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I thought it was funny to look at all the forums and see this as the most popular, He must have done something right...well lets continue...


Primary Theorems

* the aether does exsist, but by definition is immeasurable
* the big bang never happened because it is perpetually happening
* gravity and mass are a product of linear time
* the event horizon of a blackhole is the quantum foam
* light is really a measure of mass, time is relative to the mass of the observer
* background radiation is merely the mean frequency of the universe
* van der waals is the 4th fundamental force, not gravity
* the 4 fundamental forces are actually 7 successive interactions enfolded into linear time
* free space has a base 12 architecture
* there are macroscopic "particles" that envelope solar systems
* electrons are displaced aspects of a nucleus
* planets are displaced aspects of the sun
* stars are displaced aspects of a quasar
*astronomic tunneling is what distributes energy, but jets, supernova and linear time distribute matter
*shearing of the quantum foam cavitates it into a vaccum fluctuation which pinches into a photon, the photon then fuses into a plasma, reiteration will cause aggregation (ie, stellation &fusion) of core photon into electrons then nuclei, further reiteration leads to elements and molecules.
*Radiation is (caused by) the friction of membranes being drawn into dense matter *There is not a antiparticle for every particle, there is a single manifold from which matter draws in surface area and to which matter gives back surface area- particles are merely the most probable moments of intereference of this manifold with itself, creating nodes which can fuse or decay according to the origin ratio of local membranes intersecting that node.


* to eliminate redundancy in physics
* to discard irrelavant models
* to end the dichotomy between science & religion, and the further bifurcation into established & fringe - orthodox & gnostic
* to find correlations between the latest models and the oldest occult systems
* to prove that god=gut
* to reestablish the observers predominant role in physics
* to prove the irrelavance of synchrotron derived particles

Experimental Proof

* overunity- dynamic and solid state to show that superluminal fluids are real
* quantum computer- to establish the role of consciousness
* mass reduction- to violate CPT theorem, prove that a true GUT is ineffable and must be
understood through direct experience

Duality Deprogramming

Why is a GRAND-UNIFIED-THEORY sometimes refered to as the holy grail of science? Why does the church have such stringent methods of defining a miracle? Why do christians agree that big bang is in compliance with genesis? Why do evolutionists admit there must be a ultimate designer? Why does both science and religion scoff at metaphysics? Why do occult systems look like a hybrid between physics models and scripture? Who decided that reality must have this duality imposed on it? Why does language consistantly fail to please both disciplines? Why does the orthodox church behave so much like the established science community and why do the gnostics behave so much like the fringe scientists? Why does SATAN and ENTROPY fulfill the same role- that which prevents peace, abundance and order. Finally why can't anybody admit that GOD and GUT must account for each other or both are invalid?

What does either side have to gain by perpetuating this duality? What do they lose by agreeing?

Science is the backengineering of GOD/GUT - GOD/GUT is the science of engineering.

Monotheism vs. polytheism

Is GOD an entity or many entities?
Is light white or spectral?

Angels or particle zoo? They both have a hierarchal function with varying purposes

Animism or what isn't alive?

what is life, what is energy?

can you destroy either?

consciousness, is it language or emotion?

where is gods mind?

the holosyntactical nature of matter - mantra/tantra/yantra or film/reference beam/image

Fall from grace or vacuum fluctuation?

telepathy or original language?

genesis or seven successive forces/transdimensional reductionism

what isn't a computer? the quanta doesn't consider matter to be anything but data, process and exsist

what isn't a free energy device? something is maintaining matter.

Adam & Eve or vector space and scalar space?

little scroll or psilocybin mushroom?

the living word or mapping?

tiny mustard seed into enormous mustard bush or initial conditions into riddled basin?

lake of fire or plasma mirror?

man made in the image of god or base 12 free space broken down into base 12 DNA?

