God & Hitler: A Comparison


Legion of Dynamic Discord
Registered Senior Member
I was just thinking that good ole' Jehova bears a strong resemblence to everybody's favorite dictator and mass murder Herr Adolf

Both are directly responsible for lage brutal and fairly sensless wars (Hitler started WWII God started Crusades and 30 Yrs War)

Both like to supress free thought and individualism (Hitler everbody knows I suggest you look into the Spanish inquisition for the best but not only example for god's role)

Both have places to keep undesireables like jews and Gays (hitler had Auschwitz God has Hell)
NOTE: The Jews going to hell isn't my idea a Christian friend of mine and self proclaimed Bible expert told me the jews were all damned to eternal hell I cant remember his reason but I asked him if that wasn't a bit unfair seeing the shit they had to put up with on Earth (Actions from Hitler in WWII, and God in Crusades and SI among other things) but he didn't see it that way.

They were both a bit on the insane side (Proof for Hitler you just need to look at his plans to invade russia, Proof for god is in the thread "God is a Moron" I hate retypeing things :) )

Both have stupid looking mustaches (Well probaly not but it sounds good)

Both are bestselling Authors (Hitler-mein Kampf God-Bible)
NOTE: Both of these books seem to promote killing to

They both lost their respective wars. (God lost crusades, 30 yrs War dosent count because he was playing both sides)

In their wars they were both the agressor (Christians started Crusades with no justification, Im not quite sure how the 30 yrs war began if anyone can tell me id like to know)

Both seem to turn off scientist types (The only major physicist working for hitler was Werner Heisinburg and their is some debate as to wheather he was actually trying to develope A-bomb or sabotage the project, According to Richard Feynman in The Meaning of it All he says that most scientists are agnostic or Atheist)

Thats all i got for now. I know some are rather petty and some are irrelevent but the similarities are striking. Ill probaly be back with more. ;)

Heil Jehova
(they both like being "hailed" too)
"Both are directly responsible for lage brutal and fairly sensless wars (Hitler started WWII God started Crusades and 30 Yrs War)"

The religious people here will tell you that it's the people, not the God that caused the war. God was just a means used by who really weren't religious. My only response to this is that (a) these things have happened since the idea of god began and (b) the people who did these things sometimes (not always) believed they truly were doing the religiously right thing.

"Both like to supress free thought and individualism (Hitler everbody knows I suggest you look into the Spanish inquisition for the best but not only example for god's role)"

Agreed. Though I think the religion itself, not the Spanish Inquisition is the best example of Christian authoritarianism. Everyone must have the same morals, everyone must act the same way...

"Both have places to keep undesireables like jews and Gays (hitler had Auschwitz God has Hell)"

Depending on how religious you are, yes practicing gays definetly go to hell. Because of a psychological and physical impulse they have no control over they eternally damned. Pretty disturbing. As for Jews going to heaven, well, doesn't the Bible say that to get into heaven you have to accept Jesus into your heart? And no Jew will do that!

"Both have stupid looking mustaches (Well probaly not but it sounds good)"

Eh, I would assume God is quite the good-looking guy.

"Both are bestselling Authors (Hitler-mein Kampf God-Bible)"

In all fairness, Mein Kempf isn't really bestselling. It's been bought by quite a few heavy universtiy students to better understand Nazism, but that's about it. Germans didnt buy it, they were forced to have it. It was like having a bible in your house, you just had a Mein Kempf. Few people actually read it.

"They both lost their respective wars. (God lost crusades, 30 yrs War dosent count because he was playing both sides)"

Uh, not to mention that whole Crusades thing.

"In their wars they were both the agressor (Christians started Crusades with no justification, Im not quite sure how the 30 yrs war began if anyone can tell me id like to know)"

You're wrong on this. The Allies started WWII. Look at the Treaty of Versailles for all of 30 seconds and you'll notice that war was the only option.

"Both seem to turn off scientist types (The only major physicist working for hitler was Werner Heisinburg and their is some debate as to wheather he was actually trying to develope A-bomb or sabotage the project, According to Richard Feynman in The Meaning of it All he says that most scientists are agnostic or Atheist)"

Christianity is afraid of science proving it wrong. Which is understandable. Hitler used scientists a plenty. They just did things that you wouldn't do today. They tested the human body and mind (using jews mainly). They also tried to discover a way to mind control.

I once made a list of similarities between Christ and Commies. It was kind of similar.

Anyway, I think later I'll start a post on Hitler....
I agree with some of that

Causing wars: I still think im right on that. Since god's all knowing he knew that publishing the bible would start those wars.

Free Will; Your right of course I was just looking for an objective example

Hell: Thing about jews isn't my argument i never believed it but a christian friend of mine does so i included it.

Mustaches: Who cares?

