God as a man-made concept...


Valued Senior Member
I believe in Intelligent Design. I believe that God was designed by man. I can't see how anyone would see otherwise.

There are many Gods beginning from the earliest times in our history. If there was a "real" God, why so many "invented" ones?

Most/all Gods look like those who worship them. The Christian God is generally portrayed as a while male even though "God" as commonly defined would have no body and therefore no sex.

If God were a real concept it's much more likely that he wouldn't be human-like. He is described as a spirit and yet he seems to always be visualized as a white male.

He has emotions, is curious, can be petty...like us. Is that a coincidence :)

What are the arguments (if anyone has any) for God (whatever God you want to address) being anything other than a man-made concept?
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I believe in Intelligent Design. I believe that God was designed by man. I can't see how anyone would see otherwise.


If the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible is merely a fiction of people's imagination, how do you explain away the more than 2,000 accurately fulfill Bible prophecies, some of which have been confirmed by secular history and archeology? Those who penned the words in the Bible were inspired by Almighty God--the same God that you feel is a mere fiction of the imagination.

BTW: Some of the Bible prophecies were written in detail--centuries before the fulfillment of the prophesied events. How do you suppose a god who is supposedly the fiction of people's imagination accomplish that?
I have a box of fortune cookies and they will all come true. Should I worship my fortune cookies?

Regarding the Bible. It was written over a thousand year period. Anyone who read the earlier books could write the latter books and fulfill the prophecies.

What would have been really impressive is if God (or Jesus) has mentioned to anyone that washing one's hands before delivering a baby would save the lives of many babies and their mother's during the birthing process.

Actually, "designing" a babies head so that it would fit the birth canal and not require a C-section would have been a good move.

Designing an Earth that constantly tries to destroy itself though earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters doesn't lead me to believe that God is anymore than a design by Man.
There are many Gods beginning from the earliest times in our history. If there was a "real" God, why so many "invented" ones?


Humans were created with the desire to worship. It is inborn. So naturally, those that did not know the true God, Jehovah, proceeded to invent their own gods.

Most/all Gods look like those who worship them. The Christian God is generally portrayed as a while male even though "God" as commonly defined would have no body and therefore no sex.

If God were a real concept it's much more likely that he wouldn't be human-like. He is described as a spirit and yet he seems to always be visualized as a white male.

Sounds to me as if you are describing Christendom's Trinity, the belief that the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit/holy ghost are the same god. I drew that conclusion based upon your comment that God is portrayed as a white man, while at the same time you state God is a spirit. You are describing two different individuals which, according to the Trinity doctrine, are actually the same god (along with the holy spirit/holy ghost).
If the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible is merely a fiction of people's imagination, how do you explain away the more than 2,000 accurately fulfill Bible prophecies, some of which have been confirmed by secular history and archeology? ....Some of the Bible prophecies were written in detail--centuries before the fulfillment of the prophesied events.
Ok, I'll bite.

Can you provide an example of a few of these detailed, accurate prophecies from the bible that have been confirmed by secular history and archeology?

Humans were created with the desire to worship. It is inborn. So naturally, those that did not know the true God, Jehovah, proceeded to invent their own gods.

Sounds to me as if you are describing Christendom's Trinity, the belief that the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit/holy ghost are the same god. I drew that conclusion based upon your comment that God is portrayed as a white man, while at the same time you state God is a spirit. You are describing two different individuals which, according to the Trinity doctrine, are actually the same god (along with the holy spirit/holy ghost).

Yes, I was describing your true God Jehovah. I could describe a brown skinned Visnu who looks like most of his Indian followers but the point would be the same.
I have a box of fortune cookies and they will all come true. Should I worship my fortune cookies?


That is up to you entirely, particularly if the fortune cookie contains some 2,000 accurately fulfilled prophecies, some of which have been confirmed by scientists centuries after the event was prophesied.

Regarding the Bible. It was written over a thousand year period. Anyone who read the earlier books could write the latter books and fulfill the prophecies.

Do you expect this forum to believe that various persons did that 2,000 different times for each of the 2,000 or so accurately fulfilled Bible prophecies? That is a weak rebuttal, and one that defies belief. But since you are making the claim, suppose you prove it to the rest of the forum with documentary evidence--from credible sources. Your skepticism is not a rebuttal. That's just you saying: "I don't believe it."

While you are looking for documentary evidence to prove your above claims, be sure and explain how anyone could have gone back and written something into manuscripts that the Jewish religious leaders already had, and which other people had already read--prior to the fulfillment of the prophecies. How could anyone go back and insert words into manuscripts that were already in circulation for generations--without other people who had already read those manuscripts not being aware of the later addition?

How do you respond?

I believe in Intelligent Design. I believe that God was designed by man. I can't see how anyone would see otherwise.

There are many Gods beginning from the earliest times in our history. If there was a "real" God, why so many "invented" ones?

Most/all Gods look like those who worship them. The Christian God is generally portrayed as a while male even though "God" as commonly defined would have no body and therefore no sex.

If God were a real concept it's much more likely that he wouldn't be human-like. He is described as a spirit and yet he seems to always be visualized as a white male.

