God boxes in Greece....


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Valued Senior Member
I have just come back from Greece and I was wondering what were all of the God boxes on the side of the road?
I sure did but for some reason I cannot upload photos to this site :(
Perhaps that's where people have died in auto accidents?

Yah I have been reading about them and some of them are. But others are for people to worship God along the road, weird.

And there are so many of them, I traveled around a large amount of mainland Greece and I must have seen 2 or 3 thousand of them.

Do we have anyone from Greece on this forum?
Why do you need to be in a box to worship an imaginary friend? Why can't you worship while you drive?

Reminds me of a a couple of churches in my area that have a peculiar looking room glued on to the top of the churches roof... as if praying in that room is going to get you any closer to the omniscient creator of the universe, LOL!

It's as meaningless as praying in an easterly direction... Although I'm assuming the nomads thought that one up without knowing the world was round... Going round in circles is quite symbolic of the religious folk :D
Wait-wait-wait-wait...these boxes are basically portable altars? Aren't we supposed to be advancing away from such things?