Religion is blamed for causing war
Science is blamed for making war more efficient

every physics camp is a sect
every reformation is a new theory

the southern big bangers
the holy newtonian church

einsteinians 10:7 - action at a distance is spooky
michelsonmorley 31:5 - no shift, no aether

The written word is dead and filtered through the mind of man, whether it is a equation or a true logical statement, E=mc squared or "blue is my favorite color", it can never have more relevance than the living word which is beyond debate or question. The gut/god is ineffable because the living word is every word, the metaphors that come closest to it are not even metaphors but mathematical equations but until they are translated into at least visual data the truth is lost. An equation is just symbols which are just ink on paper or flouresced particles on glass, they don't convey a single thing to an observer. You could bypass the cartography software, fractal algorithms, 3-d vr hardware and computer altogether and smoke DMT. ITS DOWNLOADING (metabolizing/looking) AND PROCESSING DATA EITHER WAY, FROM THE BRAIN OUT OR HMD IN.... OR YOU COULD PHASE SHIFT YOUR OWN BIOLOGY AND DISCOVER THAT YOU ARE A PIECE OF SOFTWARE IN THE QUANTUM COMPUTER OF FREE SPACE.



This is no half assed attempt to explain the universe with a theory, this isn't even scientific. A GUT by definition must explain everything !

There isn't a single scientist on the planet who is willing and able to theorize and proove a GUT singlehandedly but because I am not a scientist I am willing to try.

I don't believe I am obligated to quantify anything. When my inventions work as I say they will many physicists will have to discard most of what they know, and the correlating equations as well. Where as I understand how chaos theory and hyperbolic topology and membrane theory work it is entirely void of numbers. The understanding is intuitive and the intuition is what leads to experimental proof. A machine that can do what was presumed impossible holds more weight than a book full of equations, period.

The holofractaline gut is described using the inventions themselves as metaphors, the phenomena they produce is the final statement. It presupposes that interdimensional travel means meeting god in a matter of words, and that psychic/psychedelic phenomena if cultivated leads to the same answer- that a GUT can only be experienced if its to be comprehended, you inherently have no choice but to be an observer so if the GUT is your trip you had damn well be prepared to OBSERVE!

I have just read 3 interesting books. I have made correlations between them and my GUT, or rather I have found yet more redundancy. These books forced me to look at where I am getting my ideas from – observation, deductive reasoning, math, occult systems, creation myths, other theories, psychedelics, intuition, fringe scientists of the past, and virtual experiments (my inventions).
It seems throughout history humans have fluctuated there ideals about the universe. These fluctuations have absolutely no effect on the truth of the matter or they somehow reflect it. Perhaps the duality of the observer – ego vs. soul - is in complete accordance with the dualities of the cosmos, the cycling of these forces trickle down to our very ability to discern them. Has the driving force of truth been the egos false desire to be absolutely right? Who is more right? Who wants to be more correct concerning truth? I am getting off on thinking that I understand the universe better than these “scientists” and “theologians” So I bring my thoughts to the table just as the many before me to have my ideas weighed against theirs. But who is willing to say, “…yes he is right and I was wrong?” The man who is interested in the truth not his truth.

I would love to be proven wrong because that means I am closer to the truth.

Universal Foam
The Big Bang Never Happened

When I read Supersymmetry I was doing ok until I got to the word Big Bang. It wasn’t clear to me if Supersymmetry was in support of it or detracting from it. This is a very critical question. If the last compensatory equation for a theory completely refutes the necessity for the original equation/theory then what is the truth?

Its funny, creation myths and theories also fluctuate between the structure of free space as if it was different “then” than it is now. Our inability to conceive of a free space simultaneously hosting many fields, membranes, signals, algorithms, interference patterns and such is what forces the notion of a “beginning”. What do you think is happening between planck time and linear time? Creation maintenance or destruction? Perhaps all three depending on your observational capabilities…Did all this arise from perfect order and degrade into chaos or did it collapse from chaos drawing in order? YES. Then now and tomorrow.

