God as an "Alien being"


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First I will go into why I believe in God: Because the biodiversity of Earth is so massive there is no way natural selection could have done it alone. (plus a few "schizophrenic" thoughts that point towards God being real)

I believe God (specifically Jesus Christ) to be an "alien from outer space" that knows science so well that he can create life. He has also mastered the creation of gravity through electrical means in order to form planets and stars.

God's forces are "top-secret" and have actually inhabited the human form on many occasions indeed. He is all-wise and benevolent.

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Have you watched ancient aliens or fimilar to ancient astronaut theories? Very similiar. After seeing the shit in that show, its hard not to believe. (Not that Jesus was an alien, (we don't know for sure) but ancient astronaut theory in general.)
If that is true then why hasn't other "aliens" visited the Earth since that man Jesus did and show us more interesting things?:shrug:

Funny that only ONE alien would visit this planet and no others followed him to see what became of his adventures here. There's also no proof that he ever was an "alien" only conjecture and speculation since his spaceship was never found and his body vanished as well. Perhaps Jesus was just another genius like Leonardo De Vinci was during his time and tried to do things that only seemed "magical" at the time he was alive to those around him who weren't as smart as he was.

Nope, I don't think aliens could have ever been here for they would be ruling over the entire world if they did being that they are so advanced. We humans are very intelligent and have done all of the research and development on our own and only people who want to make a few dollars in "alien conspiracies" come up with that sort of nonsense without any actual facts to ever support their unfounded claims.
I for one don't have any problem with natural selection being the cause for so much diversity. Besides, the way in which life forms are related through DNA, the way that complexities were worked out, served to pass them on. It's not just the DNA itself, but the way gene expression is manipulated, and a thousand details, that mostly were worked out in the first billion years. So that doesn't faze me.

My problem with alien intervention is the same problem I have with divine intervention: there's no evidence. The things ancient people drew and built that folks today might connect with alien visitation (landing strips, runway markers, etc) - ideas from Chariots of the Gods - are great campfire stories for kids, but it's a long shot from anything close to the world we know.

The miracles Jesus did are fairly muted for an alien. He seems almost like he barely knows his powers or what to do with them. Obviously, Jesus did not save his people from getting their butts kicked by the Romans (ca 66-67 AD), and left countless Christians to be dartboards for gladiators and mincemeat for the lions. So that doesn't make any sense either. None of it does...to me anyway.

What makes sense to me is that people tell stories and invent crazy powers and ghosts all the time. It's reflected in ancient cultures, but not in a way that corroborates anything, because the stories are different enough to preclude that.

The other thing that seems to invade ancient myths is that some of the ideas are like modern rant: completely unfounded even to their contemporaries, and, to some extent - like Revelations - they almost seem like psychotic episodes. Who knows? ...maybe in those days, a flaming schizophrenic was regarded as a prophet.
First I will go into why I believe in God: Because the biodiversity of Earth is so massive there is no way natural selection could have done it alone. (plus a few "schizophrenic" thoughts that point towards God being real)

I believe God (specifically Jesus Christ) to be an "alien from outer space" that knows science so well that he can create life. He has also mastered the creation of gravity through electrical means in order to form planets and stars.

God's forces are "top-secret" and have actually inhabited the human form on many occasions indeed. He is all-wise and benevolent.

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So, how did this "god" evolve if not through natural selection?
First there is a long history with me an the bible my great aunt started me on it. I do see some flaws. An the bible was written lon after Jesus "left". An there is no "proof",left behind. But the anciant astronaunt show is Very Interesting. But what about comets an meteors affecting early mankind. An pleagues an diseise messing with minds. Area 51 long time believed. A alien "hot spot" is just a test flight area an people "dream" up false things based on some "tall" tale an early myths. But how are we to truly figure out how the came up with these tales
If that is true then why hasn't other "aliens" visited the Earth since that man Jesus did and show us more interesting things?:shrug:

Funny that only ONE alien would visit this planet and no others followed him to see what became of his adventures here. There's also no proof that he ever was an "alien" only conjecture and speculation since his spaceship was never found and his body vanished as well. Perhaps Jesus was just another genius like Leonardo De Vinci was during his time and tried to do things that only seemed "magical" at the time he was alive to those around him who weren't as smart as he was.

Nope, I don't think aliens could have ever been here for they would be ruling over the entire world if they did being that they are so advanced. We humans are very intelligent and have done all of the research and development on our own and only people who want to make a few dollars in "alien conspiracies" come up with that sort of nonsense without any actual facts to ever support their unfounded claims.

The alien Jesus come preached for 3 years and after the Roman empire accepted His teaching ( but we human are not disciplined to follow) . But think 1.9 billion of us ( not you the atheists ) believe in him. that is a real
miracle .
Aracua. I BELIEvE !!! I'll have one more...... glass. Of sweet ice tea. Ya'll I believe in Him best to have Him with ya. Istead of against ya.. An what's the case with early individuals living so long in the bible?? Or Muhammad for that matter??
Were they ( abraham, muhammad, or others exc.)also aliens. DNK. Interesting thoughts though
First I will go into why I believe in God: Because the biodiversity of Earth is so massive there is no way natural selection could have done it alone. (plus a few "schizophrenic" thoughts that point towards God being real)

I believe God (specifically Jesus Christ) to be an "alien from outer space" that knows science so well that he can create life. He has also mastered the creation of gravity through electrical means in order to form planets and stars.

God's forces are "top-secret" and have actually inhabited the human form on many occasions indeed. He is all-wise and benevolent.

Was this post even interesting? :bugeye:
this post has been interesting. Sort of. But you have some "faith". In whatever you believe.
First I will go into why I believe in God: Because the biodiversity of Earth is so massive there is no way natural selection could have done it alone.

Once you grasp the scope of eons of time, you'll understand how this is just an argument based on incredibility, nothing more. It may seem impossible that wind and water can turn mountain chains into plains and riverbed, but when you have enough time, that happens, and has happened, over and over. Evolution is the same way, sometimes even faster, depending on the lifespans involved.

I think it would be more implausible to have one entity directing all of this than it occurring naturally.
Oh man, just wait till you watch the movie Prometheus. It'll blow your mind away if you came up with that idea all by yourself.