God disciplines children with death.

Is there a point to this thread, GodLied? Tell us your views on what this means. Anybody can read the bible if they want to.
Originally posted by James R
Is there a point to this thread, GodLied? Tell us your views on what this means. Anybody can read the bible if they want to.

James, the point is to show all God Lovers that go to family counseling sessions instead of just following God's Laws to kill disrespectful, sinister children, are themselves sinister. Clearly, said God Lovers will either plead guilty or plead insanity by religion; however, it becomes the duty of fellow God lovers to then kill by stone or flame the God Loving family that went to family counseling, according to God's Law.

Because God's food is fire, cremating sinister God Lovers feeds God twice if said sinners also died by fire. So, to feed God, God Lovers should start conforming with God's Law and kill their wife's first born son, their pet's first born male, any disrespectful child, any child that gets into prostitution, and so on and so forth.

Essentially, there will be a great diminishing of God Lovers if all God Lovers enforced God's Law today. The mass burials would employ many grave diggers, cremation centers, and so on and so forth. Instead of a respectable lean towards God Loving, people appalled at God's Law will either become atheists or switch to another religion in a movement to halt senseless self imposed genocide of God Lovers by God Lovers in the name of God.

new testament

kind of changes all that though.
i wonder what ever happened to that god who punishes the evil and then changes into a warm and fuzzy being in the new testament. thats what happens when a god creates his own kid. lol.
The Old Testament, more accuratly the law of Moses, is there to show us that we will never be good enough. It is to prove that God is so much higher than us so we will remain humble. The first step to accepting Jesus in your heart is seeing that you will never be good enough on your own. This is the purpose of the old testament. Yes things seem harsh, but today we also have the New Testament to give us hope. We see that Jesus has died for our sins and wants us all to be with him. And anyways there was not the chaos that there is today. In those times children respected there parents and if they didn't it was a big deal. This isn't just disrespecting though this is cursing their name that is refered to, something that was unheard of at the time. The fact that it is now seen as acceptable and almost normal shows you what direction our country is heading.

In Christ's undying love,

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Originally posted by Mystee
The Old Testament, more accuratly the law of Moses, is there to show us that we will never be good enough. It is to prove that God is so much higher than us so we will remain humble. The first step to accepting Jesus in your heart is seeing that you will never be good enough on your own. This is the purpose of the old testament. Yes things seem harsh, but today we also have the New Testament to hive us hope. We see that Jesus has died for our sins and wants us all to be with him. And anyways there was not the chaos that there is today. In those times children respected there parents and if they didn't it was a big deal. This isn't just disrespecting though this is cursing their name that is refered to, something that was unheard of at the time. The fact that it is now seen as acceptable and almost normal shows you what direction our country is heading.

In hrist's undying love,


Seekers of TRUTH, beware, the above words are utter BULLCRAP!

THE OLD TESTAMENT does not mean what this Mystee person has said.



What a complete post of crap Mystee. It appears you've been deceived by Paul the liar as well

Poor xtians... Deceived. That is why GOD is going to destroy xtianity and its members with a vengeance, as the time where only truth permeates the earth is near

Compare Moses' Law with our own Justice system. What is the difference between a "life" or a "death" sentence?
The Old Testament, more accuratly the law of Moses, is there to show us that we will never be good enough.

Child, thow your Sisters of Mercy and Black Tape for a Blue Girl albums away. It's not helping.

In hrist's undying love,

Cool! Get some sweet Valkyrie ass!

Last I checked, we didn't sentance children to life in prison.
Originally posted by Xev

Child, thow your Sisters of Mercy and Black Tape for a Blue Girl albums away. It's not helping.

Cool! Get some sweet Valkyrie ass!

Last I checked, we didn't sentance children to life in prison.

Where have you been ??? Long time no see?.
Originally posted by Jenyar
Compare Moses' Law with our own Justice system. What is the difference between a "life" or a "death" sentence?

Capital punishment in places that enforce it, means scheduled execution. Life sentences mean the person dies when the person dies. One involves scheduled death while the other does not involve scheduled death.

Markx: Realized that arguing religion was like running in the special olympics. :)
How've you been?
Xev, very true. There will always be pro and anti religion people. There is just so much hate. I can't understand. Every one thinks they are right and every one disregard the basic teachings of their religion and just wants to go all Extremist. Start arguing about it without even understanding it. Ahh... nevermind.

I have been good. Thank you. Hope to see you around more often.

Take care
Originally posted by Jahiro
Seekers of TRUTH, beware, the above words are utter BULLCRAP!

THE OLD TESTAMENT does not mean what this Mystee person has said.



What a complete post of crap Mystee. It appears you've been deceived by Paul the liar as well

Poor xtians... Deceived. That is why GOD is going to destroy xtianity and its members with a vengeance, as the time where only truth permeates the earth is near


More to the point - any discussion of OT and Jesus is bullcrap - Jesus doesnt even figure in teh puzzle untill the NT.

Thats kindof why it was called the New Testament...
Originally posted by DJSupreme23

More to the point - any discussion of OT and Jesus is bullcrap - Jesus doesnt even figure in teh puzzle untill the NT.

Thats kindof why it was called the New Testament...

Jews base their religion on the Old Testament. Some other religions base themselves on the New Testament while clinging to Genesis.

Jesus is supposedly God's son just like Hercules was Zeus son. People worship Jesus but insignificant quantities of people might worship Hercules. Hercules was from the new testament part of greek mythology just as Jesus is part of the new testament of God mythology. Some view Jesus as God while nobody viewed Hercules as Zeus. If Jesus is God, the Old Testament applies to him because he is a part of it as God.

EXODUS 21:15 EXODUS 21:17 God's solution to problem children is to kill them
Sounds good to me..
Capital punishment in places that enforce it, means scheduled execution. Life sentences mean the person dies when the person dies. One involves scheduled death while the other does not involve scheduled death.
Sorry to rain on your parade God but studies show that lifers tend to die eight to ten years younger than the general population. Imprisoned to death:cool:

Dee Cee
Originally posted by DeeCee

Sorry to rain on your parade God but studies show that lifers tend to die eight to ten years younger than the general population. Imprisoned to death:cool:

Dee Cee
Irrelevant of the average lifetime of an individual sent to life in prison relative to the average lifetime of the general population, the date of death is not predetermined for those imprisoned for life.

Hey God
Don't those dudes on death row wait years for an execution date? Or is that only outside of an election year?;)
What was the topic again:)
Dee Cee
Originally posted by DeeCee
Hey God
Don't those dudes on death row wait years for an execution date? Or is that only outside of an election year?;)
What was the topic again:)
Dee Cee
In China capital punishment is enforced. Anytime a person wants to buy a bodypart, China shoots a prisoner, sells the part and makes a profit.

Most States in America do not execute people swiftly because of endless appeals. By limiting the number of appeals and times a person can fire their attorneys, death sentences can be executed swiftly in America. Certainly, even if criminals are allowed only one appeal but allowed unlimited right to fire their attorneys, a death sentence will turn into life imprisonment.

Actually, stopping all appeals and just letting losers fire their attorneys before the last witness is called, every death sentence can be converted to a life term without parole.

The fact that potentially guilty people have rights is why death sentencing can be converted to life imprisonment.