So we have Big Bang, Steady State, Inflation, Oscillatory, Plasma, open and closed universe theories. Could it be possible that these are all aspects? If so why isn’t anybody trying to see how they are seamless events? Lets assume for a moment that all the forces in the universe arise from some omnipotent non force- that elusive aspect that has no metaphor, that can’t be quantified because it is far too simple and simultaneously far too complicated –how can it be pure order and pure chaos ? Is the difference in architecture or scale, observer or time frame of observer?

Why does form become biased towards linear time and mass? Why does foam coarsen?

Q-foam mechanics of the ZPM – zeropoint manifold

Vector to scalar – increase of surface area

False vectors
Force free filaments
Membrane shearing

Niether – constant mediation

Black body curve
Strange attractor
Phi helix

Scalar to vector - reduction of surface area

Omega 1
Higgs field
Foam coarsening rules
Strong nuclear force

Linear creation vs. Simultaneous creation
Uncertainty principle vs. Invariance

The creation myths (egyptian & christian for ex.) and big bang are described as a progression of events. To convey progression there has to be a beginning. This forces the myth to have a past tense. This in addition to deifying the events split the myth into a literal exoteric interpretation and a implicite esoteric interpretation. It is assumed the chaos or waters dried up as it (form)ed land. If the chaos disappeared so did the notion of the land being a appearently seamless projection, maintained for billions of years and presently out of it. Matter can form in planck time out of a vacuum fluctuation but the longer it exists the more unlikely it will decay back to the ZPM anytime soon. It is likely that the stability of the iron atom and its ferrousness is a indicator of a particles transition back to the ZPM. The permanent magnet can draw in the most membranes because it is atomically mature. Surely all matter is drawing in membranes to the fulcrul moments but not all matter draws the membranes in in a seamless fashion thus exhibiting the magnetic field.

The creation myths say nothing about the entire ocean of chaos disappearing upon creation nor how the ocean continually feeds the land. Chaos of the Q-foam ensures the highest probability that at any given time in any given space whatever exists will be maintened. The distribution of surface area is so efficient because it happens nonlocally. If the the problem of renormalization were replaced with chaotic attractors, then you would understand that local phenomena are the interference of nonlocal exchanges of inertia, in effect the ocean doesn’t disappear, it gets saturated between the land and teleported to where ever its needed..
the big bang never happened because it is perpetually happening
This is a hugely important issue that few people ever undertake, but its implications seem to be more metaphysical than scientific. To accept such a statement as axiomatic would challenge at the very least, if not violate or revoke the scientist's ability to classify and segregate. This becomes problematic from a practical standpoint. One can no longer say that a star exploded: It has always been exploding and will leave an indelible signature in the Universe that, much like the Big Bang, technically never ends. At some point, it becomes impossible to theorize so broadly with any practical goal in mind.

Given that all in the Universe is a diverse range of matter/energy balances, can we call a murder an event? It is, technically, an effect of the ongoing Big Bang, and therefore only part of an event.

In an absolute abstract vacuum, it is true that the Big Bang did not happen because it is not finished happening. Such a consideration has more value in matters of myth and theology than it does in history, science, or the day-to-day workings of the human endeavor.

So I'm worried that the idea might not just cut out redundancy in physics, but part of the reason for science in the first place inasmuch as science works with the observable, and observation of infinity is ... impossible.

Nothing ever begins. Nor does it end. All is One. And no, that's not sarcasm. Technically, I actually believe that. In the meantime, I have this nasty disease called differentiation. It's a symptom of existing, and no, I've never figured out how to reconcile differentiation with the interconnectedness of all things; I end up dwelling on empty notions° such as the "purpose" and "meaning" of life.

° empty notions - Okay, that was sarcastic in its own right. I know meaning and purpose aren't empty notions; we spend a lot of effort training children to recognize these concepts, but it seems that training is just idle distraction insofar as dwelling on the purpose and meaning of life in adulthood can cause people severe illness for the absurdity of the contrast between notions of meaning or purpose and reality.
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And yeah I'll just agree with Tiassa on that big bang thing... besides we all know that the entire universe is just the fleeting daydream of some magical super-beetle in a parallel existance on the astral plane...!