God is caused by the curvature of psychometry space

What's ''psychometry?''
It is the belief that objects hold memories.
But, possibly CC is using it in some other sense.

Whether you believe in it or not, you probably have examples of it in your home. Eg keepsakes of people that have died, pebbles from favourite beaches etc.

Some people believe that psychics can hold an object belonging to a person,
and give you information about them that they could not have known otherwise.
But we know that things like objects store a memory... Such as information storage and transferral on the atomic levels.
But we know that things like objects store a memory... Such as information storage and transferral on the atomic levels.
I have got old stones, ornaments, letters and all sorts, but I think that the
real memory is inside your own mind, like when you smell a scent that you knew from your childhood, and it brings back your past.
I don't think that another person would be able to perceive it.

I would love the performance of the Psychometrist to be true, but I have
never seen a performance by any Psychic that could not be interpreted as
conjecture based on obtainable facts. Or just guesses, which are confirmed by people's reactions.
If you know of a Psychic whose work can be verified, point me to them.

I think a number of mediums genuinely believe in what they do, and are sensitive and generous human beings. Some of them are very helpful to people.

Psychiatry is at the Phologiston stage, and maybe people are better served by their astrologers.
I agree totally with you. Only meaningful memory and information is ever stored and percieved by the human mind. This is why the theory of an observer-dependant universe is so strong.
I agree totally with you. Only meaningful memory and information is ever stored and percieved by the human mind. This is why the theory of an observer-dependant universe is so strong.

I remember a lot of nonsense..
It's hardly a lot of nonesense. It is one of the main proponents to the Copenhagen Interpretation and even area's of the Anthropic Principle... With such a large handful of scientists claiming this is true, i don't see what a big problem it is. It has experimental outcomes. More than we can say about some of the other theories out there, like string theory.

Enmos... I thought you might have put a little thought into this. But... since some round here still proclaim it is nonesense, I'll back it up with a thread coupled with evidence, whilst it is your job and for others round here to prove it wrong. Remember, it isn't my place to prove it wrong. It's only my place to try and [prove] it right.
This ain't meant to be cheak, but what do you think it means? -- A genuine question here/

I think you are arguing that the mind actually makes up the 'outside world', so that there really isn't such a thing as an 'outside world'. This would also mean that the universe would disappear when we die.. well.. I don't know how it works.. or how you meant it.
I actually mean that any perception of an outside world is actually created inside the neural networks of the brain. This, as you will see, is very different to what you thought i meant.
I actually mean that any perception os an outside world is actually created inside the neural networks of the brain. This, as you will see, is very different to what you thought i meant.

Yes, and it seems you then agree with me on objective reality as well. Do you ?

Enmos said:
Reality and all the objects in it exists completely independent of the mind.
I call this objective reality.
No observer can perceive objective reality directly. Perception is necessarily colored by interpretation, expectation, etc.
We make up our own version of reality in our mind which is based on (part) of objective reality, let's refer to it as subjective reality.

Some people here have argued that it is impossible to know whether objective reality exists because of it's own premises. I disagree.
We know the senses aren't perfect. For instance, the eye can only sense a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
We also know that some animals can perceive more of the spectrum than we can.
The same goes for all the other senses: smell, hearing, touch and taste.
So we know, as an objective fact, that the senses can only sense a specific portion of objective reality.

When our brain is fed this data it interprets it based on:
- memory of previous experiences;
- character, which is the product of in part genetic but mostly environmental circumstances in our childhood;
- knowledge/believes;
- immediate environmental demands.
Then value is assigned to anything that is perceived according to above circumstances.
And so we end up with our own version of reality; subjective reality.
From: Objective reality: How do we know it exists ?