He has emotions, is curious, can be petty...like us. Is that a coincidence :)

What are the arguments (if anyone has any) for God (whatever God you want to address) being anything other than a man-made concept?
the beloved is called by different names.
all the god is female.
christians are afraid of the cosmic woman.
Ok, I'll bite.

Can you provide an example of a few of these detailed, accurate prophecies from the bible that have been confirmed by secular history and archeology?

James R:

Certainly I can. There are three specific prophecies I have in mind that are rather complex and require multiple postings. I would end up hijacking this thread if I were to start laying those out in here. I do not hijack other people's threads. That is a rule that I live by.

Tell you what: I can start a thread on the topic of proving the Bible to be inspired of God--which I have debated at other websites. However, this website has a rule about spam and might consider the debating of the same topic that I have debated elsewhere as spam.

By definition, spam is the posting of something with no intention of debating the topic. I always actively debate my threads. But other people have different definitions for spam.


That is up to you entirely, particularly if the fortune cookie contains some 2,000 accurately fulfilled prophecies, some of which have been confirmed by scientists centuries after the event was prophesied.

Do you expect this forum to believe that various persons did that 2,000 different times for each of the 2,000 or so accurately fulfilled Bible prophecies? That is a weak rebuttal, and one that defies belief. But since you are making the claim, suppose you prove it to the rest of the forum with documentary evidence--from credible sources. Your skepticism is not a rebuttal. That's just you saying: "I don't believe it."

While you are looking for documentary evidence to prove your above claims, be sure and explain how anyone could have gone back and written something into manuscripts that the Jewish religious leaders already had, and which other people had already read--prior to the fulfillment of the prophecies. How could anyone go back and insert words into manuscripts that were already in circulation for generations--without other people who had already read those manuscripts not being aware of the later addition?

How do you respond?


Since you have mentioned the 2,000 prophecies that have been fulfilled go ahead and list them. I can't really address this claim without that can I?

I've read the Bible and I don't know what you are referring to. I assume these prophecies are more specific than "one day there will be war, etc".
the beloved is called by different names.
all the god is female.
christians are afraid of the cosmic woman.

I asked for any evidence that God is anything other than a man-made concept and your answer is "all the god is female, christians are afraid of the cosmic woman"?

Either you don't understand English or you can't write English.
I asked for any evidence that God is anything other than a man-made concept and your answer is "all the god is female, christians are afraid of the cosmic woman"?

Either you don't understand English or you can't write English.
dear friend,
i again write, the 'you' in the body of flesh observes, this observation is god.
fanatics are infatuated with god, so dont worry how they define god.
dear friend,
i again write,
the 'you' in the body of flesh observes, this observation is god.
fanatics are infatuated with god, so dont worry how they define god.
the god can not be created, if he is created then he will die.
lets say he die, where he will go then, where his personality came from, you know and i also know such questions are circular bondages.
the life is in the form of spiral, ever going deep and deep, the search for the eternal.
you too search in your own ways.
There are three specific prophecies I have in mind that are rather complex and require multiple postings.

I hope they aren't complex because they are ambiguous.

Tell you what: I can start a thread on the topic of proving the Bible to be inspired of God--which I have debated at other websites. However, this website has a rule about spam and might consider the debating of the same topic that I have debated elsewhere as spam.
It's fine for you to start a thread on that topic. Please post a link here when you've done it.
James R:

Certainly I can. There are three specific prophecies I have in mind that are rather complex and require multiple postings. I would end up hijacking this thread if I were to start laying those out in here. I do not hijack other people's threads. That is a rule that I live by.

Tell you what: I can start a thread on the topic of proving the Bible to be inspired of God--which I have debated at other websites. However, this website has a rule about spam and might consider the debating of the same topic that I have debated elsewhere as spam.

By definition, spam is the posting of something with no intention of debating the topic. I always actively debate my threads. But other people have different definitions for spam.

ofcourse bible can be inspired by god.
but the generalization of god, is the result of bible.
whenever these self help guides are created people become lazy, and then tragedy begins.
Since you have mentioned the 2,000 prophecies that have been fulfilled go ahead and list them. I can't really address this claim without that can I?

I've read the Bible and I don't know what you are referring to. I assume these prophecies are more specific than "one day there will be war, etc".


I have no intention of listing 2,000 prophecies. You are asking me to spam up this website. Do you know how many pages on this forum it would take and how many hours would be involved in posting 2,000 different Bible prophecies? Who do you think has that kind of time to waste? I have a life off-line, fella. And if the moderators are going to ban me, it will not be on account of me spamming up this website with 2,000 Bible prophecies--which you already thumbed your nose at when you compared them to your fortune cooking.

I will present three outstanding prophecies in a thread of my own, with the okay from the moderators, at a future time.


I have no intention of listing 2,000 prophecies. You are asking me to spam up this website. Do you know how many pages on this forum it would take and how many hours would be involved in posting 2,000 different Bible prophecies? Who do you think has that kind of time to waste? I have a life off-line, fella. And if the moderators are going to ban me, it will not be on account of me spamming up this website with 2,000 Bible prophecies--which you already thumbed your nose at when you compared them to your fortune cooking.

I will present three outstanding prophecies in a thread of my own, with the okay from the moderators, at a future time.

Great. I'll respond at a future time. Is your "faith" based on a fortune telling Bible?