God and Soul... beyond Religion


In pursuit...
Registered Senior Member
I think that we are often restricted in the interpretation of God since we tend to think from within the framework of the religion we follow. Below the determined faith that we have, is a clear understanding that the theories of whatever faith we follow and their books, are innumerable questions that cannot be answered. But religions that enforce a code of conduct on the believers suppress free thought by the same extent.

But I do believe there does exist God, for I have experienced the power and its effects, which could never have been mere coincidences, though I am not interested in proving this to anybody. And I do believe I am rational and do play with bits and bytes for a career.

I strongly feel that once we begin to understand God, going beyond the accepted beliefs, we would get closer to the real picture, which in all probability, is much more powerful than anyone of us can imagine.

One thought that I often have is whether the existence of souls (and many people vouching that they have spoken to such souls) is an indicator that God operates through such ethereal souls. Is it possible that there are a lot of differently powered souls, with some responsibilities chalked out? Each great human might exist for some time as a soul on the earth and might be able to communicate with humans.

Is it possible?
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