Bestselling Authors: Fair Enough I just added the bestselling bit because it sounded betterr that way :)

Loseing Wars: If you read carefully I did mention crusades

Agression: Fair enough never thought of it it that way b4

Science: I was saying that scientists didn't like God and Hitler. Soon after Hitler took power almost ever top physicist left the country except Heisenburg and his role in Nazi reaserach was a bit "Uncertain" hahaha (forgive the pun) And most scientists are agnostic or atheist. But it is a mutual dislike because your right god dosen't like them much either.
Can i just ask for you to objectivly look at this question please.

If you are incharge of the world say, and one of your underlings delibratly (for his\her own love of power) mis-interpreted your "orders" for his\her own benifit, would you be responcable?

and yes comunisam in its purest form and christanitsy are VERY close on there ethics
Yes if you have the power to stop it and chose not to and you knew ahead of time that your order would be misinterpreted. Which god can do.
I have to agree with Neutrino_Albatross here,

God knows everything that has happened, and that WILL happen

Which means, of course, that what your going to do 5 minutes from now, have already happened, because God has already seen it happen.

God knew that Adam and Eve would fall, he knew about the serpent in the garden, he knew Lucifer would rebel againest him, he knew and still knows about every bit of suffering, pain, angiush, and heinous crime doen in his name....and the real kicker....

He's done jack diddly squat about it. No prophets, no one glowing with heaven's radiance to tell us whats wrong, NOTHING.

What does that tell you for the character of God, eh?
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Personally, it tells me he doesn't exist. Religion itself is a joke. It's that simple. I mean, in somewhere in between the countless holes, contradictions and dictatorship-like comments you might have something that vaguely resembles a good idea (caring for others and so on). There is no need for religion. There is no need for God, and until there is religion will be considered (at least by me) nothing more than a nice fantasy. We don't even have the original stone tablets the 10 commandments were written on, no trace of a giant ark, no reliable indication of a world wide flood... nothing.

Religion rides upon the hopes and dreams of the intellectually handicapped.

So to quote Forrest Gump, "That's all I got to say about that."
we are descussing in another thread the price of freedom. It was put there that although humans are incapable of utilising freedom fairly, it would be wrong to take it away

wouldn't this applie to god to?
If omnicence exists there is no free will because everything that happens is part of gods plan. That means even god is bound to his plan so he dosen't have free will either. That means if god isn't omnipotent. If there is free will god can't bee omnicent. So therefore omnicence and omnipotence are impossible. One or the other not both. (This is the little paradox that made me agnostic i became atheist about a year later)
Hi, on break and thought I'd add a quickie


It was put there that although humans are incapable of utilising freedom fairly, it would be wrong to take it away

wouldn't this applie to god to

As, with that line of reasoning, anyone who has the power to stop a crime from happening, shouldn't, because we would be infringing on that person's freedom ( reguardless of how unfair of how that person is treating their freedom )

This is not only criminal negligance ( and in Gods case, of the highest degree ), but also pure malice. If I can stop someone from being raped, I should, if I have any descencey in me.

And since God has failed to do that, on countless occasions ( and rape being one of many crimes not prevented ), then again, I ask you: What does that say for the character of God?

If he does exist, then he has to be one the most hateful, malicious entities imaginable.
Actully i take the opersit view and i cant belive god dosn't destroy the lot of us. I pitty god. He gave this beautiful world into our CARE and we have raped and pillaged it untill she is dieing and now insted of realising that everyone of us is wrong we will just look for a new world to destroy


I gather you have a very dim view of human beings?

I have to disagree with this line of reasoning.

Firstly, God was the reason we became this "corrupt". He knew very well when we created us that we would be damned, that we would learn of good and evil. He did nothing to stop or prevent this.

Furthermore, after watching us off walk ourselves off the cliff, he then proceeded to punish all of us, for a crime he knew very well we'd commit, for eternity.

And then, after watching us destory ourselves, and this planet, he chose to do very poor methods of trying to get us to unifiy ourselves.

1) He sent a Bible riddled with contridictions
2) He sent a god-man (Jesus) who's purpose in life seemed not only unessecary, but pointless. ( Does God need to sacrifice himself to himself to redeem us of a punishment he himself placed on us?)
2) After that, as gone on silent mode and hasn't spoken to humanity since.

Nowadays, people are much more reasonable, and are beginning to require proof from religion ( Something it can't do. ). The faithful tell us that we need faith. Well, why do we need faith, As? Why can't God come down from his love-shack upstairs, and lead the way for us? Why does he require we follow a book 2 thousand years old, which is in itself inconsistent?

If God was really concerned about our well being, then why isn't he showing it? Why isn't he comming down here and telling us all what to do, showing us the way to peace, understanding, and love?

He isn't doing that Asguard, and I question his motives as to why. He delibrately allowed us to kill ourselves from something he set up, and then punished us for it despite Eve's ignorance.

To me, God sounds like an aweful person, someone I wouldn't want to be around.
God & Hitler: a comparison.

God has a silly little moustache?
If you look at any rennisance art you will see that god always has a little mustache that looks like someone squashed a fly on his upper lip.