering.
If you go down to the sub atomic level, quantum level, inside dna and you have the movement of electrons and protons. DNA is a protein machine. Genes are turned on, or off, by the movement of electrons and protons. Sub atomic particles exist in a quantum state of potential. Two possibilities alive at the same time! It is the local environment that causes these potentialities to be, or not. If a gene has the potential to be in two places at once, it is in both places at once. And the gene is both on and off at the same tme until "something" measures it.

It is the environment that measures it and the environment of a gene is the DNA molecule itself! Therefore constant cellular measurement is the engine of evolution. Evolution is not a slow process either, it can be almost instantaneous.

If you place a variant of e.coli that can not digest lactose in a lactose rich environment 98% will die - BUT 2% will, sub atomically, switch on a lactose digesting enzyme and will, consequently, survive then grow.

We are our own Gods!!

Well put!

However, this is a rather difficult subject to fully cover. First we need to define God, or what it is that makes God God.

Must a God be worshiped? I have often asked myself this question, is the difference between a God and an Immortal the same difference that involves worship. One can be Immortal and not Worshiped, but I have always denoted Gods as being worshiped. Then we might say: We are our own Immortals.

Any thoughts on this?
Quantum Darwinism.
The environment as observer: W H Zurek & co.

DNA is more like a set of instructions that gets interpreted; and it's got instructions for all the "worker' builds; a cell builds a lot of gizmos. DNA is conserved.

What does a ion channel in a membrane do again? Separate charge and create a potential against a gradient, isn't it?