God gave humanity to Satan as a gift and reward.

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
God gave humanity to Satan as a gift and reward.

God, in the beginning, created all that was. He called it Eden and put adam in it. The lower case adam, means society. God later called us Adam and Eve, to designate and differentiate man and woman. That is likely why creation of man is shown twice in Genesis.

He then gave all of us to Satan as a gift and made him the ruler of this world as a reward. This maintains the illusion that God gave us free will. After all, free will means we are able to rule ourselves so God himself cannot call himself our ruler without negating our free will. We cannot do as we will if we are following his will. This is quite simple to understand.

Satan, the great deceiver, God’s favorite and glorious angel, was then given the power and instruction to deceive all of mankind. This is obviously why Satan and or the talking serpent were in Eden. God does not put a fox in the henhouse without good reason. The reason was to insure that Adam and Eve became as Gods. You will know that the loss of the tree of life is never shown as a loss anywhere in scripture. You likely know why.

Dogma says that God basically lost all control over mankind at that point and the absence of God, which many call evil and hell, attests to this as an irrefutable fact. Evil is definitely on earth and since God and evil is said to never be in the same place, we know that God is no longer here. We are on our own against Satan and his minions. A full third of the angels that God felt were good enough to be with his best, Satan.

Humanity is Satan’s beyond any doubt. He is the master and we are all slaves to sin.
God helps maintain this situation by insuring that all are born with original sin and sets our nature to do just that, sin.

Scripture is clear on these points. The big question is why?

This seems to be the only answer---------

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

This tells me that we must all sin and repent, to not perish and insure that we are saved.

Colossians 1: 15 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

It does not take a rocket scientist to dither out that if God were to lose any of us, that would not please him. A God, who had miracle available, would always make sure that his will is never thwarted.

The following type of scenario is then never allowed.


Those with any sort of faith should know this, but somehow, they follow dogma and a theology that says that God does lose some of us and that somehow, even with all those miracles at hand, Satan and man can thwart God’s will and desire to save us all. This is impossible.

It seems that this bishop is be correct.


If we are all to be deceived as scripture indicates, and the majority of the world has faith, logic says that if you have faith in Jesus, God or Allah, then your faith is a deception from Satan. Many say that Satan’s greatest deception or trick is to fool us into believing that he does not exist. The opposite seems to be true and that it is God who is no longer here on this evil world.

Doubt is a good quality. It wards of gullibility.

Should you doubt your faith or do you somehow think that your particular faith, whichever it is, is exempt from Satan’s God given power of deception and dominion over you?

Are you so arrogant that you will ignore Gods own prophesy, that all will be deceived, by not judging the God offered by your church?

Do you dare take that chance and not judge your God, by his actions, to know if you follow a moral God or not?

If deceived, how could we possibly know?

I think there is only one solution. That is, compared the two major forms of law and morality on the planet. Secularism and religions.
I follow secular law because Satan has deceived you people of faith because I see that you love to hate, and demand that there be a place of punishment instead of a place to cure those you and your false God believe to be lost souls.

This Gnostic Christian says that God is a good and moral God and he cures souls. He does not torture them. Any that have truly repented of their sins will know this to be a truth and know that God‘s will that none be lost cannot be thwarted. Even in his never ending absence. He will never return because of the fact of our free will. If we are doing His will, we cannot be exercising our free will. God wants free men. Not slaves.

Where is our master Satan then?
In our sin nature.
Where else could spirit entities live?

Earth is the Hell of the universe, I guess, and here I thought it was Heaven.

— Heaven Found —

Purgatory’s on Venus, where sulfurs rain.
Hell’s found in the sun’s heart, oh, hot burning pain!
Of Heaven’s site, no one has any idea—
For it’s the world’s best kept secret: Earth’s its name!
Earth is the Hell of the universe, I guess, and here I thought it was Heaven.

— Heaven Found —

Purgatory’s on Venus, where sulfurs rain.
Hell’s found in the sun’s heart, oh, hot burning pain!
Of Heaven’s site, no one has any idea—
For it’s the world’s best kept secret: Earth’s its name!

