"God is Imaginary"


Valued Senior Member
50 reasons why God is imaginary as told by Godisimaginary.com I will take time to refute each one of these bogus reasons. I have only read the first 2, but I am confident I will dismiss each one of these reasons.

Reason #1
What would happen if we get down on our knees and pray to God in this way:

Dear God, almighty, all-powerful, all-loving creator of the universe, we pray to you to cure every case of cancer on this planet tonight. We pray in faith, knowing you will bless us as you describe in Matthew 7:7, Matthew 17:20, Matthew 21:21, Mark 11:24, John 14:12-14, Matthew 18:19 and James 5:15-16. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Well, if we have faith a man will surly be cured of cancer, if we have non then we will continue to suffer this awful disease. Or possibly we will be presented with the cure if we display great faith. The dreaded truth is that if it is not in God's will for a man to live on he will not waist his time curing a man of death, as the living can't enter the Gates.

We pray sincerely, knowing that when God answers this completely heartfelt, unselfish, non-materialistic prayer, it will glorify God and help millions of people in remarkable ways

Says you. Maybe cancer patient X gets cured and goes home and beats his wife.
Will anything happen? No. Of course not.

*Preach* Useless "drivel," the Lord rebuke thee.

This is very odd. Jesus makes specific promises in the Bible about how prayer is supposed to work. Jesus says in many different places that he and God will answer your prayers. And Christians believe Jesus -- according to this recent article, "54% of American adults believe the Bible is literally true." In some areas of the country the number goes as high as 75%.

I pray to God to keep me on my path, deliver me from evil, and present me to my love.

If the Bible is literally true, then something is seriously amiss. Simply look at the facts. In Matthew 7:7 Jesus says:

But it is not all literally true, especially to the non faithful
Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Or what man of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!

If "every one who asks receives", then if we ask for cancer to be cured, it should be cured. Right? If "our Father who is in heaven gives good things to those who ask him", then if we ask him to cure cancer, he should cure it. Right? And yet nothing happens.

You are asking for something completly selfish. Try, "Lord, give me the strength the beat this disease, Lord give my brother the strength to fight on."

In Matthew 17:20 Jesus says:

For truly, I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.

If "nothing will be impossible to you", then if we ask to cure cancer tonight, cancer should disappear. Right? Yet nothing happens. Note that if we take the Bible less-than-literally here, the statement "nothing will be impossible to you" becomes "lots of things will be impossible to you," and that would mean that Jesus is lying.

But most people, even the religious dont have faith. Even one of the "churches" of Asia has "lukewarm" faith. If every man woman and child displayed the faith that Jesus speaks about then Heaven would be on Earth already.

In John chapter 14, verses 12 through 14, Jesus tells all of us just how easy prayer can be:

"I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." [ref]

Look at how direct this statement is: "You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." This is the "Son of God" speaking. Have we taken him "too literally?" No. This is a simple, unambiguous statement. Have we taken his statement "out of context?" No - Jesus uses the word anyone. Yet Jesus' statement is obviously false. Because when we ask God to cure cancer tonight, nothing happens.

Faith, faith, faith. You have none.

In Luke 1:37:

For with God nothing will be impossible.

Nothing could be simpler or clearer than Jesus' promises about prayer in the Bible. Yet, when we pray to eliminate cancer, nothing happens.

And you know no man has been cured of cancer by God? Just saying, but if God willed a man to serve life further he would have hardened him before he ever had cancer.

And keep in mind that this is Jesus talking here. These are not the words of human beings. These are not the words of "inspired" human beings. These are supposedly the words of God himself, incarnated in a human body. Jesus is supposed to be a perfect, sinless being. And yet, it is obvious that Jesus is lying. What Jesus says is clearly incorrect.

People speaking for Jesus. Reason #1 is severly retarded, and continuly repeats itself, I have no reason to finish reason #1.

Reason #2

The fact is, God never answers any prayers. The entire idea that "God answers prayers" is an illusion created by human imagination.

Factless claim. Do we even know the imagination exist? Maybe God is our imagination.

Reason #3

Look at historical gods

God is responable for everything, including man made gods. I'll consider finishing this, but this guy isn't captivating me. I'll do more tomorrow. Feel free to take a look.

I'll consider finishing this, but this guy isn't captivating me. I'll do more tomorrow. Feel free to take a look.

The arguments you're addressing are pretty lame. Even so, you've done a terrible job of trying to refute them. Your response is essentially nothing more than "if it didn't work, it either wasn't part of God's plan or there wasn't genuine faith". While that could theoretically be true, it also allows for reality to look exactly the same whether it's true or false.

You haven't refuted anything, you've merely responded.
Nay, my argument will stand the test of time. Those are the rules. Have faith, even if you don't see your prays have been answered. If it didn't work then you didn't have faith, period. If it did work there is a good chance it went unnoticed by you. God doesn't care about Earthly things, its all about the end game which is Heaven on Earth. Why should God keep people from dying, tell me? No mater how hard people try God will never be discovered until he reveals himself. I don't feel like going through all 50 of these, they are pretty lame.