God Created Evil


According to the Bible, god created evil. Since god created lucifer (the angel of light), and lucifer = the devil, and the devil = evil. Then if you substitute everything in, God created evil. But since god is omniscient (all knowing) he would've known that. So basically, god created evil for a reason, he wanted evil to exist (or else he would not have created it) . But why?
A good question, VitalOne. This reminds me of a story someone sent me. Please read the following. It will make you think for a bit.

-A professor, who taught at a small college, had a reputation for being especially tough on Christians. The first class of every semester he would inquire if anyone in the room was a Christian. When someone responded positively, the professor would then proceed to degrade him or her and mock their statement of faith.
-One semester, he asked the question, and a young man raised his hand. The professor questioned the young man, "Did God make everything?"
-The young Christian replied, "Yes sir. He did!"
-The professor responded, "If God made everything, then He made evil."
-The student didn't have a response and the professor was happy to have once again argued that a Christian's faith is misguided at best.
-Then another man raised his hand and asked, "May I ask you something, sir?"
-"Yes, you may," responded the professor.
-The young man stood up and inquired, "Sir, is there such a thing as cold?"
-"Of course there is, what kind of question is that? Haven't you ever been cold?"
-The young man replied, "Actually, sir, cold doesn't exist. What we consider to be cold is really an absence of heat. Absolute zero is when there is absolutely no heat, but cold does not really exist. We have only created that term to describe how we feel when heat is not there." The young man continued, "Sir, is there such a thing as dark?"
-Once again, the professor responded, "Of course there is."
-The student replied, "Actually, sir, darkness does not exist. Darkness is really only the absence of light. Darkness is only a term man developed to describe what happens when there is no light present." Finally, the young man asked, "Sir, is there such a thing as evil?"
-The professor responded, "Of course. We have rapes and murders and violence everywhere in the world. Those things are evil."
-The student replied, "Actually, sir, evil does not exist. Evil is simply the absence of God. Evil is a term man developed to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. It isn't like truth or love, which exist as virtues like heat or light. Evil is simply the state where God is not present, like cold without heat or darkness without light."
-The professor had nothing to say.
Well, I got this from 'somewhere':

For God to be good, Evil is an absolute neccessity in this world.

what do you think?
Your cute little Xtian story has little to no meaning since it doesn't support what the bible teaches about Good and Evil

The bible is clear about this

Isaiah 45:7

7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Good and Evil are nothing but concepts created by man

While most xtians have a hard time understanding or believing it, GOD MOVES ALL THINGS


Hrm... Well, even though i'm not christian, i might be able to say this. Withought suffering, there can be no compassion. Withought dark there can't be light. Withought dispair, there can't be hope, and withought evil, there can't be good. If there weren't opposites, counterbalances, everything would be down the middle line.
Man creates Evil not God, God is Amoral.

God has no knowledge of Evil, God Creates no Evil, God only Creates Good, things that are Beautful.

Man is Free created Evil as he Will.

I you Think, imagine that God Creates ugliness then it is you are mistaken not God.
you really need to go to a bible study to post about these things, In order for there to be good there has to be evil, without evil there is no good, without good (or the notion of) then there is no evil. God did not create evil, he gave us free will by enabling eve to even haev the ability to bite the apple, and as far as im concerned that was a true gift, because of ever biting the apple, we now have free will, and we ourselves "Created" evil, but you must also realize "evil" is not created, it has always been there just like "good" both are notions which are pretty much set by the current society etc. etc.
I know i get on Jahiro's case a lot about the sollog thing seen on the pseudoscience form, But if you believe in sollog what are you doing here?
According to the Bible, god created evil... the devil.
Yes he did.
But since god is omniscient (all knowing) he would've known that.
God isn't omniscient about everything: he cannot decide morality on his own! I don't know why people (not you, just people) find this so hard to beleive.
But since god is omniscient (all knowing)god created evil... but why?
To discover his morality and to learn about love. :)
God is amoral, the Knowledge of Evil is Man's Illusion not God's.
God does not hallucinate.

Illusion, deception, lies, Graven Images of Reality is Evil.

Evil is Illusion, deception, lies, Graven Images of reality.
Originally posted by Dearprudence
How does one go about creating an illusion and effectuating it into reality? Unless reality too is an illusion. Then God too is an illusion.

A named God is an illusion being that a Name is an en-graven image.

Graven Image, dead, not real, not alive, non-existent.