I agree with the perfection of here and now, heavenly.

I was just expressing the usual Christian dogma.

God gave humanity to Satan as a gift and reward.

God, in the beginning, created all that was. He called it Eden and put adam in it. The lower case adam, means society. God later called us Adam and Eve, to designate and differentiate man and woman. That is likely why creation of man is shown twice in Genesis.

He then gave all of us to Satan as a gift and made him the ruler of this world as a reward. This maintains the illusion that God gave us free will. After all, free will means we are able to rule ourselves so God himself cannot call himself our ruler without negating our free will. We cannot do as we will if we are following his will. This is quite simple to understand.

Satan, the great deceiver, God’s favorite and glorious angel, was then given the power and instruction to deceive all of mankind. This is obviously why Satan and or the talking serpent were in Eden. God does not put a fox in the henhouse without good reason. The reason was to insure that Adam and Eve became as Gods. You will know that the loss of the tree of life is never shown as a loss anywhere in scripture. You likely know why.

Dogma says that God basically lost all control over mankind at that point and the absence of God, which many call evil and hell, attests to this as an irrefutable fact. Evil is definitely on earth and since God and evil is said to never be in the same place, we know that God is no longer here. We are on our own against Satan and his minions. A full third of the angels that God felt were good enough to be with his best, Satan.

Humanity is Satan’s beyond any doubt. He is the master and we are all slaves to sin.
God helps maintain this situation by insuring that all are born with original sin and sets our nature to do just that, sin.

Scripture is clear on these points. The big question is why?

This seems to be the only answer---------

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

This tells me that we must all sin and repent, to not perish and insure that we are saved.

Colossians 1: 15 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

It does not take a rocket scientist to dither out that if God were to lose any of us, that would not please him. A God, who had miracle available, would always make sure that his will is never thwarted.

The following type of scenario is then never allowed.


Those with any sort of faith should know this, but somehow, they follow dogma and a theology that says that God does lose some of us and that somehow, even with all those miracles at hand, Satan and man can thwart God’s will and desire to save us all. This is impossible.

It seems that this bishop is be correct.


If we are all to be deceived as scripture indicates, and the majority of the world has faith, logic says that if you have faith in Jesus, God or Allah, then your faith is a deception from Satan. Many say that Satan’s greatest deception or trick is to fool us into believing that he does not exist. The opposite seems to be true and that it is God who is no longer here on this evil world.

Doubt is a good quality. It wards of gullibility.

Should you doubt your faith or do you somehow think that your particular faith, whichever it is, is exempt from Satan’s God given power of deception and dominion over you?

Are you so arrogant that you will ignore Gods own prophesy, that all will be deceived, by not judging the God offered by your church?

Do you dare take that chance and not judge your God, by his actions, to know if you follow a moral God or not?

If deceived, how could we possibly know?

I think there is only one solution. That is, compared the two major forms of law and morality on the planet. Secularism and religions.
I follow secular law because Satan has deceived you people of faith because I see that you love to hate, and demand that there be a place of punishment instead of a place to cure those you and your false God believe to be lost souls.

This Gnostic Christian says that God is a good and moral God and he cures souls. He does not torture them. Any that have truly repented of their sins will know this to be a truth and know that God‘s will that none be lost cannot be thwarted. Even in his never ending absence. He will never return because of the fact of our free will. If we are doing His will, we cannot be exercising our free will. God wants free men. Not slaves.

Where is our master Satan then?
In our sin nature.
Where else could spirit entities live?


Here is a link I think you should read. By the way I found a few discrepancies but they are minor, If you want my edited version of this page feel free to PM me for it and give your email.


Of course the Muslims couldn't acknowledge Jesus as God, he was after all a Jew. The Quran is so obviously political in it's disagreements. Could an almighty God choose to have a partner? Who are you to say no?
Of course the Muslims couldn't acknowledge Jesus as God, he was after all a Jew. The Quran is so obviously political in it's disagreements. Could an almighty God choose to have a partner? Who are you to say no?

