God is definitely in the Mafia.


Registered Member
Wait. Reading all these demon and satan threads has raised a question.

Why would Satan punish those who oppose his enemy? He seeks his throne, punishing God's enemies makes no sense. Unless God is like Al Capone and tells Satan to punish God's enemies in return for Satan's existence.

He has other people do his dirty work and clean out his creation. He must be in the mafia.

Sorry if this has been approached. Just kinda spur of the moment.
Yeah, but Satan is evil, he can do whatever he wants. He's not bound by any rules, he doesn't have to treat his allies nicely. If he wants to punish the hell out of his own mother he can. C'mon now.
For those who desire a knowledge of evil, evil is there. In this life, you get what you want. There are obviously consequences, and it's definitely God's law and not Satan's. Any reward for evil is perceived through the flesh, which is a false perception since the fall. But the truth is always ultimately shown, through both good and evil.
Lori_7: For those who desire a knowledge of evil, evil is there.
M*W: Sure, this is easy, but what about those people who desire success and value? Do you call them Satanists, too? Surely not!
Lori_7: In this life, you get what you want. There are obviously consequences, and it's definitely God's law and not Satan's.
M*W: Any reward for evil is perceived through the flesh, which is a false perception since the fall. But the truth is always ultimately shown, through both good and evil.
M*W: Why do you imply that wanting success and achieving success are evil? Success is not a "false perception," and there does not need be a "fall." Truth wins out everytime. Why are you associating "success" with being evil? Why is "getting what you want" considered "evil?" Surely all good things do not come from Satan.

I desire success and value. Who said success was evil? It depends upon how you measure it doesn't it? If success to you means that you've finally reached your goal of raping your next door neighbor or robbed a bank then....

What I said was...."for those who desire a knowledge of evil, evil is there."

Why am I associating success with evil? I'm not, you are. I said or implied no such thing. Is getting what you want evil? Um well, it is if you want evil. Some people do you know. As a matter of fact we all do sometimes...well that is, except for you dear.
In reference to success:

There is earthly sucess that is determined by the standards of society. This would be aspired by a person who might be classified as a hedonist, a person seeking pleasure. They find pleasure in their success. It is their reward.

There is also heavenly success if you are a Christian: This success is determined by how well you follow the law as well as services that you have done. This success is not to build your ego, but to please God. It is said that their reward is in Heaven
EarthlyVagabond said:
There is also heavenly success if you are a Christian: This success is determined by how well you follow the law as well as services that you have done. This success is not to build your ego, but to please God. It is said that their reward is in Heaven
Simply following the law and services doesn't mean that you will enter heaven. The law is a big help of course and services can help you a great deal in your way. But I think one of the biggest things one can accomplish is to love eachother and treat eachother with care. If you are big in following the law but very low faith and love, then you have misunderstood it all, Jesus cured people at times the people thought were wrong to do so, Jesus cared more about love and the people than He cared about the law (though the law can be good for many things).

Remember what He said, not all that cries "father, father" will be let in, but those that do His will.
I was referring to successes as not being something to be judged by people on this earth. In order for me to judge my actions, I would need to compare myself to someone else. Doing that would just be trying to boost my ego. I would say that there is love that goes into it if you are not the action to benefit yourself. An example is when Jesus went into a village and healed ten lepers. Then only one turned around to thank Him yet he did not take back what He did from the other nine, because he didn't seek the thanks in the first place. He succeeded even if none had thanked Him.
To get back to God being in the mafia, He has gotten his hands dirty before. I would say that wiping out all of mankind except the eight on the ark would out weigh any dirty work He would have Satan do. He's more like "Why send a demon to do a God's job?" type of guy.