God Exists.

You can call Him Mr. Kimmel, as long as you find him on your day of calamity; or else you may become fatherless or trapped again in the pit.
this post is so full of crap haha very nice troll tho i like your style altho you probably wont get a debate. this debate has been had many a time and religion loses 100% of the time

I suggest you offer some definitive proof soon, or else this thread might as well be closed for trolling.

I suggest you offer some definitive proof soon, or else this thread might as well be closed for trolling.

I saw him see Him. Is that corroborative proof :D

Peace be unto you ;)

Do you know this Hobbledehoy? Maybe you can help him to post appropriately on sciforums. Thanks.
I don't know the guy.

No one can conclusively 'prove' God exists or does not using logical reasoning or scientific data. Thats my view...

I was just joking here, because his proof is dependent upon his experience. Which isn't considered 'proof' in a discussion because you can easily be labeled a lier, and having like-minded people back you up doesn't serve any purpose (which is what I was doing..lol)

You should close this thread, I'm sure you know how it'll end, or that there is no such proof. I give you credit for keeping it open letting him present his case, which I'm 100% sure he can't do.

Peace be unto you ;)
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first post 4:59 last post 5:55..
17 posts in an hour..

there must be something to this God thing..
Yes, have disappeared 12 hours.:D

DOH!..didn't pay attention to the am/pm....
