God gave up the right to punish along with dominion.

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
God gave up the right to punish along with dominion.

God, in Eden, gave man dominion over the whole earth and all the entities on it.

Some also believe that Satan was given dominion here. If the temptation of Jesus is believed to have literally happened then this supports the notion that Satan has dominion or the temptation was a farce that Jesus would have seen through. He did not deny Satan’s dominion.

If God gave dominion to man and it was somehow transferred to Satan, then God would have giving up any right that he would have to punish anyone here because he does no longer had dominion here.

As above so below indicates that if he can punish us and basically usurp the sovereignty of Satan or man, then this policy is what man should follow. This says that some other country coming to enforce their laws in our countries, would be allowed and proper. I cannot see any country allowing this and if they cannot, then God also cannot.

God is shown quite often as coming to earth and enforcing his laws. Sodom and the genocide in Noah’s day are prime examples of his doing so.

My covenant I will not break, nor alter the word that has gone out of my lips.
—Psalm 89:34

Who has dominion on earth?
Does God have a right to enforce his law?
If so, why?
If not, then is he breaking his own word?

If you can't evade birth, death, old age and disease or sufferings caused by natural phenomena, sufferings caused by the bodies of other living entities or even sufferings caused by your own mind, you are getting pwned every second of the day.
I guess the Dominionists would want to enforce the Ten Commandments and other rules, plus the dominion stuff. Let us not elect them to government or anyone close.
God gave up the right to punish along with dominion.

God, in Eden, gave man dominion over the whole earth and all the entities on it.

Some also believe that Satan was given dominion here. If the temptation of Jesus is believed to have literally happened then this supports the notion that Satan has dominion or the temptation was a farce that Jesus would have seen through. He did not deny Satan’s dominion.

If God gave dominion to man and it was somehow transferred to Satan, then God would have giving up any right that he would have to punish anyone here because he does no longer had dominion here.

As above so below indicates that if he can punish us and basically usurp the sovereignty of Satan or man, then this policy is what man should follow. This says that some other country coming to enforce their laws in our countries, would be allowed and proper. I cannot see any country allowing this and if they cannot, then God also cannot.

God is shown quite often as coming to earth and enforcing his laws. Sodom and the genocide in Noah’s day are prime examples of his doing so.

My covenant I will not break, nor alter the word that has gone out of my lips.
—Psalm 89:34

Who has dominion on earth?
Does God have a right to enforce his law?
If so, why?
If not, then is he breaking his own word?


Dude, give it up already. You hate religious people, we get it and no one cares.
If you can't evade birth, death, old age and disease or sufferings caused by natural phenomena, sufferings caused by the bodies of other living entities or even sufferings caused by your own mind, you are getting pwned every second of the day.

Sodom and the genocide of Noah's day were just natural phenomena then?
Noah was just real good at reading the weather was he?

Maybe as his word, but he can smite you any time.

So he can break his word then and just claw back dominion whenever he likes. Ok.

If we are to emulate him as scripture says, then we too can break our word whenever we like.

Strange, but Ok.

I would not lump all Christians in one lump. As Martin Luther did not go along with the man stream , so there are many Christians now day.

It's essentially the general Christian belief in eternal damnation that turns everything upside down.
So he can break his word then and just claw back dominion whenever he likes. Ok.

If we are to emulate him as scripture says, then we too can break our word whenever we like.

Strange, but Ok.


He can and he will, soon. He is God, he judges us, not the other way. Want to have a rebellion against God, be my guest.
Sodom and the genocide of Noah's day were just natural phenomena then?
Noah was just real good at reading the weather was he?


God did what was necessary. Be thankful he left something to repopulate with. Get over it, as a man I sit on God's doorstep, I hardy understand the man, you standing in the crowd across the street.. you have NO understanding, and on the track of mind you travel you never will understand him.
God did what was necessary. Be thankful he left something to repopulate with. Get over it, as a man I sit on God's doorstep, .

Is that what you call it?