A Illusion is a Reality, at least we think that it is.

All Realities are not an Illusion, however all Illusions are a Reality.
I've come to a conclusion, evil is good, and good is evil. They are both the same. Evil must exist for good to exist and vice-versa. What is good to some is evil to others, thus good and evil both do not exist. They are more like opinions than facts created by our minds.
Maybe you should explain your answer a little more, VitalOne, on how you came to that conclusion. If evil is good and good is evil, why does a justice system exist? Why have written laws to determine if a person has done "evil" against another? The "evil" person could defend himself in front of a judge that he was doing "good" to the other. How would a judge determine what is good and what is evil if there is no standard to judge by? How could a judge determine what is evil and what is good if "evil is good and good is evil"? I'm just curious if you can explain further.
Thank you.
Once again another thread that keeps spinning over and over without anyone making clear sense

VitalOne, I believe you are very close to the true balance of understanding in your most recent post

Rather than post your opinions which are nothing but concepts inside your head you have formed since birth via experience and external factors, reference something to justify your claim/belief

For anyone to clearly state GOD DOES NOT CREATE EVIL is a clear liar if they give Any credence to the Old Testament at all

Let me post, once again, what I said earlier in this thread

The bible is clear about this

Isaiah 45:7

7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Good and Evil are nothing but concepts created by man

While most xtians have a hard time understanding or believing it, GOD MOVES ALL THINGS


As it is seen through the eyes of man, evil and good are different. But to the wise that understand they are nothing but concepts which are subject to change from the eye of the beholder or perceiver, good and evil obviously don't exist as definitive notions



Originally posted by Jahiro
The bible is clear about this

Isaiah 45:7

7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Good and Evil are nothing but concepts created by man

While most xtians have a hard time understanding or believing it, GOD MOVES ALL THINGS


As it is seen through the eyes of man, evil and good are different. But to the wise that understand they are nothing but concepts which are subject to change from the eye of the beholder or perceiver, good and evil obviously don't exist as definitive notions





Was the Lord speaking English when he is to have said, " I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

The Light and the darkness are pretty much universally understood but peace and evil are open to interpretation.

Good relative to Evil is of course only a little less Evil than Evil.
Beauty relative to Ugliness is of course only a little less ugly than ugly, or a little more Beautiful than Ugly, just depends on how you look at it.

A glass half full or half empty no matter how it is said is still not a Whole Glass of water.

There is a Good, something Beautiful that has no opposite, each a singularity, the Whole of a Single Reality.

The Duality of Good and Evil is an Illusion.

The Law, Only the Whole of a Single Reality, only a Singularity is Free to occupy a given moment of Time in Space.

An Illusion is a Reality, a thought, conception of Reality, a Truth, and as such has an indirect effect on the Material World of Reality.
Devil, an ancient friend to be avoided!

Originally posted by VitalOne
[ So basically, god created evil for a reason, he wanted evil to exist (or else he would not have created it) . But why? [/B]
The three most important religions of the world- Judaism, Christianity and Islam - say that devil (satan) doe exist. And in the religious context it has characteristics that tempts man to do things that are not allowed by these religions.
In my opinion, it is created to tempt us to do wrong and by rejecting Satan we become stronger and stronger in our will.
The reason could be that it is a negative force that fighting it will advance us to a world of peace inwardly and outwardly.
And believe me for a person like me who tries to be like thinkers it is actually a very difficult question to answer.
And a quote from Nietzsche:
The devil has the broadest perspective for God; therefore he keeps so far away from God- the devil being the most ancient friend of wisdom. thanks
God did not create Satan, He created Lucifer, who was once the most loved Angel. His free will and his jealosy (Only the possibility of which God created) is what brought his downfall and his relabling as the devil.

And the Old testiment is largely a story to explain unknown histories and morals which already exhisted in a living society. It is the same with all societies around the world. A leader wants his people to do something, so he creates a story explaining why it makes sense. The leader is equated to God by the people, so on purpose or not, the story becomes cannon.

If God exsists, why are his stories written in the same way as the stories of other Gods? Why, when creating all of humanity, did he not share his knowledge with all of them? Why, when the fourth person to exsist, Cain, is kicked out of his parents house, and put out of God's sight, is he able to get married and have kids? Who did he marry? there's suppoesedly no one else on the planet!!??

The Bible is fine. Just don't think it's a history. It's Historical fiction, just like every religion.