God is evil II


Registered Member
Hi all
Im new to this forum so please take into consideration.
My views are this:
1. We are all slaves to God (the creator).
2. God is evil.
3. Impossible though it sounds, God must be stopped.
4. No Bible references please, only constructive opinions from those who know the truth.
5. Unite and we shall all prosper.
Originally posted by misdemeanour666
Hi all
Im new to this forum so please take into consideration.
My views are this:
1. We are all slaves to God (the creator).
2. God is evil.
3. Impossible though it sounds, God must be stopped.
4. No Bible references please, only constructive opinions from those who know the truth.
5. Unite and we shall all prosper.

He's not evil he just doesn't exist. people are slaves to religion, not an invisible contradicting creator.

We are all slaves to God (the creator).

What does he need us for?

Impossible though it sounds, God must be stopped.

How can this be done?

Just trying to delve into your mindset, interesting views should lead to some interesting followthrews.
I myself feel that once you have absolute foresight good and evil kind of become obsolete. When you know that you could save a thousand people now but you would lose a million later on because of it. One would see countless lives hang on every action. Ahhhhh..... the chaos theory. Perhaps one would see you could kill an innocent now and avert a billion deaths. Ahhhh....the chaos theory.

Of course is comparison to any potential god we are myopic idiots. Must be hard for him/her/it.
Technically though, if god were the alpha and omega, wouldn't it have to equally encompass both "good" and "evil"?
1. We are all slaves to God (the creator).
2. God is evil.
3. Impossible though it sounds, God must be stopped.
4. No Bible references please, only constructive opinions from those who know the truth.
5. Unite and we shall all prosper.

1) "We are all slaves to God"-- How do you know that that statement is true?

2) "God is evil" -- Why, because we are his slaves? And if God created us, and thus we have life, is life evil, then? Would you rather not exist and not be able to ask the question as a result of it?

3) "God must be stopped"-- It 'sounds' impossible because it 'is' impossible. Yet there is the possibility that everyone could incessantly defy God; nevertheless, by doing so we would not be stopping God (i.e., if he is good), but stopping ourselves, especially if we are his slaves, as you say; additionally, that we are his slaves make it far more impossible to overthrow him; so it is a deterministic nightmare, no?

4) No one "knows" the truth. We can only seek it.

5) "Unite and we shall all prosper"-- I don't know what era you're from, but it seems evident by now that Marxism doesn't work. Sorry. Frankly, it sounds like you're just trying to be funny.
Hi misdemeanor,

Welcome to sciforums.
1. We are all slaves to God (the creator).
Slavery assumes ownership. Could we be considered slaves if we were created with free will to choose? Probably not, but do we have free will or are our futures pre-destined?
2. God is evil.
By whose standard?
3. Impossible though it sounds, God must be stopped.
All powerful tyrants can generally only be stopped by equally, or more powerful opponents. Did you have anyone in mind?
4. No Bible references please, only constructive opinions from those who know the truth.
I suspect that eliminates everyone.
5. Unite and we shall all prosper.
Perhaps, although I enjoy my independence.
Thanks to all for replying.
I was well pissed when I posted, however my sentiments remain unchanged.
I dont mean to make excuses but isnt that what God worshipers do when confronted
with "why is there evil/suffering etc". They might say "Its to do with free will" or
"they must have done something bad in thier life or previous life.". etc.
We all belive what we want to belive. I believe in what I believe because I can concieve
of a perfect existance whithout suffering. See link http://www.origins.org/articles/gay_perfectworld.html. (Nothing to do with sexual orienation if your wondering).
I define God to mean creator or creators of the Universe. Nothing more. God or "it", as Clockwood aptly put it, may or may not exist but whatever is responsible for this Universe, even if that something is 'nothing' then that entity or non-entity I class as God.

Why do I believe God, (if it exists) is evil?
First let me define my version of suffering (you may have other opinions).
Suffering is being in a state whereby you wish to be in another state which you cannot, (or feel you cannot),or are incapable of reaching.
Example: During the 2nd World War the Knights of Bushido used pregnant women for bayonet practice.
If you were one of those women you would do anything if it were possible, (unless you were a masochist),
to get out of the situation.
I can only imagine what they must have been going through in thier last moments. I bet I couldnt even
come close. Do you really think they would say "well at least I had free will".
Second: God is merciless. Dont take my word for it. David Attenborough a BBC wildlife presenter said
this. The Christians would acuse him of only showing the horrific things in nature and not the birds and
the bee's etc. His answer to this was "you should see the stuff I have to leave on the cutting room floor". Take us humans out of the equation for a moment and consider the suffering of animals. Us humans,
because of our egos like to dissappear up our own asses. Animals suffer to.
Third: Ive had my ups and downs during my life as has anyone. But I knew from a young age that things were not right. Yes, I speak fom the heart. Its something I feel deep dowm and can not use logic or reasoning to explain. But I know this. It is because I cannot fully comprehend the extream suffering that has and is taking place that I fear not what God may do to me if I speak ill of it, but the consequences
if I do nothing. Hence Im here talking to you now.
I could go on but I think you get the gist. So this is why I say God is evil.

I dont know if God can be stopped.I dont even know if God exists. But the fact that Im here typing this means there is at least a chance, no matter how infinitesimaly small, that God could be stopped. And if we fail then we can at last look back and say "at least we have tried".

I said 'No bible refernces please' because in my opinion, most arguments seem to be based or justified in terms of ancient texts which are mostely fictional and are not necessarily based on fact.

Unite and we shall prosper? O.K. so its a bit corny. But imagine this. Everyone, I mean everyone including possible 'advanced' life forms throughout the universe were opposed to God. Would this have an effect? Maybe God can be stopped. Anything you dare to dream.

I conclude with a hypothetical question?
Imagine you owned the Universe. You had total power over everything and all events within the Universe. Would you give it all up in an instant without hesitation to overthrow GOD. Even if that God were you?
The Devil Made Me Do It!

IF GOD EXISTS .. I doubt he she or it is Evil... We choose our own paths in life.. good and bad... putting responsibility anywhere else other than on our own shoulders as a species, collective or individual is nothing short of a cop out.

Heaven and Hell seem to me to be nothing more than tools invented to vindicate the instinctive selfish nature of humans as a rule.- "Sin & the devil made you do it, Pray & God will forgive."

How many starving children, war torn cities, sick and elderly or abused animals and polluted environments have you helped today? .. whats that? Too busy with your own life?.... hmm point made I think.

Again... If God exists.....It /he /she isnt Evil... People are.
This is an old argument, so I shan't take any credit for it. But it goes like this:--

"Cold", as opposed to being an entity in itself, is simply "the absence of heat." Similarly, "darkness" is the absence of "light".

Now when we speak of God and evil: "evil" is not an entity, but rather "the absence of God". For God to be evil is for God to stop being God; and if God stops existing, we stop existing with him; but since existence is already implied in God's Being, he cannot "not" exist--for then he would not be God. "Evil" presupposes a "good" which already exists to defy. So, from your argument, either God stopped being himself, or he never was himself, or he is an evil person who is opposing an objective "goodness" which is separate from himself, and thus he is not the source and essence of the objective "goodness" which is being defied; this might lead to the absurdity that the God whom you are speaking of is submissive to another God of objective morality. :confused: