God Does Not Exist - Christian Or Otherwise...


Valued Senior Member
When Christianity first began we saw an influx of supporters from all over the land. It was common in those days to be desperate, hungary, and without any sense of justice. It's true back then that society wasn't yet fully developed enough to appreciate just what the difficulties were in operating a government based on religious concepts. When Jesus appeared things changed, the people heard an outspoken, unique individual fighting for something he believed in which opposed the view of those in power. Much like Martin Luther King debating the finer points of "being equal" Jesus offered those with questions his own answers and vision of the world. He claimed many things but the most powerful influence he presented were his actions. He performed many miracles, many unusual and seemingly paranormal feats... as time passed many of the people in that time began to fear him, not because of his teachings but because of his abilities.

I'd compare Jesus seeming like a witch does to someone in Salem.. in any event we must ask whether Jesus was merely a man or divine prophet from some almighty creator. Indeed we see that Christians often use the argument that no other religious figure has risen from the grave, not any. While this presents a unique take on the time I also sincerely doubt he rose from anything, including a grave. Science tells us physical materials must obey laws set forth by this universe, and therefore we see a few possible explanations for Jesus rising.

1. He was never dead
2. He was cloned
3. He was only hurt and seemed dead
4. He died but what rose wasn't him

You see death like anything in this world is real, and so Jesus would've died... he would've ceased to exist... now if somehow his spirit did come back his brain would still have damage and such, so we must conclude something else was going on. I'm a skeptic, I'm a doubter, but most of all I'm a realist. This man was no god, no messenger.. except maybe for himself.

I see the world through a prisim of Christianity mixed with modern ideals, and what I see disturbs me greatly. When will Christianity stop? When will those following it ultimately bring about their own armagedon merely to fullfill their beliefs? Is the world truly blessed or just a random event?

My beliefs, and my instincts tell me that niether of these is true. This world is random in as much as anything can be. We are random, there is no holy ghost, no trinity, nothing. When you die your brain stops functioning, you stop. For those Christians or other religious fanatics that continue spouting this type of nonsense I say this... when you die there are but a few possible scenerios:

1. You're right and god was real, but much more than a religion
2. You're wrong and you'll never know it
3. You die, god sees you, tells you "sorry friend but you weren't following your own path and that's why I sent you to Earth, so go back there and try again but remember not to follow people blindly."

I prefer the 3rd option as it has the aura of humour about it.

We all know the truth, when you try explaining something to a Christian they listen, but do they really understand? Much like a cat hears you calling they to can hear the words but will never grasp their meaning. Call it the curse of following a religious sect, whatever it is they simply listen, but then return with their own nonsensical sayings.. sayings that in reality have been modified a thousand times over in multiple ways. The original content having been lost is now moot, there is no substance to their words, no truth. Try sending them back to the time Jesus lived (supposedly) and see if anyone there understands or appreciates them, I garuntee you they won't. You'll find yourself in a world so vastly different that your religious teachings are far outdated, or just plain lies.

I don't forsee any time Christianity will be gone from the Earth, our only possible chance is to remove ourselves from Earth, blow it up, then move on to another planet.. perhaps there in the new solar system we'll find our truth, but certainly it can't be found with the uneducated or unimaginitive fools that lack any real truth themselves.
When Christianity first began we saw an influx of supporters from all over the land.

M*W: I don't agree. Christiantiy simply evolved from ancient sun worship which already had plenty of followers. Only the names of the deities were changed.

It was common in those days to be desperate, hungary, and without any sense of justice.

M*W: Some people might say this is still true today.

When Jesus appeared things changed, the people heard an outspoken, unique individual fighting for something he believed in which opposed the view of those in power.

M*W: I don't believe Jesus every "appeared" in human form. He was a metaphor for the worship of the sun.

Much like Martin Luther King debating the finer points of "being equal" Jesus offered those with questions his own answers and vision of the world.

M*W: Martin Luther was a lunatic. History has documented this.

He claimed many things but the most powerful influence he presented were his actions. He performed many miracles, many unusual and seemingly paranormal feats... as time passed many of the people in that time began to fear him, not because of his teachings but because of his abilities.

M*W: Jesus or Martin Luther? If you're talking about Jesus, he did none of these things because he didn't exist. Again, he was a metaphor for the sun.

in any event we must ask whether Jesus was merely a man or divine prophet from some almighty creator.

M*W: None of the above.

Indeed we see that Christians often use the argument that no other religious figure has risen from the grave, not any.

M*W: Check out wikipedia:

The category life-death-rebirth deity also known as a "dying-and-rising" god is a convenient means of classifying the many divinities in world mythology or religion who are born, suffer death or an eclipse or other death-like experience, pass a phase in the underworld among the dead, and are subsequently reborn, in either a literal or symbolic sense. Such figures might include Osiris, Adonis, phoenix, Jesus, Baldur, Odin, and Mithras.

I see the world through a prisim of Christianity mixed with modern ideals, and what I see disturbs me greatly.

M*W: What I see and know about christianity disturbs me too.

When will Christianity stop?

M*W: It won't be in our lifetime, but it is waning progressively.

We all know the truth, when you try explaining something to a Christian they listen, but do they really understand?

M*W: They have been brainwashed to not believe and not understand. I think they don't even listen to what we have to say. They are totally blind to the facts and in denial.

Much like a cat hears you calling they to can hear the words but will never grasp their meaning.

M*W: Good analogy.

Time is on our side, not their's. The world is no longer as gullible as it was 2,000 years ago nor even 100 years ago. Much is currently being published on the lies of christianity, but these people avoid picking up a book at the library and reading it. They are so brainwashed that they automatically avoid anything that is unlike what they've been programmed to believe. It's sad. The only thing we can do to remedy this situation is to keep putting the truth in their faces until they gag on it.
Time is on our side, not their's. The world is no longer as gullible as it was 2,000 years ago nor even 100 years ago. Much is currently being published on the lies of christianity, but these people avoid picking up a book at the library and reading it. They are so brainwashed that they automatically avoid anything that is unlike what they've been programmed to believe. It's sad. The only thing we can do to remedy this situation is to keep putting the truth in their faces until they gag on it.

They are afraid to pick up these books because they think that it's the devil's work trying to convince you that God does not exist. Well, if that's the case, then the devil seems to be doing a damn good job of convincing people. If he is, then it's kinda disappointing if God does exist because he seems to be sitting back on his ass and not doing anything about it.

Now, as far as the world not being as gullible as before, I have never agreed with a statement so much in my entire life. I thought about this very thing the other day and my philosophy is that metaphorically, civilization, while past its 'infancy' and 'toddler' stage, is still a 'little child' that still believes in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Once society gets a little older, it will come to the realization that Santa and the Easter Bunny do not exist, but were merely objects to give people something to believe in.
Humans are social creatures.
We have a sense of belonging.
We need something to believe in, to keep us from having that feeling of despair that nothing else lies beyond this life here on Earth.*

*I do, however, feel that something does lie beyond this life here on Earth for us, there is just no way to tell. We are FAR too complex and intelligent to have just spontaneously evolved out of nothing. While there may be no supernatural deity, we had to have been created by some intelligent design.
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