God Dam It!


Registered Senior Member
Many times I have heard Atheists curse God and/or Jesus saying, GOD DAM IT!, JESUS CHRIST!

An Atheist don't believe in the existence of God and/or Jesus. How is it possible to curse someone or something that does exist? My mother who is an Atheist asked me this question, and I didn't know how to answer this question.

Peace be with be, Paul
I don't think they are cursing, rather they want a diety to block off a river?

:m: Peace.
HAHAHA!!!! i'm going to have to use that that was good goofyfish.

That's an interesting question got me i can't answer it.
Well, the way battig spelt "damn", it's quite possible that that's a request to block off a river.

For us Atheists — well, at least for me — it's just another expletive. Growing up, I've heard people say "god damn it!" when they're mad or frustrated. I started saying it too.

It's as simple as learning the language ye'r exposed to. For example, people learn to communicate the sense "droll, oddly comical" in different ways. Some learn to say "weird". Some "silly". Others, "odd". Likewise, people learn to communicate the sense "I'm frustrated" in different ways. Some learn to say "this is frustrating me". Some "fuck". Others "god damn it!".

I hope that answers the question.
Follow-up question for ya, battig:

Why do ya always call the fourth day of the week "Wednesday" when ya don't believe in the Norse king of the gods, Odin?

Modern "Wednesday" comes from Anglo-Saxon Wodnesdæg, made out of Wodnes, "of Odin" or "Odin's" (the genitive, or possessive, form of Woden, "Odin"), and dæg, "day". So Wodnesdæg — and thus, "Wednesday" — means "day of Odin" or "Odin's day".

You don't believe in Odin, do you?
Sure why not? Makes as much sense as the rest of the world's religions. Every Religion is connected if they want to admit it or not it's all pretty funny to me. Does it matter if the power of your deity is in 1 or split into 3, 12, or 100 deities, i mean the same shit's getting accomplished regardless of how many.
My spelling? and sometimes I omitt words, I hope that can be forgiven. Why not "Satan damn it!" or something other than a deity? The question is why acknowledge the exsitence of a deity as God when frustrated or angry. You said, "It's as simple as learning the language ye'r exposed to" Is that it? What about culture and religion?

Peace be with you
It's the same reason people say 'bless you' regardless of their religion, and the same reason people say 'shit' when they aren't talking about feces. A group used the phrase, and others picked it up.

It's like asking why we call someone a 'bitch'. Most people don't realize it had any reference to dogs... and nobody really uses it that way.

'God damn', 'bless you' and 'Wednesday' are all used in a way that isn't related to the original creation of the word/phrase. Most people just never think about it.
The question is why acknowledge the exsitence of a deity as God when frustrated or angry. You said, "It's as simple as learning the language ye'r exposed to" Is that it? What about culture and religion?
For me i dont see it as acknowledging the existance of anything, its just being brought up in an environment where its used to express disgust at something, anger, frustration, it wouldnt matter if it was 'satan dammit', 'god dammit', or 'puss in boots dammit' its meaningless its just words you hear to express emotion in a certain way, though im slowly getting out of it and using proper swearwords more often though saying 'god dammit' is more acceptable to most people than saying 'fuck it'.
battig1370 said:
Why not "Satan damn it!" or something other than a deity?

We don't hear people saying "Satan damn it!" so we don't learn to say it.

battig1370 said:
The question is why acknowledge the exsitence of a deity as God when frustrated or angry.

Why acknowledge the existence of a deity as Odin when ye'r saying a the name of a day of the week?

battig1370 said:
You said, "It's as simple as learning the language ye'r exposed to" Is that it? What about culture and religion?

Culture and religion do influence languages. That's why we have "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", and "Friday".

The antient Germanic culture and religion influenced the Germanic languages. After most Germanic tribes were converted to the Christian religion, it was influenced by Christian culture and religion.

Most English speakers in the past have been Christian. Some had said "god damn it!" once in a while. They probably said it as a direct request to God, such as, "Hey, God! Do me a favor and damn this!". The younger generations picked it up as they grew up. Nowadays, we're not saying it as a direct request, like, "Hey, God! Do me a favor and damn this!". It's just something we say. That's really all there is to it.
TheMatrixIsReal: "Fucking grow a brain please."

Athelwulf: TheMatrixIsReal has a point, battig.

I'm not smart like you guys are, and I enjoyed your comments.

This leads me to the question how much freewill does an individual have within any cultrue?

Their some interesting websites on 'freewill'

Peace be with you, Paul
Yes, your comments leads me to the question, how much freewill does an individual have within any cultrue?

Peace be with you, Paul
battig1370 said:
Many times I have heard Atheists curse God and/or Jesus saying, GOD DAM IT!, JESUS CHRIST!

An Atheist don't believe in the existence of God and/or Jesus. How is it possible to curse someone or something that does exist?
one time people thought that God controls everything(some still do I suppose)
so its so ingrained into peoples psyche,
that everyone says it,when something goes wrong,
what I find amusing when something good hapens to a theist they imediately start praising God/jesus and thank those,
such as some of those ball players,for example,but when something goes wrong not a single one of them would say; "damn that jesus,he made me drop the fricking ball,damn, so blame Him that we lost the game" :D
Batting I have only one question;

How the hell do you go from "god damn it" to questioning free will?.

TheMatrixIsReal said:
Btw, my favorite expletive is "Jesus H Fucking Christ", it just has a certain snap to it.
I wonder what that would look like? jesus fucking christ?
I have a devout xian friend, who would always, when he was angry shout flick this, flick that, rather then fuck this, and fuck that.
he thought it was rude to swear, it was against god.
until I pointed out to him that the meaning behind the word was the same.
he now says fuck, so whats in a word?.