
Registered Member

you read it when you clicked on it

yes i am Dude with a new name

Dude is SATAN

[This message has been edited by DudeOmega (edited November 17, 2000).]

Is this a joke, or are you seriously suggesting this? Is so, I would like to find out what evidence you have see to make you believe this.

Personally, I dont really care if god is an alien. The point is, he (sorry to be sexist here, but I am a product of western civilization ;)) has infinite power over me, created me, and it makes me feel good to worship him. If he is an alien or a really powerful amoeba, its irrelevant to me.
i hav been suggesting this theory for quite some time... i accually have people thinking that i have my own oragnized religion, and they come too me and ask if they can join.. its pretty sad, and of course, these are all wanna be's who jsut weatnt to be liek the almighty dexter :)
jesus is a alien(me) everytjhing that happebnd around his birth ponted towards it, the mysteruious virgin birth, when mary as visited by a 'angel' who implanted teh seed, and he shepards who were 'visited by angels' and then the 'star' of bethleham, over which jesus was born, which couldnve been a alien craft, viewing teh birth, or everything couldve been swapped around, an d tehy couldve givin birth to him, and he was layed in the barn as they flew away.... teh visions in josephs sleep....then the 'clouds' that come over head when he dies, the 'lightning' the reserection, and supernatural powers... all possible evidence...

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages!

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one living being thats all powerfull and rules all the universe is IDIOTIC not to mention stupid.

if you dont believe what i say then look up exudus in the bible. then think real hard about the "godly interventions" :rolleyes:

DudeOmega vive forever!

Dude is SATAN
Dude: I assume that you mean the book of Exodus, and if you dont then you can just ignore the entire post ;)

I have studied Exodus, and I am familiar with many of the divine interventions that occur in it. Which ones in particular were you referring to?

By the way, not everyone on this board is christian, so if the bible is your only argument, then you better start researching other things.

What kind of evidence have you found that proves God is an alien?

I don't have time to read the book Exudus, so could you give a short discription of what you have read to prove God is an Alien.
If you know that God is an Alien, pray tell, what Alien Race is He from ??