The muslims as in me who is jewish?, or you mean the ishmailites who are all half jews?. The original arab muslims were all half jewish.
The Jews didn't like him either. For the same reasons. They preferred a comfortable monopoly in the pious business.
I am no one's to give.

Don't be to sure Spidey . I just made a deal with six Asians girls and they are expecting delivery in about a week . They have big plans for your. They heard you had a big one , Course I just told them what you told me on your Ode to Fuck poem . Lets hope you where not lying . Girls can be very vicious you know
The Jews didn't like him either. For the same reasons. They preferred a comfortable monopoly in the pious business.

That's exactly why Jesus peace be upon him was sent to the Jews, because they were corrupt and needed a teacher like him. But then again most of the Jews didn't even listen to Moses and Aaron peace be upon them both.

Come to think of it Jews don't really like listening to anybody, that goes for my own family members aswell they are very stubborn people.

That was pretty good " Greatest I am" Your "God gave rock and roll to Me speech ." Melek Taus " to know him is to love him , He loves you . He ain't that bad a guy once you do. He would cry for you like the wailing woman of old . Yeah Already did for 40,000 years . People cut him up into little pieces in the past . Not to do so would bring an end to selfish driven lunacy and the lunatics would not have that. They would have to give up eating bon bons all day while watching T.V.
A little sympathy for the Devil Please . It is a dirty job , but someone has to do it . Shit don't happen on its own
That's exactly why Jesus peace be upon him was sent to the Jews, because they were corrupt and needed a teacher like him. But then again most of the Jews didn't even listen to Moses and Aaron peace be upon them both.

Come to think of it Jews don't really like listening to anybody, that goes for my own family members aswell they are very stubborn people.


That is not true Chi!!! You listen to Me and Spidey too. Oh yeah Spidey is American and you are? What was your country again ? England ? Don't know ! I know , Kuwait, No!! No!! Ethiopia ! Yeah those guys they are the Dudes . They think highly of Mary Magdalene. Yeah she was the one behind the seen you know . What do you think she was doing at Jesus's feet washing them . I seen that kind of action before . The coach in the corner of the boxing ring with the fighter. You tell Me who the fighter was and who the coach was ? I can her her now <<< O.K> Jesus (stroke stroke of his feet ) This is what were going to do. You will have to get Judas to do some bad bad things , but I think it is doable . I would get him to do it except you know how he don't trust Me
That is not true Chi!!! You listen to Me and Spidey too. Oh yeah Spidey is American and you are? What was your country again ? England ? Don't know ! I know , Kuwait, No!! No!! Ethiopia ! Yeah those guys they are the Dudes . They think highly of Mary Magdalene. Yeah she was the one behind the seen you know . What do you think she was doing at Jesus's feet washing them . I seen that kind of action before . The coach in the corner of the boxing ring with the fighter. You tell Me who the fighter was and who the coach was ? I can her her now <<< O.K> Jesus (stroke stroke of his feet ) This is what were going to do. You will have to get Judas to do some bad bad things , but I think it is doable . I would get him to do it except you know how he don't trust Me

Lol your posts are a joy to read, a breath of fresh air even.

Mary magdalene was stripped from the canons because the church didn't want a female figure of authority to cut a long story short, also regarding her relationship with Isa peace be upon him.

Also you might want to read the gospel of barnabas and see what that says about judas. The coach is the mental fighter the boxer is the physical fighter. Coach is also like a standard bearer boosting the morale of his troop.

That was pretty good " Greatest I am" Your "God gave rock and roll to Me speech ." Melek Taus " to know him is to love him , He loves you . He ain't that bad a guy once you do. He would cry for you like the wailing woman of old . Yeah Already did for 40,000 years . People cut him up into little pieces in the past . Not to do so would bring an end to selfish driven lunacy and the lunatics would not have that. They would have to give up eating bon bons all day while watching T.V.
A little sympathy for the Devil Please . It is a dirty job , but someone has to do it . Shit don't happen on its own


One thing though.
Love is an emotion that must be shared to be true.

One cannot love an absentee landlord.
