God Hath Been Deceived


The Art Of Fact
Registered Senior Member
Here's an interesting What-If... I was told about a story from the bible, the book of Jobe or something, about a story in which Jobe worshipped God loyally. Satan talked to God, telling him that the only reason Jobe worshipped God so much was because Jobe had such a good life. God said he'd prove him wrong. He killed all Jobe's family, destroyed his farm, gave him the plague, etc... And yet he still praised God. Now my knowledge on the bible is limited, so even if that story isn't acurate at all, my point still remains...

WHAT IF Satan has done all his deeds THROUGH God, by tricking him. What is Satan ordered Jobe's family to be killed, the destruction of his farm and the plague on an innoecent God worshipping man? Then he succeeded! Athiests always claim that one of the problems with "God" is that if he were infallable this universe would be alot better... Well then, what if he is fallable? What if SATAN is infallable, and is proving this by getting the universe he's always wanted!? God failed and doesn't even know it. Satan needs us to have faith in God for his will to be carried out, which is why he hasn't shown that God has been outsmarted... Kind of like the second in command who is in fact the brains of the operation...

In the eternal chess game between God and Satan, Satan is suggesting moves, and God foolishly listens. And he thinks he's winning the whole game, until, check-mate. Perhaps we will have an Armageddon, but it will not be the death and judgement of humanity, but GOD! Hell on earth, Satan's realm... In that sence, faith is almost evil... Good intentions, sure... But good intentions pave the road to hell... Literally. Faith is a trap... Concider it... The evil people worship Satan anyway, and the people who have faith in God, actually have faith in Satan's pawn... So we're fucked.

I should point out that as I went to post this on sci-forums, my entire city had it's first city-wide complete internet black-out... Seems like someone's trying to keep this idea from getting out, lol.

I should also point out that I am athiest, and this is only a suggestion for people to ponder, I find it quite intriguing and am interested in hearing other people's take on it!
Ignorance is dangerous


I think you should read Job before you make up wild theories like that. It is a the story of faith. Not even the most righteous are free from the temptation to sin against God by rejecting Him. Satan accused God of making it too easy to believe (i.e. that Job's belief wasn't genuine). God gives Satan the opportunity to test Job, but prohibits Satan from going too far. You can see that Job's life is what is precious to God.

Job1:12 The LORD said to Satan, "Very well, then, everything he has is in your hands, but on the man himself do not lay a finger."...
Job2:4 "Skin for skin!" Satan replied. "A man will give all he has for his own life. 5 But stretch out your hand and strike his flesh and bones, and he will surely curse you to your face."
6 The LORD said to Satan, "Very well, then, he is in your hands; but you must spare his life."

And that is the last we hear of Satan... .But Job does an admirable task of claiming his innocence. From what we know of him, he has a valid case.

Pay attention to the advice his friends give him. And how they look for reasons why all these things are happening to Job, trying to strengthen his case against God. But Job reprimands them by telling them what people do to each other, and how their arguments are just as false.

28:28 And he said to man,
'The fear of the Lord - that is wisdom,
and to shun evil is understanding.'

But even as Job justifies himself, another friend comes forward and rebukes Job for not justifying God instead. He explains God's justice to them. Job is not the judge of innocence, God is! God does not oppress or punish, but judges fairly.

36:13 "The godless in heart harbor resentment;
even when he fetters them, they do not cry for help.

We learn that many are the afflictions of the righteous, that after Satan may has done his worst, and friends given bad advice, the Lord delivers them out of them all, the trial of their faith will be found to praise, and honour, and glory.
You are right, I really don't know much about the bibe. But that is not my point. You just answered my post with extremely relavant quotes from the bible... But my proposition is this, if Satan is God's puppet master, than the bible was published by Satan THROUGH God... Therefore everything holy is in fact unholy, because Satan is the one controlling God. This is just a big what if, but for this thread to go anywhere, I need you to entertain the idea, not prove it wrong.
I can entertain the idea only for as long as I can believe its truth, but I can only believe the truth, and that is that what you say is exactly what Satan wants us to believe: poor old Satan, he is only a puppet in big bad God's hands. That good is in fact evil. And what does he achieve? He wants your sympathy, and he can only get that by hijacking God's words and twisting them.

That is why I quote the Bible so much, to correct those misconceptions straight from the source. It is what I'm instructed to do according to what I believe:
Romans 14:16
Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil.

I understand that you are only presenting an interesting hypothesis, but you have to test it against something. Just be careful that you don't start believing the hypothesis just because it makes sense.

Once again:
Isaiah 5:20
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
Jenyar, you have gained much respect from me. I am not one to believe simply cause it could be. Just a what if at 6 AM. But I completely understand you stance, and LOVE the way you stated it
It is what I'm instructed to do according to what I believe:
Much respect, notme2000.
Thank you Notme2000! You have just added a little more meaning to my life.

Best regards,