God, are we him yet?


Registered Senior Member
God is a problematic belief. So many holes can be picked in the concept of god. Given ten years stuck on a desery island I could certainly write you a book longer than the bible about whats wrong with relgion.

The reality is we evolved. We are here. Where are we going? Where is life going?
Regardless of whether or not there is life elsewhere in the universe, eventually life evolves and becomes intellegent, and expands and explores and fills the universe.
This will continue into the millions and billions of years.

... just a sec here:
We can imagine this scenario. Why can't god?
Now according to christians the universe was created thousands of years ago and will end soon.
Why such a short time? Why would god only let things 'run' for such a short time?
Will god 'do' another the universe and create it differently? Will there be a next universe after the apocolypse? With different beings on a different world?

One reason i'm not religious is because I ask these insanely logical and simple questions, that completely undermine any chance of me believing relgion.
Thoughts like these are very difficult not to have, unless you are monumentally brainwashed. Hmm...

(if the universe expands forever:)
Lets skip ahead a few hundred billion years. Entropy is high, the universe has degraded, life is everywhere, feeding on the glowing embers of the cosmos. A few hundred billion years more and matter itself will decay into radiation as the proton half life catches up.
(if it collapses into a big crunch:)
Far apart regions of the universe will come back together and life will begin to recombine.

Either way the universe collapses to spacelike infinity, or timelike infinity. Both being a single point, like a reverse big bang. Tricky stuff, leave that to the physicists.

But what happens at the end of spacetime? By then life would have permeated the universe entirely, nothing would be untouched.
This final flash, this final god. Will of course be independant of time....
It will reach back across history, across time and space back to the begining of the universe.
It will see all alternate universes and all possiblities all at once.

It will choose one path for everything to take.
Creation never happend it is happening now.
Think about it....
the past is set in concrete, yet the future is undecided.
Like a rope being wound from many different strands.
When is NOW ? it doesn't exist. It flashes into the past.
So nothing really exists since nothing has a now.
There are no paradoxes in that.
So therefore, our bodies, our thoughts, and what we do in this universe is intertwined with reality and the future.

Beautiful idea, no?

I could have made this longer with lots of arguments and references.... i will some time though :)
Very grand and beautiful, yes. But how does this undermine the chance of believing in God? I have those same thoughts, and I cannot help to think how great God must be to have made all this, and yet can say that what we see now is only a shadow of what is to come.

God is outside of time and space. You asked 'what is NOW?' What is HERE? It is only as far as we can see, "here" is limited by our physical presence. God's presence isn't physical - His 'here' isn't limited to a dimension. His 'now' isn't limited to a time.

Is a thousand years a long or a short time?

Matthew 24
21 "For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will.
22 "Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.
23 "Then if anyone says to you, 'Behold, here is the Christ,' or 'There He is,' do not believe him.