God Hates Children


This topic is about God being worshiped so hard by fanatics, that they forget he won't spare their children, and that's humanities job, well, I have read THREE articles where families refused to go to the hospital because their child/children was/were sick and dying, because they believed God would cure their children, but guess what happened? All of these cases had the the children die, did that take too long to figure out? Theist families are such dumbasses that they kill for their God.

Too bad this world is infested with God fanatic Theists, we won't be safe until Theism is wiped off this planet and Atheism/possibly Deism only exists. Theism has gone so far as to kill innocents, guess the Crusades have deformed from conquer into a sick form of ignorant genocide?
Too bad this world is infested with God fanatic Theists, we won't be safe until Theism is wiped off this planet and Atheism/possibly Deism only exists.

What method of would you recommend? :)

M*W: "Greenhorn," maybe, but he points out how delusionally green theists can be even when it means a death sentence to children who are "green around the gills." In that case, I would say these theists believe in some fictional "green pastures" provided by their god who is just another "green-eyed monster" and admittedly "green with jealousy."
This topic is about God being worshiped so hard by fanatics, that they forget he won't spare their children

I think that's a good point. The rest of your rant has been rehashed numerous times here but not bad.

I think what your saying is....despite whatever religion is driving the antagonists, the underlying fact is their own kids are endangered by their actions. I don't think anyone can disagree with that.

How many of these conflicts involving religion occur where both sides are backing the same god? Is God saying, 'Ok assholes, I'm afraid some of your kids need to die just to get this thing stopped"?
This topic is about God being worshiped so hard by fanatics, that they forget he won't spare their children, and that's humanities job, well, I have read THREE articles where families refused to go to the hospital because their child/children was/were sick and dying, because they believed God would cure their children, but guess what happened? All of these cases had the the children die, did that take too long to figure out? Theist families are such dumbasses that they kill for their God.

Too bad this world is infested with God fanatic Theists, we won't be safe until Theism is wiped off this planet and Atheism/possibly Deism only exists. Theism has gone so far as to kill innocents, guess the Crusades have deformed from conquer into a sick form of ignorant genocide?

This thread irked me. Well, no, you irked me. That being said, all religions are capable of being misinterpreted. The bible never said solely rely on God for every bump in the road of life. On the contrary, he expects one to do for self. The bible says don't test him. He fully expects a follower to go to hospitals, and use doctors. Even the Amish and Anabaptist do it.

Anyone stupid enough to leap from a roof then scream "Ok God, save me" gets what they had coming.
Isn't this a little bit
too extreme?.....


God does not hate children. Atheist yes, children no.

Matthew 19:14
But Jesus said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

From my memory:
It further goes to say it is better to have a millstone around your neck and cast into the sea than to do harm one of these little ones etc.
This thread irked me. Well, no, you irked me. That being said, all religions are capable of being misinterpreted. The bible never said solely rely on God for every bump in the road of life. On the contrary, he expects one to do for self. The bible says don't test him. He fully expects a follower to go to hospitals, and use doctors. Even the Amish and Anabaptist do it.

Anyone stupid enough to leap from a roof then scream "Ok God, save me" gets what they had coming.

So how do so many (maybe a small %, but still a decent number) get these crazy ideas? Obviously God did not personally tell them to behave in this manner, so why do they do stupid sh*t like this?

Take the whole Christian Science view:
Though Christian Scientists respect the work of medical practitioners, most of them prefer to use prayer and to rely on God. Christian Scientists who choose to rely on medical treatment for a specific problem normally give up Christian Science treatment for the period of treatment.

So, if common sense comes along and slaps their face, or they just succumb to pure panic over their children's lives, they just put their religion on hold?

How convenient...
So how do so many (maybe a small %, but still a decent number) get these crazy ideas? Obviously God did not personally tell them to behave in this manner, so why do they do stupid sh*t like this?

Take the whole Christian Science view:

So, if common sense comes along and slaps their face, or they just succumb to pure panic over their children's lives, they just put their religion on hold?

How convenient...

Have you read the bible?
Have you read the bible?

Yes, actually, I have. (Although I will admit to skimming some of the begot.. who begot's)

Anyway, my question stands, and is not meant to be an insult. I respect a person's right to believe in a given religion, and to follow their holy books.

However, I sincerely wonder where some of the fringe whackos get these outrageous ideas that result in children's deaths (for example), as the OP mentioned?
This topic is about God being worshiped so hard by fanatics, that they forget he won't spare their children, and that's humanities job, well, I have read THREE articles where families refused to go to the hospital because their child/children was/were sick and dying, because they believed God would cure their children, but guess what happened? All of these cases had the the children die, did that take too long to figure out? Theist families are such dumbasses that they kill for their God.

Too bad this world is infested with God fanatic Theists, we won't be safe until Theism is wiped off this planet and Atheism/possibly Deism only exists. Theism has gone so far as to kill innocents, guess the Crusades have deformed from conquer into a sick form of ignorant genocide?

Well doesn't it say 'suffer the little children that come unto me'? :shrug:
Yes, actually, I have. (Although I will admit to skimming some of the begot.. who begot's)

Anyway, my question stands, and is not meant to be an insult. I respect a person's right to believe in a given religion, and to follow their holy books.

However, I sincerely wonder where some of the fringe whackos get these outrageous ideas that result in children's deaths (for example), as the OP mentioned?

Where does anyone get nutty ideas? I don't know. There's about what now? 300 million Christians? 4 or 5 of them do something stupid, and it's now religions fault, and claim to fame? Just because someone has a screw loose doesn't mean religion or God had a thing to do with it.

I have never seen an instance in the bible that suggested I rely solely on God for healing. Nor remotely anything like God hates children.
Where does anyone get nutty ideas? I don't know. There's about what now? 300 million Christians? 4 or 5 of them do something stupid, and it's now religions fault, and claim to fame? Just because someone has a screw loose doesn't mean religion or God had a thing to do with it.

I have never seen an instance in the bible that suggested I rely solely on God for healing. Nor remotely anything like God hates children.

Well, a hundred thousand current Christian Science members (on the low side) is still more than 4-5 with "a screw loose", IMHO.
A 1992 study in the Christian Research Journal found that church membership had fallen from 269,000 in the 1930s to about 150,000.[10] Some[who?] believe membership has fallen further since then, however current estimates for church membership vary widely, from under 100,000 to 400,000.

You are going off of the few that make headlines, and even then I'm quite confident that more than 4-5 have done that.

The good news is that membership in this particular cult is rapidly declining...
Well, a hundred thousand current Christian Science members (on the low side) is still more than 4-5 with "a screw loose", IMHO.

You are going off of the few that make headlines, and even then I'm quite confident that more than 4-5 have done that.

The good news is that membership in this particular cult is rapidly declining...

I'm just generalizing on the OP.

Love the link! LOL
Well, Christianity once wouldn't let a statue be put in New York because it wasn't a religious statue, if only I had the links, too bad they're lost.